Hyles Anderson College

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by mark brandwein, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. To study to be a pastor

  2. To teach

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  1. Charles Smith New Member

    Sep 17, 2003
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    Kidz, I remember you posting that you were attending GCBI. How ya like it?
  2. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I agree with you.
  3. Gunther New Member

    Jun 17, 2003
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    Haines City is closer to Lakeland than Orlando. If you know where Lakeland is.

    Clearwater is in league with Maranatha, Calvary, Central Seminary, Detroit Seminary, etc.
  4. Grasshopper Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 19, 2002
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  5. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Did you meet Dave Hyles there? If so, what did you think of him?
  6. Dr. Gerald Click New Member

    Jul 4, 2003
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    Remember, Hyles was very big on "Bus Ministries" Perhaps many were saved while in the buses, and not in the auditorium? Could this account for the difference between the capacity in the auditorium, and the number saved? I know this is little off subject, just trying to answer a question that came up.
  7. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Probably, it was true about the bus ministries. First Baptist Church claims, "World's Largest Sunday School" that time in year during 1970's there was about 35,000 attend Sunday School classes. That bus ministry was running under Late Dr. Wally Babee, Captian of the Bus ministry.

    Yet, when I was a student at Midwestern Baptist College in 1991. My old friend as student of MBC who is about 5 or 6 years older than me. He told me, when he was 9 years old, he lived in Gary, Ind. He was brought to FBC, was baptized, but he does not understand what a man witness gospel to him, because he witnessed TOO FAST. He does not understand the salvation at the first place. Years later, he finally understand the salvation by take more time to understand salvation through witness.

    I doubt that all 15,000 souls were actaul saved on a single Sunday morning, on "Pentacost Day". I cannot read their heart if thy aretruly saved. Only God knows their hearts.

    I read an article saying that Late Dr. Hyles claim he personal won 300,000 souls in his lifetime. I do not buy it. I guess that was his pride attitude.

    Can you find any verse saying HOW MANY souls Christ & Paul won them in their ministry?

    SILENCE! Why? Because both were truly humble with right attitude.

    I respect Dr. Tom Malone & Dr. Lee Roberson very well. Both never claim how many souls they lead them to Christ in their lifetime. I like their attitude, because they are goldy men, and both are humble.

    I did witness to people many times. I did led several people to Christ. But, I can't remember how many souls I won them to Christ. I rather to be surprise when I will find out in the heaven at the judgement seat of Christ.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 - Amen!
  8. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Mark, you've chosen wisely where NOT to go. We will continue to uphold you in prayer as to your decision where TO go.

    Now, can we get personal? Reading your posts you do not seem like a traditional student (18, single). Tell us a little about yourself and what you DESIRE to gain from your education. THAT will help narrow down possible choices.

    Again, pm me as you did if you do not want such public.
  9. Kidz-4-HIM New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Yes, I am taking some courses from GCBI and I love it!!
  10. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I agree with Dr. Bob Griffin
  11. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    No, we were never introduced but, I heard him preach many times. Once we were at a sort of pot luck dinner and I overheard an elderly lady and a young lady in her early twenties introducing themselves to each other. It turns out that they had both been attending FBC all their lives and had never laid eyes on each other before. Now, THAT'S a big church. The auditorium would hold about 5,000 and they had two services each Sunday morning. At the time the recod for Sunday School was about 25,000 and they had about 260 buses. As far as my impression of Jack Hyles is concerned, I liked his preaching, I thought he was a bit of a dictator, and there was a little too much following of his preference standards as though they were gospel. I left because of money problems and a little disillusionment.
  12. Kidz-4-HIM New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Please don't let what others say change your mind, pray and let God direct you in your life.
    God Bless
  13. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Good advice, Cline. But so many make decisions based on peer pressure or recommendations from others. Best to garner all the information you can, from every perspective.

    It's not a cosmic crap-shoot; we can make informed decisions WITH God's direction!

    (I remember turning down a full scholarship at the University of Minnesota to go to an unaccredited Bible college. Parents freaked! But it was God's perfect will. We will pray for you!)
  14. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    No friend AT ALL of FBCH or "Dr" Hyles. Many of the allegations are clearly documented, but I always view "expose" sites with suspicion. I would never recommend ANY young person go to school there, but each young person, with his parents and pastor must discern God's will. Listen to all the advice Mark, pray much, examine all aspects in the light of God's Word,then act and trust God for the results. As you "Delight yourself in the Lord" God says, and HE will give you the right desires. Trust that you will act wisely in this area Mark.
  15. superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    If that is the only pastors you know, and that is the philosophy and doctrine you espouse, than who knows, but

    I would not recommend the school for many of the reasons already stated.

    I would try to find a more sound Biblically based school, and also consider getting a more balanced view of modern fundamentalism. I visited several Baptist churches in my area when looking for a church run by Hyles grads, and was literally scared away by the ministries in general. Philosophy, preaching, and just the feel of the place made me uncomfortable. That is anecdotal of course, but something to consider.

    My pastor has been accused by some of the same churches of preaching "hard believism" because he preaches about the need for discipleship, and questions whether many who "pray the prayer" actually possess saving faith. His commitment to growing his flock spiritually, and not just numerically demonstrates a great balance that we see in the pattern of the NT. And our church is growing numerically also, without door to door soul winning, a bus ministry, or 15,000 people getting "saved" in one service.
  16. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I was there a few times. That's why I do not recommend Hyles's school because of overstricted rules. This school has double standards. For example, a staff forbids a student to touch a woman, but this staff touched a woman. Is that fair? Double standard!

    I went to one church and its school. I saw 2 biggest pictures (larger than size of a door) in a lobby inside this church. This photos are Dr. Jack Hyles and Dr. John R. Rice. What idolatry!

    What is "hard believism"?
  17. superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    The sticking point is that he preaches that being called to sonship, is a call to discipleship.

    He has been very critical of "easy believism", hence the accusations of the opposite.

    He is not impressed with those who claim large numbers of salvation decisions, when the "converts" never grow or get discipled because they prayed a prayer, but never actually possessed saving faith.
  18. Joined:
    Sep 19, 2003
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    I grew up in an Independent Baptist Church that regularly featured John R. Rice and Jack Hyles as speakers. It was my privilege to spend time with both of these men. I am well aware of the scandals attached to Brother Hyles and his ministries including Hyles-Anderson College. I do not agree with all of his theology especially the changes since I knew him in the mid 80’s. I have been soul winning with Hyles clones and scratched my head as the plan of salvation is presented and a prayer repeated in about 20 seconds. I own a number of his books and even when I agree with his doctrinal points they are rather simplistic.

    But, wow could that man preach. I still love his books of sermons, especially “From Vapor to Floods.” He had an incredible energy and a true passion for reaching the lost for Christ. Yes, he was not emotionally stable and I think a psychiatrist could build a career on analyzing him. He would embellish, exaggerate, and outright lie if he thought it would make a point. What worked for Jack Hyles will not work for someone else, and many of the converts counted in his numbers are still probably lost. I am not saying the man was perfect, but he had a true passion for the lost, and he did reach many with the gospel even if it was not 750,000 or however many people have claimed.

    It bothers me when I hear him assaulted by men and women who never met him. I am not saying you should go to Hyles-Anderson College. I think that point has been made in this forum, but I would encourage anyone to read his books of sermons, especially the older ones.
  19. mortenview New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Just browsing through these posts.
    A few thoughts about what has been said re/Hyles - Anderson

    One post had FBC & Hyles with roots from J. Frank Norris & the BBFI ..... Not so.
    Hyles was SBC BEFORE he was IFB. He was never a part of the BBFI. From time to time, 1st Baptist would be listed in the BBFI directory, but that basically means that he had supported at least one BBF missionary through their missions office.
    I have personal knowledge that Hyles was not nor had any part in the BBFI.

    I briefly knew Dr. Hyles & he preached for me in the church I previously pastored.

    Did he have 20,000 in S.S. Don't know.
    I do know the auditorium seats approx 5,000 + choir.

    The college had about 2,000 students which would be working in various ministries on Sunday morning and would not be in the Auditorium.

    The Sunday School attendance would be counting the various S.S. ministries --- nursery -- Jr.Church - and various classes. These folks usually would not be in the Auditorium during the service. They could --- from my 1st hand knowledge -- have run (when Dr. Hyles was alive) at least a good 15,000 in Sunday School.

    There are many pro's & cons about Hyles Anderson college. I have observed - 1st hand - many of the things that some of these posts have stated.

    I do not know of many Hyles Anderson students that have gone out and built a church that lasted for some time. I do know of a few who did.

    I have pro's & con's about Hyles Anderson and also about many other Bible Colleges.

    I do believe that we need to be careful NOT to have a critical attitude and NOT to believe rumor and receive fiction as fact.

    I have heard many fictional things and many on this forum say things regarding Dr. Hyles and 1st Bapt. and Hyles Anderson. Just be careful of being critical.

    I have had ... when I lived in and pastored in .. the Midwest ... pastors ask me: 'Are you a Hyles man?" I reply: "Nope ... I'm a Christian and a Baptist." I cannot follow a man ... regardless of who he may be.

    There are many good Bible colleges. At the church I now pastor, we have students at Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City; Pilsbury BBC in Minn. Maranatha Baptist BBC in Watertown, Wis. Pensacola Christian College in Fla. and we have a student at Hyles Anderson.

    I can look at each of these colleges and find things I like and don't like. I tell my students to pray about it and seek the Lord's guidance and will in seeking a college to attend, whether Bible or secular college.

    There are some colleges that I would council them not to go to.
  20. CoachC New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    I do not agree with everything brother Hyles taught. I do agree with much of what he taught.

    The issue for me is that at a very crucial time in my life a soul winning preacher trained in the Hyles tradition helped me get in touch with what God wanted for my life.

    I have enjoyed the books and have learned much from his books.

    He had a passion and a desire to see the lost saved and he made no bones about it.

    I can tell by this thread that a lot of folks have disputes with HAC or brother Hyles. It seems as a tempest in a teacup.

    If people have been saved and blessed by that ministry, then who are we to criticize. Faith in Christ is what saves, whether you get that faith by hearing Hyles, or Lucado, or Graham or Stanley or this one or that one is beside the point. The angels in heaven celebrate everytime someone gets saved.

    I'm thankful for the effect that Dr. Hyles ministry has had on my life.