I've gotta laugh

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Gina B, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    (there's a bumper sticker for ya)

    This was said right here on the board, at this link: CLICK

    I know some people think like this, but I guess a few "brave ones" just come out and say it. :(
    </font>[/QUOTE]Did it stick in your craw? Good. That was the intent.

    It's not just some people that think this way. All people do. Even you. This thread proves it. You believe your view on the subject of drums in church (that it's simply a matter of one's preference) is the right one, i.e. the same thing God would say if He were asked.

    It's good that you can laugh at yourself.
  2. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Perhaps if you get two more things stuck in people's craws, you'll get translated, what with how close you already are to it and all.

    But seriously, what made you say something like that? No, that isn't how everyone thinks. In fact, it sounds downright Luciferian. There are a lot of Christians who believe that there is always more to learn about doctrine, and that on many topics, you cannot claim 100% accuracy and say you speak for God. You basically said "this is God's opinion on drums". Don't you feel...wrong? Not in your opinion, but in saying that you know God's opinion on this matter and speak for it. I can't even say that about my opinion! I think he dislikes organs more than drums.
    But...I haven't read any doctrinal stances on drums OR organs within the scriptures.
  3. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    Bring on the dancing girls! Bring on the dancing girls!

    Seriously... sometimes people need to step back and listen to what they are saying. Especially when you consider that an unsaved world is watching... and listening.

    Sometimes, when I read some posts on here, i just wanna go...

    In Christ,
  4. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I think we should be a lot more concerned about what the Holy and Almighty God thinks of our speech than what the sinful, lost world thinks.

    Joseph Botwinick
  5. bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Hey now,

    to be fair, I think the original writer of this comment from the OP was only trying to say that God's standards are more concerned with PEOPLE rather than with whether or not we have drums in the church.

    Let's not all beat up on one guy without even giving him a fair hearing. This thread is out of line, IMO.
  6. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Please let the man speak for himself BM.

    We've posted together for years, and all survived each other's occasional cross-eyed looks and raised eyebrows over certain statements. If I don't value someone's opinion on many things to start with, I rarely bother talking to them about the few things we disagree on.

    People can't just agree all the time and not understand why, or disagree without good cause. So we discuss things. If we didn't, we'd look like Larson's boneless chicken farm, where all the floppy chickens are just laying around rolling in the muck because they have no bones. :eek:
  7. Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Ok, you get the weirdest mental image of the week award!
  8. bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I know Gina,

    my comments were based on the post he seemed to be answering in that thread. Probably not worded best, but I don't think its fair to start another thread just in order to discuss his intent without having first asked him to defend it within that thread. Not to mention the fact that I rarely see him anywhere besides the music forum, and he most likely won't see this thread unless someone gives him the head's up.

    Its hard for me to see someone "ganged-up on" without his being allowed to defend. I just think it would have been more properly discussed with him, rather than in here without him.

    Please don't take this as an attack on you, Gina. Its not that I don't understand.
  9. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    Gina quotes Aaron:

    Any advice contrary to mine does not have God's standards in mind.

    I wish I had God's phone number. Would someone please email it to me?
  10. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I don't have the exact number, but the area code is 334... :D
  11. Aaron Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 4, 2000
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    You hit the nail on the head, bapmom.

    In the cited thread, the topic starter asked for methods of dampening the drum sounds, because people were complaining. Some people even left the church over it, because, according the OP, those people (the ones who left) just had other issues, being racist old white people who obviously don't have their ears tuned for hearing God.

    My comment was that unless God had commanded their church to use drums, then the consciences of those who left over the issue were more important.

    I said nothing about whether or not God likes drums. Read it for yourselves and see.

    Honestly, though, is any opinion worth stating unless the one expressing it is sure it's the right one?
  12. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Couldn't BM, thread was closed, and besides that I wouldn't have anyhow because the topic was about the noise of drums and how to make it softer, so whole 'nother thing!

    Aaron, yes an opinion is still worth stating. There are some things that are highly subjective, but we're still allowed to have an opinion on, and share our thoughts about.
  13. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Was Paul being Luciferian when He said, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed,"? Gal. 1:8

    I made no such claim. I said any advice contrary to the advice I gave is not considering God's standards.

    What was the advice I gave?

    No I didn't. Read the thread again.

    First, if my opinion is right, then it's God's "opinion" too. If it's not God's "opinion," then it's wrong.

    Second, I do know God's will on the subject of the other thread, because it's stated for us in black and white in the Bible. In fact, it's elementary.

    Then why should I be interested in your opinion?

    I don't believe this is really your opinion, but if it is, my next question would be...

  14. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Why should I answer you then if you're not interested? LOL!

    I would think he doesn't like organs because I dislike them in church even more than drums, and drums are actually mentioned in terms of how to praise him in Psalms. An organ isn't a natural instrument. Plus it reminds me of death.

    Yes you did basically say "this is God's opinion on drums", for you said "Any advice contrary to mine does not have God's standards in mind." Your opinion on drums throughout the years is well known. Wasn't that you putting the little drummer boy in a head lock just last Christmas? It seems that you enjoy debating the drum issue and speaking out against it. There's nothing wrong with that, and I really think that yes, you had your dislike of drums in mind or you wouldn't have entered that thread.

    Anyhow, that wasn't what stuck out. I was going on your comment, and that's what I commented on.

    "Any advice contrary to mine does not have God's standards in mind."

    That's the comment. Here's the question.

    Throw out the drums or anything else. Just look at the comment. Say it to yourself.

    Did you mean it? Would you say it in most other contexts when you're talking about things you believe are the way God thinks they should be?
  15. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    Was Paul being Luciferian when He said, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed,"? Gal. 1:8

    You aren't Paul and hitting a can with a stick isn't the gospel.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    I said any advice contrary to the advice I gave is not considering God's standards.

    Good for you.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Like the title says . . . you gotta laugh.

    [ March 13, 2006, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: DHK ]
  16. Aaron Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 4, 2000
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    In your post here, would you allow the possibility that anyone who contradicted your statements to have a good understanding the Gospel?

    Of course not. In fact you'd consider them on the verge of being, if not truly, heretical. As I said, everyone thinks that the advice he gives is the mind of God on the subject.

    And you aren't Christ. Yet you certainly believe the things you say here are according to His mind and will.

    So true. The Gospel is love and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Therefore, one who prefers drums over the consciences of the "old white people" are not behaving according to the Gospel. And my statement is thus verified. Anyone who advises the church to do otherwise does not have God's standards in mind.

    [ March 13, 2006, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: DHK ]
  17. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    A quote wrapped in a quote. Is the quotient an enigma?

    The craws around here are sure gettin' their workouts, eh?

    Ok, I'm done now...

    Kiss and make up everyone, and have a good night.

    [ March 13, 2006, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: DHK ]
  18. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    I'm not going to argue with the particulars in your statement here, but I want folks to pay particular attention to the manner in which you supported your statement.

    You said God likes drums because He wants to be praised with them. Now, you're either sure of this or you're not. If you're sure you're right, then you are, in effect, saying that you know God's mind on the subject. If you're not sure, then how am I helped by your statement?

    I am sure that God loves people more than He loves drums, and if a man's conscience is violated by drums in the church, then, unless He commanded the church to use them, He would prefer that the drums go before the people do. Even if they are old, white racists. (And I seriously doubt the accuracy of that description.)

    And that's God's opinion on the issue of drums in Debby's church.

    Are you still going to insist that I was talking about drums per se, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, i.e. my very words in that thread?

    Well, I've stated it enough that one would expect it to be well known, but, alas, only a charicature of what I believe dominates the responses of those who oppose me. I never argue specific instruments—only the manner in which they're used.

    And the Christmas before, and the one before that, and the one before that. Check out the thread.

    The Little Pagan Drummer Boy

    You'll see that my contention was with the message of the song. Not with the little pagan's drum.

    Actually, I entered that thread because of the deprecatory statements about those who left the church over the issue.

    The comment out of context is not the comment I made. I find it interesting that one can only build a case against it when it is out of context. But leave it in, and folks will be forced to admit I was right—again. ;)
  19. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    Aaron said:

    In your post here, would you allow the possibility that anyone who contradicted your statements to have a good understanding the Gospel?

    Once again, hitting a drum with a stick is not the moral equivalent of perverting the content of the Gospel.

    You seem to have missed it the first time I said that, so I thought I would repeat it.

  20. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    aaron your statement on the other thread should never have been made in the first place.. you were out of line there because the OP didn't want debate over drums.. she wanted practical advice to soften drums....

    But you just can't refrain from stating your opinions about drums...and comparing your statement with those of the Apostle Paul's is IMO arrogant. Paul was writing Scripture,, I'm pretty sure no post on BB will ever make it into the Canon.

    Everyone here knows your opinion on drums.. that's fine, but don't equate it with scripture.

    I have an opinion on organs, and banjos, but I would never say that just because I don't like them they are unscriptural..they are, just like drums, ascriptual.