It's not a seperate issue at all!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    Just like the abortion issue, we did not get to where we are today all at once, and we won't take it back all at once. One small step at a time. (Although, in most cases, it will take much longer to take it back than to get it in the first place.)

    The example of abortion: Is it better than 1/10th of 1% of abortions are stopped or that none of them are stopped? What is the first step in getting them all banned?

    We can elect conservatives at the local level who will support such reforms.

    We can elect conservatives at the state level, if we build the grass-roots from the local leve.

    In the meantime, we can support a liberal like George Bush as being the better choice between him and the liberal whacko Kerry.

    Until we demand that the laws change so that it takes a majority to get get an elector, we are only going to have two choices. But, this can be done at the state level, since the states determine how electors are elected!

    Demand that your state require a majority to elect an elector, and demand that your state distribute electors according to district, instead of the all-or-nothing system that most states use.

    This would make a third (or fourth or fifth) party candidate viable.

    Interestingly, one of the opponents of this is the NAACP. In most instances where a majority is, or has been, required (except where a district is majority black), they have filed suit, claiming that requiring a majority vote discriminates unfairly against them. So, special interests are the enemy of election reform that would make a third party candidate viable.
  2. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Keep in mind that the infrastructure for dictatorial rule is already set up and ready to be implimented at the very next 'event' whether real or contrived. Our time is very limited.

    Understanding that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and cannot be trumped by the UN Charter along with it's 'population control' measures and 'international law" produced by multinational corporations.

    We can elect those who call themselves conservatives, but later turn out to be neoliberals. I do agree that the local level is where the battle will be won or lost. The national elections are more less a scam to give the illusion of choice. How much choice is there between two skull and bones globalist brothers who have secrets that are to secret to even talk about?

    Better hurry on this one. Our congress critters have already tried to pass legislation making grassrooters and bloggers register as "lobbyists".

    These men are both globalists who would impose elite corporate written mandates on us all as law while dismantling our republican form of government to meet the wants of their true masters. They prefer soviet style regional appointed government.

    What the people demand means nothing to those who are working to merge the USA into a world government.
    See above.
    Refusing to vote for either of the two major globalist parties "evil" candidates would alter the political landscape faster imho.
    Special interests control both houses the executive and the treasury. The Federal Reserve itself is a special interest group made up of international bankers and is unconstitutional.
  3. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Amen! Brother Poncho. Preach It!
  4. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    If you have 100 leaks in your waterbed, and you want to fix it, do you do something to slow down the leaking, or do you poke more holes in it?

    If Bush is enacting evil legislation at a slower rate than Gore or Kerry would have, is that not better in order to give more time to mount some sort of plan for stopping the leaks?

    How do you you get the individual states to change their election schemes? Do you do it by starting at the local, grassroots level, or do you do it by electing the greater of two evils at the national level? (Personally, I think it's by electing the lesser of two evils at the national level, since two choices are all we have due to the current system, and working from the grassroots up.)
  5. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    I remember waterbeds, I don't have one anymore nor do I have a use for one.But if I had a waterbed with a 100 leaks in it I wouldn't repair it, I would replace it.
  6. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    "And you want to fix it."

    That was a qualifier in my statement.

    How are you going to entirely replace the US government from the bottom to the top in one fell swoop?

    Perhaps you could share your vast wisdom on complete government overthrow.

    Edited to add: I don't really expect you to answer. Very many people who live in a pie-in-the-sky world in which all problems are immediately fixed with no hard work by the waving of a magic wand throw out these pipe dreams that sound really good, but with no realistic vision on how to fix it.
  7. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Intead your solution is to allow a corrupt government to rule and we will continue the same ol' same ol', voting the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately any great gains that have been made to replace corrupt government with better government is through violence and rebellion. in our country we have survived and made changes because of a Revolutionary War and a Civil War.
    Yeah, starting over sounds like a great option to me.
  8. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Here is a metaphor for a complete change of all
    levels of government:

    Throwing out the baby with the bathwater

  9. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Yep! Lets git rid of them spoilt babies.
  10. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    They're arguing from the wrong perspective imho Petra. They claim we want to change "our" government "from top to bottom" or "overthrow it" (obvious attempt to demonize the opposition) because they mistakenly believe what they are seeing is our government. No, our government has been stolen and perverted by the "lesser of two evils" parties acting in tag team fashion over an extended period to benefit themselves and their elite controllers we only want the government our founding fathers gave us back from the posers and usurpers who perverted it. I doubt nationalists will ever be able to grasp that idea though.
  11. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    I gotta agree with you on that one Poncho. It makes very lttle difference if this tag team is working togethor or if it is dyfunctional , the government of the Good ol' U.S. of A no longer represents us but lobbbies with the most influence and money.