I am MAD

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Emily, Dec 20, 2003.

  1. Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    with this board.

    Are CHristians who are not baptist second class citizens or something?

    Baptists, you know.. the REAL Christians get to discuss the real Christian topics, like bible versions and bible studies, and "all other christians", you know, not the real christians, get to have games and clean humor and "all other discussions"..

    Is anyone else sick of the piousness?

    Does anyone else think that perhaps we should all be Christians first before we are a certain religion?

    I just dont understand.. It almost feels racist.

    In a small way, I suppose I can understand, but even though I can understand, no matter how you put it, its because they dont see other christians as equals.

    I am a fundamental bible believer, but I am not, nor will I EVER call myself by a denomination, so I am not good enough..

    Yuck yuck yuck..

    Its a shame, because the posters on baptistboard.com are people who I really believe could sharpen me.

    its too bad.
  2. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    In the All Other Discussion forums and Other Religions Forum, you can discuss any topic you want. For the purpose of this board, yes, you are treated as a second class citizen. If you don't like it, go post on a Christian forum. But this is a BAPTIST board. This generally comes with the expectation of being somewhat exclusive in favor of BAPTISTS in its conversations.

    Joseph Botwinick
  3. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Katy, don't get mad. There are rules. We handle that WITHOUT getting mad every day.

    Speed limit is 30mph driving across town
    Walmart line that's SHORT is for 8 items or less

    I don't LIKE those regulations because they restrict ME.

    But that is the city's policy and WallyWorld's rule.

    Maturity is the ability to live within the ordinances and scope of authority. In home, in church, in real life and [gasp] on this Web Site.

    Trust you see the problem is NOT the rule (which the Webmaster is perfectly within his perveyance to establish) the the REACTION to the rule.

  4. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    I understand your frustration, Katy.

    But we Baptists are a diverse and contentious lot and have enough trouble corraling our own. We do not agree on soteriology, eschatology, eccesliology (my opinion), politics, child-rearing, the Constitution and whether today is Friday or Saturday.

    Bear with us; we need some private time.
  5. Jul <img src=/7068.jpg>

    Oct 8, 2003
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    I'm not attending a Baptist church either, although I have in the past. There are some very fine people here, and you can get to know them and have them help "sharpen you" even on the public side of this board.

    If you stop and think about it, it is nice that there even IS a public side, don't you agree? I mean, this is a privately owned board, he didn't have to share it with people outside of his own church, if he didn't want to.

    Julie ;)
  6. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Katy --

    Please don't be upset. As was said, it is the Baptist Board, and we are fortunate that they allow us to even write here! I do understand, because I initially signed on as a Baptist then later removed myself from that, after a few problems let me know that this designation for myself was not fair to the other Baptists.

    It was hard for me to get used to, and I did feel like second-class at first, but these are good people here -- both the Baptists and the Nons.

    Here's what I do: I rarely read the Baptist-Only stuff, because I am So Sorely Tempted to respond Too Often! But when I see something I want to respond to, I copy it and take it to the Non side, open a new thread there, and we all discuss it.

    Stick around, Katy. This is a good place.
  7. Dan Stiles New Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    You knew the rules when you signed up. I'm no longer Baptist, although I grew up Baptist, did some mission work with the SBC, and have preached in three Baptist Churches. In fact, I have more impressive Baptist credentials than some of the Baptists who post regularly on this board. But I am not Baptist and I knew signing on that most parts of this board were to be "read only" for me.

    Would you like to be discussing Romans 1:18-2:1 with other Christians and have several Moslems, Hindus, and Athiests (some of whom call themselves Christian even if they aren't) dropping in and inserting themselves into the discussion? I can hear the answer now... "Oh yes!! It would give me a chance to witness..." but the truth would be that you would be irritated at what would soon seem like badgering. Our friends here aren't interesting in trying to "convert" you - you have already said you are Christian. They are interested in discussing issues with other Baptists - and that's a plenty diverse enough group without adding in non-Baptists like us. But they also seek our input by opening several forums to us. Use them.

    Let our friends and hosts here enjoy what they have worked hard for - and let them share it as they determine best. Use their generousity in posting on the wide variety of subjects in those areas allowed by the rules you agreed to. Not satisfied? PM me and I'll send you the web addresses for four or five other Christian boards that will let you post in all areas.
  8. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Please don't be angry Katy, all forums are open for reading. If I visited a "Catholic Board" or a "Methodist Board" or whatever I would be happy enough to just post in their public forum as well. There are no "second class" members here, but, look at the banner at the top of the page. Please don't feel like you need to go elsewhere. Simply raise your topic in one of the public forums.
  9. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Katy---this is Blackbird!!

    I believe if you do a little "walk about" on the board---you will discover there are plenty of areas applied where all denominations can involve themselves---I read(and post) as much in the all denomination threads as I do in the Baptist only ones. Wish we could all be Baptist---but we ain't---so we can't get worked up----lots of Baptists here who need encouragement and help! Lots of non-Baptists here who need the same!

    And I ain't gonna ignore ya just because you ain't Baptist---in that case, I would have to ignore a lot of people I come in contact with!!

    Your buddy,
  10. Emily New Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    something I will never understand about Baptists is how they think they believe so much different from other independent fundamental non-denominational people..

    As far as read only goes.. thanks

    I'll pass though.. These Pharisee's.. oops.. I mean Baptists get me too heated.. not to mention, its NOT christ like...

    I will find a different board.. thank you very much,.
  11. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    You're welcome very much.

    See ya.

    Y'all Come Back Now, ya Hear!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How did the song go:

    Well, now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his friend.

    We like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in.

    We hope you'll all come back next week to this locality to have a heaping helping of their hospitality....Hillbilly that is....take your shoes off...sit a spell...y'all come back now, ya hear.

    Joseph Botwinick
  12. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Sorry to see you go so quickly Katy, I have enjoyed debate and discussion with several of my non-baptist brothers and sisters.

    I think you would have enjoyed it if you had stuck around :( .
  13. computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Katy, I'm not quite sure I understand, if you're not a Baptist and disagree with what we believe, why you would register on a forum called Baptist Board? :confused:

    As you have been shown, there are areas where you may post your opinions and beliefs, and areas where you may not. Point #1 of the Posting Rules makes that very clear. So please don't come here and get MAD and call us names when you choose not to adhere to the rules of the board.

  14. TWade New Member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Now that ain't nice. Though there are some hillbillies that post here. Most of them Baptist.

    I think you've got "take your shoes off/sit a spell" reversed. I believe it goes "Set a spell; take yer shoes off..."

    Anyhow, let us all be thankful that there will be no such division in Glory.
  15. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    So much for explanation of policy and kindness. I get "mad" when people call Baptists "Pharisee", and such name-calling is not allowed on the BB.

    So think we should just allow Katy to continue on her way and close this thread. :eek: