It wasn't Bush, after all, it started with Clinton

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by LadyEagle, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    No. I was a member of a trade union myself for over 15 years. No one is more suspicious of them than me Bro. I don't have a problem with the idea of collective bargaining if it acts as a check to corporate power. But it doesn't. The union leaders as I have seen with my own eyes are in bed with the corporations. Today they're nothing more than a high priced employment agency for "the company". To try and paint them as something else doesn't fool me a bit. They don't care if their members all starve and go barefoot so long as they get the prefered seats in the high councils of Wall Street and Washington DC.

    I do have a problem in scapegoating one group to try and hide the sins of another. Like all this Bush did it, no Clinton did it, no Bush did it, no Clinton did it. They all had a hand in it. Let's put the blame where it belongs.

    The democrats and republicans are equally to blame for continually enabling a private banking cartel "and the corporations that have grown up around it to eat out our substance". As Thomas Jefferson predicted it would.

    Globalization and "free trade" are more to blame for the loss of our manufacturing base and outsourcing of high tech jobs over seas than trade unions. People want living wages and corporations want maximum profit. Somebody is going to come out on the losing end and as you can see from what's going on right isn't going to be the private banking cartels or the mega corporations.

    It'll be you and me and this country we call home.
  2. Major B <img src=/6069.jpg>

    May 6, 2003
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    About 18% of the workforce is unionized--hardly miniscule--and these tend to be high-pay, high end jobs. In my area, we have lost:

    A compressor factory
    A tire factory
    A toy factory
    three chemical-related plants

    All of them unionized.

    The jobs all went overseas.

    All were lost because they were high cost plants