Is the 4th American Revolution a done deal?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by billwald, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    On this and every other religious/political forum there are always threads about some event, proposal, political decision, policy change . . . fulfilling prophecy of, contributing to, being evidence of a political, economic, or religious conspiracy of/about the Anti-Christ, the New World Order, the one world government . . . .

    I am convinced that the 4th American Revolution and the one world whatever is a done deal. I am convinced that the USA and the world is sliding into a world serfdom of a new kind: where labor has become an international commodity and the majority of workers will be a new kind of industrial/commercial serf.

    The new industrial serf will be directly OR indirectly employed by the multi-national corporations. Labor will be a commodity to be consumed like coal or wheat. (a "commodity" is a product that has a great volume of exchange in international trade but a low intrinsic value. The second characteristic is that the material in a class all meets an international standard and is interchangeable i.e. a 2x4, standard or better, is the same at Lowes or Home Depot and 1020 steel produced in China is interchangeable with US made 1020 steel.

    Once the standard of living of China and India has been raised and the standard of living in the US and Europe is roughly the same, then manufacturing contracts will be issued on the basis of total cost FOB at the point of final sales. Worker efficiency, tariffs, taxes, labor costs, and transportation costs will all be considered - as they are now.

    Instead of being tied to the land, the industrial serf will be tied to a job description. It will be possible to change occupations and/or work independently but it will be difficult. The economic value of the independents will be so small that the international corporations will not care but will harass the independents just because they can.

    This revolution of world economic equalization under international capitalists started after WW2 and all the details are in place. Anyone who thinks this is NOT a done deal and the revolution is NOT over, please explain and convince me. What MAJOR changes must take place before it is a done deal???????
  2. Bobby Hamilton New Member

    Oct 27, 2010
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    A total U.S. collapse? I can't really find a location for the United States in the end times as described in the Bible. I don't feel like we fit in, so I kind of feel like when this happens the U.S. won't be a major player. Maybe I'm wrong (probably am) but that's just how I feel.
  3. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    What does the US have to do with ANYTHING in the Bible? You think your anti-christ will ignore North and South America?
  4. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    I Have Always Felt this Way Too...

    ...but like you, others have told me that I'm way off the mark. Still, the Bible doesn't seem to show us in prophesy about end time things.

    What does that mean? Not sure...but maybe we were never seen (in prophecy) as nothing more than an English colony.

    If that were true, we could still be seen as part of Europe/England (as we were in prophecy), especially since the war for independence didn't end in some kind of final agreement for complete separation of our countries, evidenced in the fact that England refused to evacuate the frontier forts in the Northwest Terrotiry. (SEE:

    This refusal, by England may have been behind our declaration of war on England in 1812 (

    Of course, the above is simply my opinion and view, and I'm sure (like you) others will have better explanations and views than me. The above is of course a hypothetical reason for the US not being found in prophecy.

  5. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Yours is as good as any I have heard. There are references to the eagle in Ezekiel and Revelation. In Isaiah 18, there is reference to a country with bold and large people whose land is split by a great river. Also, signs of the last days include a great increase in knowledge and travel. I believe somewhere in Naham there is a description of what could be an automobile. However, there is no direct reference. When Russia invades Israel in Ezekiel, a reference is made to Tarshish, England, and their villagers. Could the villagers be us? Are we part of the Great Babylon in Revelation, to form the world wide economic system and church?

    The only other idea I have heard for those who believe in the Rapture, is that when it occurs, the United States will take the biggest hit because more Christians live here than any other country. Not sure about that one. For some reason, at the time of these events we are not a significant player, and neither is anyone in our hemisphere. Maybe by the end times, the Lord has given us what we deserve.
  6. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Thanks for the note... to your point, I think America could also be judged more heavily (than any other nation) because we had more believers, yet we did not live up to the potential that could have, should have been, when it comes to evangelizing the world?
  7. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    WHY should England have abandoned their claim to real estate OUTSIDE the 13 colonies?