Make Your Mate Your Best Friend

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by John of Japan, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    My husband and I are approaching 29 years of marriage and we are as best of friends as we ever have been!! We've been through so much in life, family and ministry and often we are each other's only sounding board due to privacy reasons! We don't have the same interests in a lot of things (that boat we have is his love, if I had my love, I'd have a house full of animals but he's allergic so....we go on the boat), but we are as close as two can be. :) I'm so grateful to God that we found each other young and have been together ever since. He was the first boy I gave my heart to. :)
  2. John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Amen! A wonderful testimony. :thumbs:
  3. John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Folks, I just got off the phone with a dear old retired missionary down in Sapporo. Brother Bob recently lost his dear wife Ruth of somewhere around 50 years. He said, "I don't know what's the matter with me, the way I feel."

    The senior missionary back when we first came to Japan in '81, Dr. Jim Norton, recently went to Heaven and his wife is alone without him.

    Recently Dr. David Alan Black, a Greek scholar and the mentor for our son's PhD, lost his wife to cancer. This good man is devastated.

    I can't imagine the loss these friends are suffering right now. What I'm trying to say here on this thread is treat your mate right! Make them your best friend. If you don't, the day will come when you regret not treating your "better half" as your most precious treasure.
  4. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    My MIL lost my FIL a year ago after 62 years of marriage and it was so hard for her. We ended up moving her this Christmas from a house to an apartment but fortunately, it's still in the same retirement community she was in so she didn't lose her friends or her surroundings - just the home that held "ghosts" for her. She's thrilled to be in the new place and she's adjusting but they also were best friends forever so it's so hard.

    Man, if Bob passed away, I'd feel like I lost my right arm and right leg. :(
  5. Joined:
    Apr 11, 2013
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    Ann, first I want to echo, that is an amazing testimony. I wish I had 1) been a Christian when I first married, and/or 2) met Liz when I was young. I would love for your testimony to be my testimony, but that just wasn't God's plan.

    I came to Christ late in life, age 41. Liz has been a Christian all her life, or at least since age 10, but admits to having made bad choices. Now we have each other, and as we have first loved God, then each other, we now see the wonderful plan He has laid out before us. The amazing thing is not that it took so long for us to find one another, but that He was so patient in letting us stumble, bumble and falter through life until we did. We both realize, as you stated in your later post, that losing one another would be devastating, but we also feel that having had one another in our lives even for this short time would make all of what God has given us just a taste of what He gave us in each other.

    Neither of us would go back to what we've had before, but having one another now makes all of that we suffered before worth it. In other words, we wouldn't relive a second of any of it, but if that's what it took for us to be who He has made us in preparation for one another, so be it.
  6. John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Thank you to Ann and TND for excellent posts. :jesus:
  7. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I'm so grateful that God brought you through your life safely and that He has a great future for you with your love at your side. :flower: