itinerant preaching

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by jonmagee, May 13, 2003.

  1. jonmagee New Member

    Oct 12, 2002
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    am consious that the protocol upon itinerant preaching will vary from one part of the world to another. This thread is not intended as an oportunity to debate who has the best ideas, but merely to glean from you all what is appropriate in your part of the world. Often it will be local culture that will influence some of the practical arrangements. There are, I am sure, a number of areas that we could touch on under this banner and would welcome any input, but here are a few suggestions.

    1)Do your churches assume the preacher makes a step of faith, without thought of preaching fee, or is there a set amount that would be expected as the norm. if so, what would that be?

    2)Is it expected that a preacher makes himslf known directly to the churches, or should that come through a third party.

    3)Is their a set standard in terms of what may be suggested about hospitality and accommodation? eg, is it expected that this takes place in homes of members or within local hotels etc? Also, would your churches expect the preacher to make his own arrangements.

    4)Does the visiting preacher take the whole service, or just the preaching whilst someone else leads the worship etc.

    5)ref. items 1 & 2 & 3, are christian colleges likely to take the same stance as the local churches?

    yours, Jon.
  2. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    I have very little experience in these matters, and only as a church member when it affected me, but here goes:

    1) The visiting preacher would rely on a love offering, but a fellowship should give well above the simple level of expenses (after all, a man's gotta make a living). Generally, our pastor would add church funds if the amount of the love offering didn't meet his expectations. I think communications with the church pastor is a must in this area, to avoid misunderstanding. For instance, a statement like "I rely on the love offering of the church, but I generally need about $X in order to pay my bills and also be able to eat."

    2) Make yourself known to churches, pastors, deacons. Third pary recommendations (networking) may come after you've established a reputation (good or bad!)

    3) Communicate with the church beforehand. Smaller churches with less income may be able to "afford you" only if you agree to the hospitality of one of the church families. Others may be able to afford a hotel for you. What are you comfortable with?

    4) Communicate with your church on this matter. Do you have a travelling music ministry also? If not, stick to preaching, and let the church know up front.

    5) Can't help you here...I don't know!

    Again, I give these observations from my experience as a church member. As a pastor, I am very much a rookie - pretty new at it.
  3. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Most churches expect to give a visiting pulpit supply (for a Sunday or two) or interim (for a longer period) financial payment for services rendered AND mileage (if travel is more than 20 miles)

    I get $100 for preaching in the morning and an additional $25-$50 if I stay and do an evening service. Some churches give extra for teaching Adult SS, although most churches have a lay person or regular teacher do that.

    I let churches in our fellowship know I was available and have brochures. But I "try" to be humble (a difficult and rare thing for me) Prov. 27:2 "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips."

    I always ask up front for all details. Actually have a check list - payment, gas, meal, lodging (sometimes I am heading across the state and have to stay either Saturday night coming or Sunday night leaving). I ask NOT to stay in a home, and would rather get up at 4 and drive 5 hours to preach than stay in a home. (I am 6'5" and have health challenges, equipment when sleeping, etc).

    This is different at every church and can go either way. Here in rural small churches they still usually have someone lead singing, give announcements, etc and I just preach (I arrange if they want to have me do an invitation - I usually defer, since I am not comfortable with most finneyesque invitations)

    I'm not following this question. When a college asks me to teach a seminar, fill classes or preach, it will differ. Just preaching in chapel a typical ifb college will give a check as an honorarium (usually a token and I always sign it and give it back).

    Extra note: I always try to give 10% of the honorarium back to the church when I preach there. This does not affect my regular giving to my home church. Even in this long interim (I am presently finishing 13 months) I give 10% to this church, while tithing my other income and wife's income to our home church.

    Hope this helps
  4. jonmagee New Member

    Oct 12, 2002
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    That has been most helpful.
    In my own perspective, I have endeavoured not to be a burden to churches and have not made requests to my benefit, however it is becoming clear that this can also cause embarrasement to some churches who are used to certain practical arrangements being in a certain way. Therefore, I feel it would be helpful to gain some answers from as many places as possible to see how and where the the understandings vary

    look forward to other replies. Thank you

    yours, Jon.
  5. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    When I went to a church as pastor, I always sat down with the Board and established the parameters of my duties to the church and community, including financial and outreach services, such as guest preaching. I never set a fee for guest preaching, and whatever they offered was fine for me......including nothing more than a thank you.



    PS&gt; Most churches were more than generous. Any amount above costs can always be donated back.
  6. j_barner2000 Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    I am going on vacation and our local associational secretary spoke with the association where I am going. I have offered to minister in any way they feel the Lord leads. (including working on pc, building, lawn, preaching, or however I can minister to them) I expect no payment for it and beyond any expenses incurred I will forward the money if any to the NAMB.
  7. jonmagee New Member

    Oct 12, 2002
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    gentlemen......thank you for your help and assistance

    yours, Jon.
  8. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    jonmagee are you thinking of coming to the USA to Preach?
