How many Deacons does your church have?

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Ps104_33, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Are most of you folks who posted SBC? From my understanding, it would appear as if this is so.
    14 deacons for 300 folks? That's one for every 20 people. I can't understand the need for that. Another said they are elected for life. That sounds like the SCOTUS. Again, I just don't understand that. Too much opportunity for power mad dictators. Not saying what you and your church chooses to do is wrong. I just don't understand it, that's all.

    In my home church, we have about 900-1200, give or take a few. We don't maitain a "Church membership roll" as do many other Baptist stripes do. We have 9 deacons. We elect a new set of three every three years. No deacon can serve longer than three years at a stretch. He may be re-elected at a future date, but once his three years is done, he is done until such time in the future that his name comes up again for election. This avoids a whole buch of politicking, and avoids power struggles. Our men know they have only three years at a whack, and they know it is for service to the body. So they do a great job while in office. We don't give deacons lifetime office.

    In HIS service;
  2. mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    The Dutch word for what I do is koster and includes being the custodian of the churchbuilding as well.
  3. LRL71 New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    Would it be possible to have deacons do what the Bible says deacons should do? Although the Bible is silent as to the duration of time in which an official of the church should serve, it is best said that once a deacon/deaconness or an elder/pastor/bishop is no longer qualified to be in the ministry, then that is when such a person should not serve in that capacity. Now, as to deacons/deaconnesses, they are servants who are at the beck and call of the church. They are NOT rulers of the church, nor are they dictators as would be the case in some churches!

    My church has one deacon, and though we're only four months old, we will be adding some soon.
  4. Deacon Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 23, 2002
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    What do our deacons do?
    They serve! It's maligned on the BB but we do have a deacon board (it's run by the pastors).
    The deacons help the pastors to run the church.
    We help do the work of the ministry.

    We oversee maintenance of our buildings (big job with older buildings).
    We oversee the budget by counting and collecting and administrating.
    We handle the administration of the education of our Sunday school and weekday daycare.
    We visit the sick.
    We care for the widows and homeless.
    We support church discipline and administer it when directed.

    We do what the pastors tell us to do (and more).

    Some might say these are the pastors responsibilities. I disagree.
    A pastors job is to train up his flock.
    He provides the leadership and direction.

    As our deacons take on more of these tasks that burden the pastors, the pastors are able to focus on their main purpose of teaching and prayer.

    Oh, and btw, we are not Southern Baptist.
