Homosexual Serial Killers

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Frogman, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. The Right Way New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Jshurley04, we weren't bashing gays on this thread, we were bashing a single minister who might have some personal homosexual issues that he is in denial about. He sent out an email claiming homo's and serial killers are related possibly to make himself feel better about his own gay problem.

    Please read the posts before you start preaching at us.
  2. Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Brethren,
    Let's covenant together to reach people with the truth. We have no command to tolerate sin in order to win 'souls' for Christ.

    If we tolerate sin, we have not won them to Christ.

    I also still have not seen where the derivative of this man's 'secret' is that he is a gay trying to justify his own secret feelings.

    This man and I disagree on many things, he knows that, I and he have discussed our disagreements in person, face to face, we have grown irritable with one another, I still think his belief is unbibilical (and I am not talking about his stand against homosexuality) and he still thinks my belief is unbiblical, we continue to 'bash' each others beliefs, but I think it is time to explain why you feel you have justification for defending those living in open known abomination against God, while bashing a brother who is trying as much as is humanly possible to preach the word of God from these politically correct states to Thailand.

    You cannot justify your bashing of him, except by claiming an unbiblical command to win souls for the Lamb of God, even if it means tolerating their open sinfulness.

    I for one will stand for this man in his belief. He may have presented some poorly researched information, but he is a professed child of God and has returned to the U.S. only in the last month from Thailand, depriving himself of the leisure comforts we have enjoyed, he went there shortly after attending a bible conference in Alabama in June last year.

    Well, I have said enough.

    Bro. Dallas Eaton
  3. doug_mmm New Member

    Aug 26, 2002
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    stated : David Koresh: Claimed Christian Minister, also God, heterosexual as well as child molester, taught abstinence. Killed most of his flock.

    Is it not the case that David Koresh was cleared of child molestation by the Welfare agencies ?
    Further he may have had sex with a / several 14 year old ( dont know for sure ) but that is not illegal in Texas. I understand you can get married at that age ( with parental consent in Texas ).

    Killed most of his flock ???? No was murdered by the FBI and ATF. Investigate this closely.....
    for yourselves.

    There is a video about WACO called 'Waco, state of siege' ? it is really scary.

    David Koresh: Claimed Christian Minister, also God, heterosexual as well as child molester, taught abstinence. Killed most of his flock.
    No I dont expect you to believe me, tall claims I've made, all I ask is you find out for yourself.

    yours in Christ
  4. Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    I am going to request this topic be deleted.

    I pulled this message and placed it here out of its original context, this is a grave injustice to the man who posted that message to me. It is a greater injustice to continue to subject what I know of him to this kind of speculation. The things stated from his email message may not be 100% true, I did not follow them up, this is my error as well. This man has done nothing wrong except trusting me by sending me this information. I can only say that I am very thankful I had the good sense to delete his name and email address prior to posting it.

    I also wish to say, and will welcome pms or even a public chastizement for this, that I think it is a sad day when brethren will attack brethren because of their stand against sin.

    I do not, nor does this man have a corner on all truth. But to divert the issue by insinuating something against his character and then to claim to be able to read in his single message a justification for that insinuation I think is appalling.

    If you disagree with me then disagree, if you bash me, then bash me, but I cannot let this man suffer because I was ignorant enough to post his email message to me.

    Anyone wishing to express any last words, now is your chance.

    Bro. Dallas Eaton
  5. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Topic closed at the request of originator.