Homosexuals Pass Out Bibles...

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by FBCPastorsWife, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    ...At the Entrance to the Southern Baptist Convention

    I found this tidbit of info on our local radio station's website ( www.1450wgns.com ) Has anyone heard this anywhere else? The radio station is pretty conservative and I doubt they would make it up but I have not heard the report anywhere else.

    Tonight is the last night for the Southern Baptist Convention to be held in Nashville and we have learned some controversial news. A group of gay and lesbians wanting to bring awareness to their lifestyle stood at the gates to the “GEC” and passed out what has been called a “pro-gay” bible. Southern Baptist are a group that traditionally encourages strong family values and homosexuality (which was on the outside of the convention), is not a part of those values.
  2. jdcanady Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    I find it hard to believe a "pro-gay" bible is really a bible.
  3. jdcanady Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    It says alot about the boldness of evil in these last days.
  4. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    It wasn't pro-gay Bibles; it was pro-gay Bible studies,, "Christian Youth: An Important Voice in the Present Struggle for Gay Rights in America" and "What The Bible Says - And Doesn't Say - About Homosexuality."

    That's according to Soulforce, which said they would be presented by "a select group of gays and lesbians from Soulforce, Inc. who grew up Southern Baptist."
  5. Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    If someone has a copy of the bible studies, I think it would be an interesting read.
  6. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    Did the Southern Baptists who were in attendance at this conference witness Jesus Christ to these homosexuals??? Or, did they turn their noses up at the sight of them in disgust and shun them???

    A perfect opportunity to witness life to a group of people who came to the Christians on their own.

    How many of these souls were won to Christ that day???
  7. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Why assume no one witnessed? Maybe some did, and we would probably never know about it. You shouldn't just assume no one did. Also, it's hard to witness to people who are activists in this area -- that is, they are already Christians, or claim to be. So how do you witness to them? They will say they are born again, that they believe Jesus is the only way, etc. etc.
  8. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    Sy Rogers has quite a ministry in this area, and it is interesting to note that he was in a church that said to him - Just hang loose and be gay, that is o.k. Yet he said that God convicted him as a member of this group that what they were preaching was not o.k
  9. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    FBCPW, I haven't heard anything about this and I have several friends who are at the convention meetings. Our church is SBC, and I haven't heard a think about it. Was it on the local news? If so, I didn't see it.

    BillyMac, I can guarantee you that many in the SBC would have indeed witnessed to them. Unlike many in the IFB circles, the SBC tries to be a witness to all, black, white, homosexual/lesbian, drug addict, drunkard, etc.
  10. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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  11. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Seems like these perverts have an understanding of what the Bible says about the love of God, the problem is that they say that God accepts them as homosexuals. This cannot be corrected simply by telling these people about who Jesus is and what He accomplished on the cross, they already know this. They need to be confronted about their wicked lifestyle and told about God's judgment, not coddled.
  12. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    Seems like these perverts have an understanding of what the Bible says about the love of God, the problem is that they say that God accepts them as homosexuals. This cannot be corrected simply by telling these people about who Jesus is and what He accomplished on the cross, they already know this. They need to be confronted about their wicked lifestyle and told about God's judgment, not coddled. </font>[/QUOTE]You'll win a whole lotta souls with that attitude brother. :rolleyes: Do you apply that logic equally to every catagory of the unsaved??? If all Christians did, then no one would be getting witnessed to would they.

    There are different approaches to influencing people. Personally, I prefer honey to vinegar.

    (aside: vinegar! Wasn't that what they gave Jesus when He hung on the cross to quench his thirst??? How ironic.)

    It seems brother that you have proved my point.
  13. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Billy seems to forget that Jesus was quite direct with the woman at the well, even NAMING HER SIN. Nothing wrong with Terry's approach.
  14. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    Oh I agree. Nothing wrong with Terry's approach: he's just being Terry.
  15. OCC Guest

    If only you'd all heard what I heard HAPPENS at Southern Baptist conventions. :( It ain't pretty and I'm not going to get into it. Yet...they talk about homosexuals.
  16. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    This is sick! Jesus and His apostles preached REPENTANCE! Jesus does not forgive an unrepentant heart. He rejects those who reject Him. A sodomite who has not repented is still a sodomite and will not enter Heaven. There will be no "gay rights" in Heaven. There's nothing "gay" about being a sodomite. Woe to them that call evil good. (Isaiah 5:20 kjBible)

    They mock us and they are multiplying quicker than one can imagine...even in this small southern farm town, they say there's a doctor who is a sodomite. And the people love to have it so. The churches welcome them with open arms and coddle them. Psalms 5:5(kjB) says that God HATES all workers of iniquity. A sodomite is a worker of iniquity.

    Sodomy, a filthy sin, started in the city of Sodom. God judged that city for it's filthy sin! He burned it and the surrounding cities with brimstone as an example for those who would follow in their sinfulness. God commended the kings who took the sodomites out of their land and destroyed their houses.

    Perhaps, Lot could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah from its destruction if he had preached against the filth of their sin instead of keeping his mouth shut! The sodomites have become proud (Gay-Pride Parades)of their sin BECAUSE the preachers quit preaching against sodomy!

    When you promote government privileges to sodomites, you are making God-fearing tax-payers PAY for their unGodly filthy deathstyle. And we wonder why this country is in the mess it's in now!
  17. The Shogun New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    King James is an instigator -- and only wants to stir up strife. Saying this like "I heard" and "I'm not going to get into it". He knows not of anything he speaks.

    Any homosexual protestors that show up at the SBC are intentionally witnessed to. Trained folks are on call 24/7 just for that reason -- to lovingly present the gospel to the homosexual protestors.
  18. RandR New Member

    Jun 12, 2003
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    There wasn't the usual large Soulforce protest this year. Never saw more than one or two people passing out the aforementioned literature. And several people stopped to share with them throughout the day.

    Ironically, the largest group of protestors this year were liberal christians from other denominations and from the nashville area who turned out Sunday or Monday afternoon. Probaby a couple of dozen people.
  19. OCC Guest

    Shogun...you know not of anything you speak. I am not an instigator (well...when I see an error I may instigate) but I am not trying to stir up strife. Someone has a problem with homosexuals handing out Bibles and the SBC is so holier than thou righteous I decided to say exactly what I said. I did not list specific things because that was not my point. My point was to show that the SBC is not the be all and end all.

    "He knows not of anything he speaks." How do you know? I didn't WRITE what I know. Man...gather the facts before you accuse next time. Or are you just being an instigator?
  20. OCC Guest

    GrannyGumbo, your country is in the mess it's in now because of pseudo-Christian Republican politicians. And because of Christians themselves...who worry more about clothing and how Christians "shouldn't drink" than loving PEOPLE!

    Oh..and it's also in the mess it's in because it is in a sinful world. Did you think your country had an exemption clause from the results of sin?

    "He rejects those who reject Him"...spoken like a true Arminian.