Interracial Marriage

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Rubato 1, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    And what does this rant have to do with the topic of interracial marriage?:rolleyes:
  2. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I was wondering the same thing . . .
  3. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Indiscretion trumps nothing :(
  4. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I think the command had to do with others obeying God. If the ones of a different race chose to follow God, they could marry.
  5. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Let me derail this thread a bit by saying that I am surely ignorant in many areas.

    Therefore, I have no particular problem with ignorance, and am not usually bothered by it.

    However, after reading some posts in this thread, I'm convinced that some are abusing the privilege!

  6. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Actually, not at all. It actually had to do with her family, after she made the comment to me. It would not have bothered either my late mother, my late brother, or my close first cousin, and they were the only close kin that I had living, aside from my brother's six kids. I will not speculate as to extended family, even my own, for I have never conversed with any of them about such.

    I did not know this per se, at the time, about some of her family, as neither she nor I live or even lived very close to her family, except for one uncle in Lexington, of whom the closest of any of the rest are over three hours away, and I had met any of, only one time, in person.

    And I made no statement about hatred, or anyone hating another, at all, nor have I accused anyone of that. Inconsistency, definitely. The statement that you, in fact, did make was this.
    This certainly implies you "feel" something, although you do not specify, here. I have no objection to anyone's preference, at all, as to whom they associate with, marry, work with, or what have you, as long as such is not contradicting Scripture. Is that a fair position? If it is contradicting Scripture, as I understand it, I do have an objection. I did read your posts, and in my mind, I pick up on what are, IMO, some 'latent racist attitudes' that seem to have been learned, even though some (not all) of them seem to bother you. (FTR, I seldom comment in any thread without reading all of it, first.) You mentioned something that happened among your own family that, and again I quote what you wrote:
    I have never thought you were anything less than truthful, in the least. But how have I misread anything, here? I did not say it, you did. I do disagree with and/or question a few things here, though. I fully agree with rbell, that our background of how we were reared too often does become a cop-out. If one were to come from a background of alcoholism, for example, is it OK to dismiss the drinking from them, but not, say, from me, who had no such background, were I to be a member of a church you were associated with? I hope the standard would rightly be the same for both, especially if one were to be involved in some leadership position.
    How about your own particular "hot button" issue of which you seem to mention more than any other poster of sexual immorality? Does someone get a 'free pass' from you because of a background that included this? I think not, and again, rightly so.
    The OP of the thread mentioned that someone compared sodomy and interracial marraige. Fortunately, that was not you, but frankly, that is about as evil a statement as I have ever read on the BB. One does not read a much 'sicker' statement than that on the BB, or at least I have not in two years. Another poster made a flat statement that "Interracial marriages are not of God."
    Another call that is extremely judgmental, to say the least. And I will not give either of those any 'pass' on such bigoted and dumb statements.

    But I do not want to misunderstand you, or any other, Brother Bob. So how about explaining exactly what you mean by the parts I have copied, which were and are your own words? Fair request??

    FTR, my bride's family came from Eastern Kentucky, which I also found out some years later (I just assumed they were from Ohio, where she grew up), and actually not too far from your neck of the woods, and were associated with the same group of Baptists you are affiliated with, namely, The Old Regular Baptists. I was and still am a 'flat-lander', myself.

  7. Brian30755 New Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Brother Bob, you really shouldn't say things like this. You see, sometimes I'm reading these threads late at night, and when I bust a gut laughing out loud, it wakes my wife up. So stop it. :laugh:
  8. Joe New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    Brother Bob has a great sense of humor :laugh: :thumbs:
  9. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    This Was NO Rant

    I was expressing my view of inter-racial marriage. I was saying that no matter what we may believe [for or against] about inter-racial marriages, the final say is really up to the couple who make the decision to marry outside of their race. I used to think it was wrong, but, no longer see it that way. I have had many inter-racial couples serve along side of me in the ministry over the years, and I am totally repentant for my once bias thoughts.

    Hope that makes my "rant" a little clearer.
  10. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Thanks for the clarification RD2
  11. StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    With regards to my son (who is an infant now, so this issue is far, far in the future)...

    I would have absolutely no problem with him dating or marrying someone of any ethnic heritage. I would have an issue with him marrying outside the faith, but that's a completely different matter.

    As a caucasian (who doesn't tan very well), I wouldn't care if he married a black woman, and I wouldn't encourage him to avoid marrying someone of a different race because of the difficulties he might face. I'd prefer to hope and pray for a society that wouldn't cause those difficulties.
  12. TC Active Member
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    May 7, 2003
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    Someone said that they questioned bringing a mixed child into the world because of what they will face. Well, I grew up in a school that was all the same - white. So, the fat kids and the kids that wore glassed got picked on. I was a fat kid who also wore thick glasses - I got double the torture. People tend to treat anyone different from the majority badly - the problem is sin. The world judges on externals, and we are not to be conformed to the world.

    It has been pointed out that we all are decendants of Adam, so there is no such thing as different races. We may be from different nationalities and cultures, but we are all the same race. We cannot continue to justify our prejudices by saying that is just the way we are - it is a cop-out. God does not allow this passing of the buck (playing the blame game, or whatever else you wish to call it). God totally ignored Adam's blaming of Eve for his sin and said because of what you have done, this is your punishment. He did the same when Eve tried to blame the serpent. At some point, we have to take total responsibility for our own actions.
  13. TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    Praise God for your conversion! I pray that others would follow your example. :praying:
  14. corndogggy Active Member
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    Aug 30, 2006
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    I've got to ask, do these relationships last? I mean, I never see any older mixed couples. Ever. The ones I see are always 18-40 or so. I know of one couple that may be 45, absolutely no more than 50, but they are the oldest I have ever met, it's very rare. Most of the "serious" mixed relationships are concentrated in the late 20's or early 30's and that's about it.
  15. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    The one that I mentioned is much older than 45, and I know others that are (or were, as another close friend just died in their early 60s as a part of a 'mixed' couple, a year ago), as well.

    Of course, I'm going on 60, so almost everyone I know is over 45, these days. :laugh: :laugh:

  16. StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    Could it be that 40 years ago interracial marriage was much less acceptable and therefore much less common?
  17. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Exactly, it's the same reason we don't see 40 yr old DVD players!!!

    It was considered unacceptable, if not a down right sin in some of the more backward parts of our country....
  18. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Not to mention...God is pretty clear on how serious marriage vows should be taken...j
  19. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Some of the backwards parts of our country is just not true. It was unacceptable throughout the whole country period!! You young whippersnappers just don't know what you are talking about, when it comes to interracial marriage.

    These "sinners" built one of the greatest nations on the face of this earth, with always remembering God in every document they ever wrote. Sure mistakes were made, but to call them sinners is going too far. To sin, you have to "know" what you are doing is wrong, if it is.

    Historically, Black-White interracial marriage has been the most
    controversial of all types of intermarriage in the United States
    (Porterfield, 1982). A total of 16 states maintained laws against
    interracial marriage until the Supreme Court ruled in 1967 that such
    laws were unconstitutional because they violated the equal protection
    clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Marriage between blacks and whites is a longstanding and deeply ingrained taboo in American culture. On the eve of World War II, mixed-race marriage was illegal in most states,

    If we are going to discuss this subject, lets keep it real at least and not lay it off on some backwoods people.

  20. corndogggy Active Member
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    Aug 30, 2006
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    So DVD players were considered unacceptable back then? Did we not have the technology for a mixed race couple to get together? Not quite the same thing there. :thumbs:

    What's interesting though is this:

    Apparently even though the older folks are way behind in terms of tolerating mixed race marriages... half of them still say it's ok. Basically 2 out of 4 of them say it's ok, while 3 out of 4 of the rest of us say it's ok. I would think that this should mean that I should see more older mixed race couples than I do.

    I guess my point is that this is a more common occurrence among the younger, more daring crowd. I assume that 20 years down the road when these same people are settled down and want different things out of life and have different goals, that these marriages start experiencing huge problems.

    I would even bet that most of the same people who would enter into a mixed race relationship in their 20's and see nothing wrong with it, wouldn't do the same in their 40's, even if they continue to see nothing wrong with it.

    I just think that alot of these relationships start because they are attracted to each other BECAUSE they are different races, instead of being attracted to each other as a person with no regards to race. Big difference, when you're talking about marriage.