Leaving a Church

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Precepts, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    All we men who name the name of Christ are "men of God". This man is a pastor/elder of the church. He should be approached Biblically and not in a rash manner. Remember a man of God named Elisha one time, some kids came along and said some rather nasty things to him that day. Wasn't long and Yogi Bear's hell bent aunt and her best gossiping buddy came rolling out of the woods and had themselves quite a meal. I was only throwing a word of caution to vaspers, that is all. There are many a young preacher who come along and are bent on "deposing" the pastor, much to the shame of the deacons and the rest of the congregation they are swayed by the zeal and charisma of the young fellow. Just a note of warning. I would leave the church before going up against the pastor, except in the area he becomes disqualified, then I would first give him oportunity to repent and depending on the offense whther he could remain the pastor.

    We're living in a day where competition is running rampant in the area of pastoring the "good paying" churches. We're witnessing some of the most ungodly practices where preachers are out for blood it seems of other preachers. I've seen two threads right here on BB that have run like wildfire about certain preachers, one of those men is a dear friend of mine.

    Right now we as a church are caught between two great men of God that we love both very much and have been helped tremendously by their ministries.

    I for one will not choose sides in this particular situation. I'm still supporting them both. I understand perfectly how the devil is wiling away and causing strife and discord.

    Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called the children of God.
  2. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Precepts is correct in admonishing vaspers about his attitude and language. While you might not agree with his message or method, he IS God's servant in that church at this time.

    There is a biblical way of dealing with what you feel about the pastor's message and manners. Matthew 18 is still in the book.

    1. Go to him and talk with him, uncondemning but concerned.

    2. If he will not agree (he may think the problem is with YOU) then ask the elders/deacons to accompany you.

    3. After that it becomes the CHURCH'S responsibility to deal with it, but you have fulfilled your biblical duty.
  3. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Bless you mightily, Dr. Bob. So correct you are.

    I probably have done all I should. I confronted the person, two deacons were there. I called the Head of Deacons, he is aware and let me know there is already consideration of the problem, even his wife has expressed horror.

    I called a buddy at a Pentecostal church, who once was my primary teacher years ago, and he said what Dr. Bob said. I wanted a different denominational viewpoint, yet both he and Dr. Bob say the same.

    I need do no more. Resign from all responsibilities perhaps, find a new church, but don't stir up dissent, mainly because it's the Deacons who must enforce discipline on him. If they don't, its not my fault. What a relief.

    I can explain my concerns if anyone asks, it is my right to express my opinion. but the dealing with a minister, that's not a grassroots rebellion mutiny deal, tho you may wish it were.