How would you handle this?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by abcgrad94, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I remember that...

    And to really get rid of them all they had to do was light a match!

    Seriously, I do remember kerosene as a lice killer... don't know if it worked though.

    Here's an idea...
    If that one youth that is always causing problems (you know who they are) gets lice...

    Cure him with kerosene, and give him a taste of what Hell will be like if he doesn't get saved!!!
  2. youngmom4 New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    Nope, never in my life, but my Grandma is. :thumbs:

    I'm not speaking of this as a matter for a lawsuit, but rather that the state can not force a clergy person to breach the confidentiality between him/her and a member of his/her congregation, or in any situation where the person was acting as clergy.

    Duh...I'm a pre-law student...I already know that it is most serious between an attorney and client.

    Please don't roll your eyes at me. I'm a pre-law student with a 4.0 GPA, not an idiot. The concern I'm expressing here is a valid one. I did not have time to research last night to see how it would apply in different states.

    Again, I'm not worried about a pastor being sued, I'm more worried about the fact that they can not be forced to breach a confidentiality that is protected by a legal privilege. I would not be surprised if most states have, in fact, done away with this when it comes to violence against kids, though. They really should...I've never agreed with criminals being protected by the church.

    I don't think you're really getting what I'm saying here. By virtue of what you're saying, I would be correct in stating that a pastor could get in trouble for not reporting suspected child abuse if he is a mandatory reporter. On the other hand, if he is not a mandatory reporter and chooses to report a case of suspected child abuse and is deemed to have violated confidentiality protected by privilege, he may not be in legal trouble, and he may not be in trouble with the church government, but he is certainly going to be in trouble as far as not being very well trusted by members of his congregation.

    I have this site bookmarked, along with many others that are helpful in legal research. As I said, I'm a pre-law student. I know how to do legal research, I just didn't have time to do it last night.
  3. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    Your “Duh” remark accomplishes nothing. I didn’t know you were a law student. There are many posters on this board, most are unfamiliar to me.

    One of my best friends dropped by, and helped me real quick with my reply to you. He is an Attorney and Judge. Your post was obviously misunderstood by us both.

    Let's encourage Pastors and Clergy to report (in their opinion) suspected cases of child abuse /neglect, not plant ramifications where they don't exist. We were talking about mandatory reporting of child abuse/neglect in this post, not CPS pressuring a Clergy or a Pastor to breach confidentiality. Sorry I misunderstood you at first.

    No one called you an idiot, nor do I believe that. Due to this comment and the "duh" remark, I searched a few of your posts. See your post right below this sentence located in the homeschool forum.

    You obviously have a high opinion of yourself
    And a short fuse
    Again, you are telling us your GPA & the fact you're a pre-med student. Know there are many college graduates here on the BB, including myself.
    To my knowledge, CPS doesn’t pressure Clergy or Pastors to break confidentiality. Like I said, this "privilege" doesn't carry much weight anyhow.

    Again, we were taking about the calling to report suspected child abuse/neglect with regards to abcgrad94’s post.
    Glad to hear you are a pre-med student, I wish you luck :thumbs:

  4. abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Actually, yes. This has been a very difficult situation for me since my kids and I were the ones directly affected. I appreciate all the input from everyone here, and hopefully other people who face this issue at church or school will glean some good information from this thread, as well.
  5. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Getting back to the OP and the lice prob-blem-oh

    Several years ago our daughter came down with a good case of um----mercy knows where she got um from---who cares--could have been the millionaire's kid---could have been the pauper's kid

    The problem was ---- getting rid of um

    She has forevermore thick hair on her scalp----you can't see through it to the scalp without extreme parting

    But the lice were there----it all started one day when she said---

    "When I brush my hair---these bugs keep falling out!!!"

    When I heard her say that I thought, "Oh, Lord have mercy!!! Oh, Son of David help us!!!!"

    I found one of the Lice----looked at it through a magnifine glass--sho' enuff!!!! Dem's was Lice!!!!

    We home school our kids---so she didn't miss any school

    We did keep her out of church, though

    We tried the RID stuff--over the counter stuff from Wally-World

    The Lice just laughed:laugh: at RID!!!! Didn't phase them a bit!!!! They just kept on with their business!!!:type:

    We tried a Home remedy someone told us about----Vaseline Petroleum Jelly-----the Jelly was supposed to suffocate the little rascels---as Arnold Swartznegger would say----"BAD MOVE!!!!!"

    Does anyone on this board know how hard it is to wash out Vaseline from a little girl's hair?????

    Then someone told my wife----"Beer will wash the Jelly out!!!" --- so she went to a Piggly Wiggly TWO counties over to buy the beer---because she didn't want any church member to see her with it-----I unloaded the beer from the truck----she bought enough of it to keep Otis Campbell happy for a long, long time!!!!!!:laugh:

    The beer did get the jelly out----but it got the Lice drunk, too!!!! They oblidged themselves to set up camp a little longer in hopes of getting drinched by beer over and over!!! I told my wife---"The Lice don't like Budweiser---they prefer Pabst's Blue Ribbon!!!!! They told me themselves early this morning!!!!":thumbs:

    We gave up on home remedies---went to the doctor and got perscription strength stuff---that proved to be the answer!!! The difference between RID and what the doctor gave proved to be-----the difference between 87 octane fuel you put in Volkswagons and 100 octane fuel you put in Jeff Stewart's race car!!!!

    We had to pick the nits out ourselves---nits are Lice eggs that the Lice shampoo won't kill---we had to get every stinkin' nit out or guess what??? Baby Lice in 5-6 days!!!!

    But how would I handle the OP's case as a preacher??? Tell daddy/momma to keep their kids home from church---until the prob-blem-oh is solved---if somebody gets their feelings hurt---well---that'll just have to be tuff luck---but---if they knew what I know about lice problems and stuff---and they follow instructions on how to get rid of them----they'll be back---I mean, why should some one get "miffed" and quit coming to church because I told them their kid has lice and to keep them away for a while

    Gracious alive-----if that be the case---tell them to go to the doctor and get the perscription strength shampoo for Lice and tell the doctor to give them a "Chill Pill" while he's at it, too!!!! Quitting church over lice problems---gracious alive---chill out, folks!!!! Stop by Wally World and get yourself a baby bottle and some Isomill formula--cause thats what you are---a "baby" for quittin church over lice!!!!
  6. SBCPreacher Active Member
    Site Supporter

    May 30, 2006
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    I couldn't have said it... uuhhh... better. Might have used a few less words, but I couldn't have said it better.
  7. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Best post of the yr!!!
  8. ccrobinson Active Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Bro. blackbird, who's Jeff Stewart? :D
  9. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    My girls came down with headlice about 5 years ago. We used the scheduled olive oil treatments described in the link in my last post. The first treatment kills the adults and the larvae. While their hair was slick with the oil, my wife and I combed as many of the nits out that we could.

    Then we put plastic covers on their heads and sent them to bed. In the morning the olive oil washed right out.

    In about four days, we did the same thing, because unless you shave the head, you're gonna miss a nit or two.

    We did this every few days for about a month according to a specific schedule designed around the life cycle of the headlouse.

    No more lice, and no harmful chemicals and pediculicides. No dry scalps either!

    Facts about headlice:

    1. A headlouse does not live or breed anywhere but on a human head. A louse found anywhere else is either injured or dying. (No need to nuke the house.)

    2. A headlouse separated from a human host dies in no more than 48 hours.

    3. Headlice prefer clean heads.

    4. Headlice prefer children. Though all three of our girls had severe cases, neither my wife nor I became infested.

    5. Typing about this makes my head itch.
  10. Rubato 1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I'd love to hear blackbird tackle Uncle Remus...


    Is this from Bill Cosby or somethin'?
  11. Joshua Rhodes <img src=/jrhodes.jpg>

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Reading about it makes my head itch.
  12. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I was reading this thread the other night before I went to bed.. .and woke up scratching my head... it was itching sooooo bad!!!
    I got up in the middle of the night and washed my hair!!!

    Aaron makes some good points...
    Lice seems to like some people better than others..

    For instance, growing up, my sister would get them at least once a yr... (she was close friends with a girl with chronic lice)...
    I never did... and I didn't wear the butch style haircuts either...
    Lice just never did like me, I guess! (OK, there's a joke there somewhere.. I know someone will say something)

    My son's never have gotten them although they have been around kids in school, and youth group with it... One of my son's teachers got lice a couple yrs ago, but he never did...
  13. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Blackbird's post was really great.
    But Aaron, you have brought such comfort to me.
    I substitute teach, and periodically when I have been there, random headlice checks have sent some kids home immediately from school.

    I have never gotten them, but I have dreaded getting them just because of the cure seeming so dreadful as well. I can deal with the scalp a lot easier than trying to find every last nit in carpet, curtains, couch, mattresses, etc. Or washing and drycleaning everything in the closets.
    I can't imagine.

    So thanks, Aaron.
  14. abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Unfortunately, Karen, that wasn't the case for me. I ended up having to cut off my long hair (a drastic change for me) because my hair was too long and thick to comb out all the nits. I'm sure my kids caught them first, then gave them to me. Ugh!

    Needless to say, I didn't send pictures with our Christmas cards this year. The girls and I are "bobbed" for a while. They were growing their hair out for Locks of Love and almost had enough to donate until this happened.
  15. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    RID didn't work for us. We used the comb though.

    We got rid of lice with vinegar and tea tree oil. Tea Tree oil must be diluted with water so it's a bit tricky. Needs to be very strong. The first dose caused the head to turn red in certain spots. I would dab it on first to check the level of irritation.

    There are variations of tea tree oil, yet I forgot how to identify the good tea tree oil. We bought it from a Company called Melaleuca, similar to Amway. Also from the natural foods store. See the letters on the bottle.. the more expensive oil is usually the right kind.
  16. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Now I know why I thought you guys were always a little "buggy"! :laugh:

  17. Aaron Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 4, 2000
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    You're quite welcome. Yep, headlice are relatively easy to kill. Body lice, on the other hand, well . . . gotta burn all the clothes and bedding and nuke the house. Thankfully, we've never been so afflicted, but many homeless are.
  18. youngmom4 New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    It's pre-law, not pre-med, but I'll accept your well wishes anyway! :thumbs: If you're going to quote one of my posts, quote the context of the conversation...another poster had asked me if I felt like I could teach my children, so the remark you quoted was in response to that. In other words, because I do so well in school myself, I think I have the ability to teach my kids, but I also doubt whether I have the patience to do so. It's not thinking highly of myself, it's being honest about my own strengths and weeknesses and asking for advice from parents who currently homeschool as to how that might affect my kids, if I choose to do it. See, I'm also smart enough to seek advice from others who've been there before me and have a better idea of what I'm up against. I'm not full of myself, but I am proud of the strengths I do have and constantly try to improve my weaknesses.

    I'll apologize for saying duh...that really wasn't any better than you rolling your eyes at me. :thumbs: All I can say is I was really tired when I read that post, and it seemed as if you were insinuating that I had no clue what I was talking about. It might be true that in your state clergy privilege is on its way out the window, but in my state it is still alive and thriving; sorry still haven't had a chance to look up the law itself. I've been dealing with a four year old who was just diagnosed with asthma and has an ear infection on top of it, followed by my two year old coming down with the ear infection last night! :BangHead: Anyway, let's be friends...I usually agree with your posts, but I had some concerns as to the accuracy of your legal information in this one. :wavey:
  19. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    If you noticed, I first called you a pre-law student. Makes no difference as long as we get the information straight
    Except the rolling eyes smiley doesn't mean "I don't think you have a clue", or you are dumb/clueless. Duh certainly does.
    Rolling eyes smiley on a message board isn't limited to that definition. Yet I'll apologize also. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

    Even in a heated conversation, I would not roll my eyes with that intention
    Not according to my legal research, or my Attorney friend's knowledge.
    As I do yours.

    If you wish to debate it, feel free to PM me. Otherwise, my information still stands. This privilege regarding this issue doesn't apply, even in Texas.

    Yes, I would like to be friends. I'll pray for your child's asthma. Thanks for the reply :1_grouphug:
  20. youngmom4 New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    Thanks for the prayers. I am having to learn how to deal with this for the first time, and it isn't easy. It seems like if he so much as walks outside and breathes cold air, it sets off an asthma attack. Then again, I knew the chances were good for at least one of my children to end up with asthma because both my mother and sister have it, so it's not really unexpected. I'd shake your hand, but there's no smiley for that...and besides some people might think I was being rude! :laugh: