Is Harry Potter and Narnia good for the church?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Boanerges, Nov 26, 2005.

  1. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I went to the official Disney website and did a search for gay days. Here is what turned up:

    By clicking on any of the links in this box,you will leave and visit the site of a paid sponsor.
    Sponsored Links Advertisement

    Gay Day at Disney World Orlando, FL
    Vacation packages to Orlando Gay Day at Walt Disney World. We can customize a package to fit your budget. We are a full service 100% gay-owned and operated travel agency.
  2. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I did the same thing, and here's what turned up:

    Find Your Day Ancestors Now
    Find Day family history records. Create, grow and share your family tree at Download Ancestry Family Tree software and start a 14-day risk-free trial.

    I guess is a Disney event as well.

    BTW, you intentionally did not include the text "The website you will link to is not managed or endorsed by Disney online..." as well as "Sponsored Links are links to third larty web sites which are provided by Yahoo! Search Marketing...."

    Quite dishonest of you.

    The facts are clear that Gay Days is not a Disney sponsored event. Saying otherwise is false witness.
  3. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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  4. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    John scrambling after being shell shocked by the facts:

    Quite dishonest of you.


    I posted their disclaimer:

    By clicking on any of the links in this box,you will leave and visit the site of a paid sponsor.

    Sponsored Links Advertisement
  5. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Boy, talk about apples and oranges. He's referring to the event at Walt Disney World, which I cannot attest to, since I have only been there once (went on my honeymoon). I cannot speak for any witnessing of Gay Days activity there.

    I was referring to having seen a Gay Days event at the Disneyland Resort.

    The guy in the article is entitled to his $.02, and I respect it.
    You have provided none. You have claimed that Gay Days is a Disney event. It is not. That's a fact. You've not provided any info to the contrary. Now you're at the point where if you repeat the same lie over and over, then maybe it will become true.

    You need to retract your claim, acknowlege that it is not a sponsored event, and move on.
  6. Filmproducer Guest

    I am from Orlando, and know firsthand that Disney does not in any way advertise or endorse gay days in its parks. Gay Days is maintained and organized by gay organizations outside of Disney and/or Universal theme parks. which spearheads the events in the most recent years sets up an itinerary on their website. It has nothing to do with Disney's own advertising, or Universals. What would you have Disney do? They are a secular, moneymaking enterprise. Should they close the parks on the days that an outside organization has determined are the dates to attend for Gay Days? BTW, I was at Disney during the last gay days event doing some research, and it was not that noticeable that gay days was taking place. There were not that many outright displays of public affection, if any at all.
  7. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    You have claimed that Gay Days is a Disney event.


    I said they allowed it, and did not try to stop it.
  8. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    This question was posted on another website, so I will ask it here. Would Disney then allow a KKK sponsored day there with a parade since they have no control?
  9. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    No, you said Disney was guilty of the "gay influeice" and cited Gay Days as being theirs. Your posts have continually implied that it's Disney sponsored event. In fact, you have had every opportunity to clarify that you acknowlege it's not a Disney Sponsored event, and did nto do so until now, when you presumably have no other choice. And even here, you cannot simply say "You're right, Disney does not sponsor Gay Days".

    As for "allowing" it, it's not within their power to allow or disallow, since they have no control over the organization that orzanizes it. The individuals buy tickets and enter the park like any other visitor, and Disney has no power to prevent visitors from visiting their parks.
  10. Filmproducer Guest


    How can they stop another organization from organizing a day at Disney? Gay Days is not a rally. As Johnv mentioned, people buy tickets and enter the park, and enjoy the park. How can you stop organizations from organizing their members to visit the park? Whether it is Gay Days, the KKK, or the Black Panthers, what can Disney do if all they are doing is banding together to visit the park on the same day?
  11. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    No, you said Disney was guilty of the "gay influeice" and cited Gay Days as being theirs. Your posts have continually implied that it's Disney sponsored event. In fact, you have had every opportunity to clarify that you acknowlege it's not a Disney Sponsored event, and did nto do so until now, when you presumably have no other choice. And even here, you cannot simply say "You're right, Disney does not sponsor Gay Days".

    As for "allowing" it, it's not within their power to allow or disallow, since they have no control over the organization that orzanizes it. The individuals buy tickets and enter the park like any other visitor, and Disney has no power to prevent visitors from visiting their parks.
    </font>[/QUOTE]There is a difference between implied and stated John. You are constantly trying to steer a conversation someplace. I just let you ramble.

    From an article:

    The best-known protest may have been the nine-year boycott led by the Southern Baptist Convention against Walt Disney Co. for hosting Gay Days, a week of gay-themed activities at Walt Disney World in Orlando. That boycott ended in June.,2564,ALBQ_19860_4293166,00.html
    Yet another example of the SBC's double mindedness. Narnia is started, and then all is now well....hypocrites..

    So then, can any group go to Disney and just throw a parade?
  12. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Disney would have no control over KKK members who enter the park. If they engaged in activist behavior, like rallying or parading, then they'd likely be required to leave. But simply being in the park as individuals, I see no reason why someone would be prevented from entering.
  13. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Oh, please! It's clear that you thought it was a Disney sponsored event, and were trying to "prove it". Be an adult, and an honest Christian, and acknowlege it, and likewise acknowlege that you were incorrect. There's no shame in it, and doing so is worthy of genuine respect.

    A bit irrelevant to the point. Being a member of an SBC church, I can count the number of people who followed the ban on no fingers. Most church mebers, in fact, thought it was a stupid boycott. The reason for the boycott was similar: coming from a misobservation that teh Gay Days was a Disney endorsed event, when it in fact was not.

    Hardly. The boycott ended prior to it publicly being known that Disney was involved with the film.
    No outside organization is permitted a parade in a Disney theme park. The only exception is school and similar marching bands and groups that must meet prior audition and size requirements. They get to march just prior to the Disney parades.
  14. Filmproducer Guest

    The fact of the matter is that Gay Days is not a parade at a Disney them park. Gay Days is a week long event in Orlando. It is organized by people, other than Disney, and Disney is just one stop on the itinerary. There are multiple events that are held in downtown Orlando, as well as, many parties sponsored by various restaurants, and club owners. Like it or not, the SBC, was not successful in their boycott, because it was not a Disney event, not to mention the fact that Gays Days brings in hundreds of millions of dollars in needed revenue for the Orlando tourism industry. After 9-11 the tourism industry experienced a crisis, and Gay Days, is just another way for them to get a much needed cash infusion. All the local hotels participate, the city participates, restaurants, bars, and clubs participate. It has nothing to do with Disney. Disney and Universal do not openly promote Gay Days, but the smaller business, such as restaurants and clubs, and hotels away from the Disney and Universal resorts, promote Gay Day activities and rates to bring in the extra cash.
  15. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Hardly. The boycott ended prior to it publicly being known that Disney was involved with the film.[/quote]

    reaaaly? From a website:

    Narnia and the SBC Disney Boycott
    The American Familiy Association announced last month that it had ended its 8-year long boycott of Disney, citing, among other things, the upcoming production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as evidence that the boycott had been effective. Now the governing body of the Southern Baptist Convention has likewise overwhelmingly voted to end its own long-running Disney boycott. A spokesman for the SBC did note that the denomination will continue to keep a close eye on Disney, particularly watching to see if Disney has messed with C.S. Lewis' seminal children's story.

    No outside organization is permitted a parade in a Disney theme park. The only exception is school and similar marching bands and groups that must meet prior audition and size requirements. They get to march just prior to the Disney parades. [/QB][/QUOTE]

    So how do they have a parade during gay days then John?
  16. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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  17. Filmproducer Guest


    They do not have a gay days parade at Disney. The parades that take place during Gay Days are the same parades that take place everyday. I have seen them.

    As far as the SBC is concerned, do you really think they would admit that their boycott failed? Especially since it is fact that Disney does not promote or advertise for Gay Days?

    BTW, you still never answered the question of how Disney is to stop groups from organizing their members to attend on the same day?
  18. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I sit corrected (see? I can acknowlege an error on my part... why don't you?).

    The AFA, though is not the SBC. I know the SBC officially ended their boycott, I belive, before the AFA did, but I remember the end of the boycott being discussed and pretty much defacto decided at least a year ago.
    They don't. Outside groups like "Gay Days" are not permitted a parade. In fact on their site:

    "Q - I heard the parade in the Magic Kingdom is a popular Gay Day event. Do we march in it?

    A - No, absolutely not! We watch (and in recent years with Disney's newest Magical Moments parade, some of us get to participate form time to time). Remember, Disney provides the entertainment, not the guests."
  19. Filmproducer Guest

    Yes, that sea of red is not a gay day parade. It is the people lining the streets to see the parade. It is a well known fact, here in Orlando, that Disney does not promote Gay Days. To make up for this fact, gay organizations banded together and told everyone to wear red shirts to the parks. This is so that "their voice can be heard". It was done to make a statement. The links you are posting have not said that Disney sponsors the events.
  20. Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    from the gay website that I quoted above:

    An estimated 40,000 - 50,000 red-shirted Gay Days attendees pack Walt Disney World's original park on that 1st Sat. in June. The 3 o'clock parade down Main Street always draws an unforgettable "sea of red" that can be seen from one end of the park to the other.