Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by gb93433, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I am curious about why it appears that the IFB is shrinking? Is this fact or fiction and why? At one time there seemed to be quite a number of good IFB churches where I live.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    For the same reason that the Israelites fell to such small numbers (of those that were doing right)in the times of the divided kingdoms. Men want to do what is right in their own eyes. Sin is more pleasurable, even if only for a season, and when you can find others who will accept sin the way you do, then it can spread. We live in an age where people want to do it their own way, they live for number one, and nobody can tell me what to do, I have rights. Also, when we base our standards on the world instead of the Lord, we slowly fall away from God. He is immovable, the world forever falls away from doing what is right in His eyes.
  3. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Not certain I accept your premise. In the 60-90 there was an attempt by a vocal minority of PSEUDO-ifb'ers to claim title to ifb'dom.

    They WERE NOT and ART NOT true historic fundamental Baptists. Hyles clones. KJVO's. The lunatic right who keep separating and separating and separating NOT over fundamentals and doctrine (which we SHOULD separate over) but over personalities and methodology.

    I would say true historic ifb are probably about the same now as 50 years ago. The deceiving parasites wax and wane, tied to personality and bad doctrine.
  4. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Dr Bob

    Are you saying that the stands in all the IFB churches of today have not changed in the past 50 years?

    There may be those radicals on one end, in which they will not be able to hold up because they live with a spirit led by the flesh, but there are too many churches falling away to neo-evangelical ways. There is wishy-washy Christianity because of the way they are being taught. It is very hard to find a strong college these days that hasn't turned over to these teachings. They all use the new evangelicals books because there are very few fundamentalist writings. All have their taintings. This way of thought is encrouching on the young minds that will be the future leaders of this type of church.We can also see thru history how the people of today have turned away from Godliness to be accepted by the world.

    Or are you saying that the number of true IFB's are the same number as before, never changing, always steadfast and strong in truth, never allowing the world to influence them? In other words, those people don't leave their church and never allow leaven into the group?
  5. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I know a few pastors that are great men of God and have sizeable churches in the past but now they are just existing. They contimue to preach and teach the Bible but just don't seem to add in numbers. I was wondering if there was anything that went on that caused this. Or could it be that people want their ears tickled and that kind of preaching has been avoided?

    But I have seen some newer churches that are preaching the Bible and doing well.

    I am just wondering what the situation is.
  6. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Wow: at first glance, this statement seems rather supercilious.

    Can't speak for everyone, but I left my IFB church after legalism destroyed the church. I have also heard several people make this statement.
  7. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    There is a difference between legalism and fundamentalism. One is based in the flesh, the other in the Bible. When a person desires a closeness to God, he will strive to please the Lord, not man. It is great joy to fellowship with this crowd. We stand out as a peculiar people. We delight in pleasing the Lord and only wish to please Him. There are many people that have tried to enter in, desiring to do what is right in His eyes, but look back, as Lot's wife did. They soon leave, calling the church "legalist", or "militant". You could have left your church for the right reasons, or maybe for the wrong. The Lord knows, as do you.

    There are many that leave the Fundamentalist churches, but because the numbers are there, doesn't mean that it's true. There are many who stay, knowing that the Lord is pleased in this. The many also know, as does the Lord.
  8. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    I was interested to note that there is a denomination in America called "Calvary Chapel". Interstingly it is a mainline church, yet Vvangelical - Holiness. What I found was that this mainstream denomination is seeing massive growth scince the 1960's in America and Globally.

    I find this encouraging that mainstream churches can still grow rapidly with new converts.

    I think there is probably a large amount of difference in how different churches are run under the IFB label, there are certainley ones that are into 1611 KJVO etc and probably those that are into more of what goes on in another Baptist Denomination.

    Ultimatley if churches are declining we need to look at what it is that they are doing in order to evangalise. I had a thread a while ago about would you permit a marrige of non christians in your church, interestingly it was an IFB pastor who was very much against the idea. It would seem to me then that options of being able to be open and inviting to the local community could be a little restrained, wheras other churches may find it easier to outreach in the community.
  9. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    What? The numbers are there, but it doesn't make it true?
  10. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Greetings Ben:
    Most KJVO's do not use the 1611 Authorised Version. My experience is that they mostly use the revisions.
  11. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    Interesting Doctrine that one. :D
  12. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Because many leave doesn't prove legalism. If the church continues to be consistant, or desires to learn doesn't make them a legalist. Many that leave have a desire to please the Lord but find it difficult to live a more seperated life. They find that they can go to another church that is not as "militant" and still be saved. This is especially true when the pressures from the world are strong.
  13. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    I am not sure that I understand your assessment. If these people are leaving for reasons other than legalism, then what are the reasons?
  14. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    That last post by me, wasn't me!

    Olive jumped unto the keypad, without relizing that she was typing under my name.

    But, I believe what she was getting at, was the fact that some Christians leave a IFB church because the Preacher preached against something in their life, or maybe a personality clash between him or some one else in the church.

    This also happens to be my beliefs on this matter.

  15. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    In both scenarios you have given, the implication is that it is the fault of the person. Are you saying that the main reason people leave IFB churches is due to their sin?
  16. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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  17. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Then there are those that leave because they relocate. And then there are those that leave because they find the IFB turning toward a more liberal way. Standards drop so a new church is sought.

    Sin is often the reason for one to leave a strong, seperated church. They will then turn around and call that church legalistic.
  18. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Then there are those that leave because they relocate. And then there are those that leave because they find the IFB turning toward a more liberal way. Standards drop so a new church is sought.

    Sin is often the reason for one to leave a strong, seperated church. They will then turn around and call that church legalistic. </font>[/QUOTE]This statement would require evidence to make a broad generalization. My story alone refutes your claim.
    There is a HUGE between a "strong, seperated church" and a church that has been poisoned with Unscriptural legalism. Perhaps there is a case/scenario where the church turns toward a "more liberal way;" however, my own personal experience is that the church is taken over by a legalistic faction that starts holding out their Unscriptural beliefs as doctrine. Invariably, every church (seven churches about which I am familiar) that was infected with this legalism withered on the proverbial vine.

    [Edited for spelling]
  19. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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  20. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Are you saying you are familiar with about seven churches that have unscriptural beliefs as doctrine? Or are you saying you have been in seven churches that are infected? Seven? Did you regularly attend them? or was this heresay?

    I've attended (more often than once) six churches that hold to strong standards, without tainting doctrine or being legalistic, making their beliefs doctrine. What is it that they do to make this happen?