King James

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Bob Rogers, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    We all know what Scripture michelle is referring to:

    Psalm 12:6-7
    The words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
    Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

    The presentation of which Scripture in my opinion is now (probably unwittingly) being used as a ruse.

    The division caused by the difference of opinion concerning this passage always leads us away from the central issue.

    That God has indeed preserved His Word.

    Not only in heaven, but here on earth and Jesus gave a way to discern where that would be.

    Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    The Masoretic Text. Masora means Traditional.
    Nowhere in the KJV or any other English Bible can these jots and tittles be found.

    They have as it were “passed” away” from them.

    Jesus pointed to the original language.

    The Church from the beginning has almost always hearkened back to these texts for translation

    So should we.

    That is my conviction. I can’t prove it just as the KJVO can’t prove theirs.

  2. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    The verses in Psalm 12 being considered are simply stating that God's promises are true, and that he will preserve the perfect person, ie, those that trust in him. Why must people try to twist these scriptures to support an unscriptural view?

  3. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Amazing Granny, I found the following passage in the New King James Bible:

    Hebrews 11:1
    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    So we are up two versions (according to your Scripture) in which the we have the preserved word of God

  4. michelle New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Michelle, I believe you are my sister in Christ, but you have also IMO been guilty of attacking people. I'm certainly not blameless in this regard either- I've felt that I've been unduly harsh in at least a couple of my dialogues with you- and for that I apologize.

    Thank you Larry for this, I truly do appreciate this, and your kindness and humbleness, and your honesty. I also consider you my brother in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Personally, you've called me "blind"; told me once that I "act stupid and ignorant"; and on more than one occasion have insinuated that I'm spiritually immature. Now, I realize that I still have a long ways to go on the maturity scale- but I've also had awhile to grow in the Lord, and I believe I have done so. Chronologically, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour some years before you were born (according to your bio).

    And I also apologize for saying these things to you, that have hurt you, or made you feel as though you were spiritually immature. I in no way think that, and I am sorry if I made you feel that way. We are human, and many times, can fall away from the Lord's leading in a situation, and I also admitt that I have done this and allowed my anger to turn to sin, many times. I think part of it, is that I spend more time on here, than the Lord would have me to, and I start going against the Lord's will, and I fail each and every time. I am sorry, and I have been praying about this everyday, for myself and all of us.

    Just bear in mind that words can be hurtful to people on both sides of the KJVO debate.


    Yes, I understand this. And sometimes it is to be expected. But I have to say honestly, that many here, maybe not lately you, but many have done and said some very mean and nasty things to me, and to others that are not done on a one time basis, but continually. Many continue to take liberty with what someone has written, and twist it to show something there, that was not, nor is there to which is misleading. Our salvation is continually attacked, not questioned. To say that our belief is gnosticism, or part of a cult or believing myths and heresies and false doctrine, is not questioning our salvation, but boldly stating in a different way that we are not saved. These things are untrue. You may all think we are decieved, but that would not be bolding saying we are not saved, as is being done. Christians can and are decieved in many areas, but this in no way makes them unsaved. These labels and names and accusations are made toward us in most cases, it seems, as if to hurt us. If I tell you you are blind, or decieved, this is not meant to hurt you, but to tell you the truth and to help you. It is not said to slander you, nor is it to question your salvation, or your spirituality, nor your growing with the Lord. However, we are being purposely slandered and continually. You may think that the attacks are equal on both sides, but I do beg to differ with you.

    I realize that these posts are off topic, and I apologize. I did want to respond to you Larry however, and acknowledge what you said. I thank you very much for your post. I will try not to hijack the threads anymore and try to be more sensitive, as much as the truth will allow.

    Peace and love to you all in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,
  5. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    "So please, provide me with scriptural support, so that I will no longer be deceived."

    Well, gee, Granny, I guess that makes Martin Luther a Oneness Pentecostal as well.
  6. Bob Rogers New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    These responses cover so many point, with many questionable points. Of the names thrown around, Sam Gipp is the only one I know personally. He was working for the contractor, that was building my cousin`s house. Sam was carrying something and fell through an open stairway (the opening was there, but there weren`t any stairs) and broke his neck (literally). Sam`s sister-in-law is his contact number. I was in the same church youth group with her husband. Sam`s older than me. That doesn`t mean I agree or disagree with what he`s written. It does mean, that I have over 30 years of personal knowledge of his personal character. Sam is a N.E. Ohio, S.E. Europeon ethnic. He`s from a Romanian Orthodox background. I don`t believe, that disagreements of Biblical positions justify character assassination!

    The connections between the Templers and the Sinclair clan are no secret.

    The seperation of Freemasonry from the Knights Templers took a distinct shift in the 18th century. A courier for the Bavarian Illuminati to the leadership of the French Revolution was struck by lightning; and his papers fell into the hands of Bavarian authorities. The French government ignored Bavarian warnings.

    Everything went beyond conspiracy theory to established fact. The Knights Templers regard the Royal House of Stewart as decendants of King David. There are Stewart family records to support those claims.

    The connections of Wescott and Hort are with the Jesuits. That may appear sinister in itself; but it doesn`t constitute a connection to secret societies and/or Satanism!

    Why does everything have to come from attack mode?

  7. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    My biggest problem with this whole situation is that I could take nearly any translation and make the precise same claims the KJVO position and they would openly attack me for it.

    What say ye, if I say "The NKJV is God's Word for today in English. I know it because of Psalm 12, Hebrews 11:1, and because I am faithful to the Lord and He has revealed this truth to me."?
  8. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    The sad thing is, Bob, that though some have accused W/H of being 'satan worshippers', no one has proven this to be fact. The 'secret society' thing is also mostly unfounded accusations to discredit them. I believe they, in college, or childhood, were members of a 'secret society', but nobody took that kind of thing seriously. And even if they did, I believe the proof of the connection of the Knights Templers to the AV translators.

  9. michelle New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    If you can show me in the scriptures where God has said that He would allow additions/omittions/alterations of His words of truth - clearly stating He would, then I will show you the scriptures I have provided many times already to you. I will not accept the line that the gospels are different. There is a clearly different reason the gospels seem different, but they are in fact not different. They are written in a different perspective, but all say the same things, and there are no contradictions. Now, one more thing I would like to say regarding that, is what the Apostles wrote down, were the inspired words of God Almighty, and they have been preserved in that manner, exactly throughout history - if you doubt me, read Psalm 12. A translation of God's words, does not have this same authority. A translation, in God's providence would mirror, or equal the texts it is translated from appropriately and accurately in that prospective language.

    Love in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,
  10. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    By faith, I believe I have God's very words & I do not acknowledge anything else as being such. Take away my Bible and you take away my only means of knowing Him, as I would not substitute or trust anything else. If you feel the "new" kjv or any of the other mv's is God's Word for today in English, then you should have peace about that.
  11. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Thank you for your gracious attitude, GG!

  12. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    So are you saying that only the original texts in the original languages are inspired and that all translations including the KJV do not carry the authority of the originals? Or are you saying that God inspired the Apostles to write down His Word in English, because you feel the KJV does carry the same authority as the originals?

    You are speaking in circles. Either the translations(according to you) do not carry the same authority as the originals or they do. If all translations are inferior to the originals then that would by definition include the KJV.

    Bro Tony
  13. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I do Granny. And thank you for your graciousness. BTW, neither I nor anyone else that I have read on this board would want to try to take away your Bible. As a matter of fact we agree with you that it is the Bible and you don't need anything else.

    God Bless,

    Bro Tony
  14. Ziggy Well-Known Member
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    Jul 13, 2004
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    That's the sound of a Bible verse being used completely out of context.”

    And coincidentally it is also the sound of the first three letters of Rrriiippplinger, which also has something to do with taking matters out of context.

    Should this be reported to Rrriiipppley’s Believe it or Not? ;)
  15. Ziggy Well-Known Member
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    Jul 13, 2004
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    Bob Rogers: “The connections of Wescott and Hort are with the Jesuits.”

    Prove it.

    And not by quoting Ruckman or Chick or their followers.

    I’ll help with the answer: it can’t be done.
  16. michelle New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    You are speaking in circles. Either the translations(according to you) do not carry the same authority as the originals or they do. If all translations are inferior to the originals then that would by definition include the KJV.


    I was not speaking in circles. I was talking about the reason for the seemingly difference in the gospel accounts, that many like to bring up as their proof that versions can omitt/add things to God's word. A translation of God's word is, and can be the same authority as the origionals. Additions/omittions to them are not.

    Love in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,
  17. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    As does the NKJV.
  18. Bob Rogers New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Bro. Tony:

    Michele appears to be saying (appears means my interpretation and not putting words in anyone`s mouth), that the KJV translators had to have been divinely inspired. Without divine inspiration, a translation can only be as good as the translators` knowledge and the language used. The credencials of Sir Francis Bacon are well established. The English language is subject for debate.

  19. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I do Granny. And thank you for your graciousness. BTW, neither I nor anyone else that I have read on this board would want to try to take away your Bible. As a matter of fact we agree with you that it is the Bible and you don't need anything else.

    God Bless,

    Bro Tony
    </font>[/QUOTE]Let me add my hearty "AMEN!" to that.
  20. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    The divine re-inspiration of Scripture by ANY translator in ANY time - Anglican Priests or Wescott/Hort - is HERESY.

    That is a proper use of the term on this forum. Saying only one version is correct or inspired is blatantly false teaching, but the "h" word is applicable only to that attacking the inspiration of the Word of God.