Mel Gibson, The Passion of Jesus Christ, and Baptists

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by andy, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. andy New Member

    Oct 12, 2003
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    I just returned from viewing the movie, The Passion of Christ. This is one of the greatest Christian films of all time! There were a lot of moist eyes in the movie theater. Tears rolled from my eyes as I saw Jesus Christ nailed to the cross for my sins. I Peter 2:24 says, " who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree..." I John 1:7 says, "The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin . . ." I believe that this movie is going to be used to bring multitudes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This movie may bring about one of the greatest revivals in American history!
    There is a whole lot of irony in all this though. God has used a ROMAN CATHOLIC HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STAR by the name of Mel Gibson to bring this movie to us. More people will trust Jesus Christ as their saviour from this film than 1000 fundamental Baptist or southern Baptist Churches. What do you Baptists have to say about that? God sure works in mysterious ways. I urge everyone to see this movie. I know that you fundamental baptists are against going to the movie house but man you gotta see this picture!
  2. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Lord have Mercy...I'm outta here!
  3. AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Please watch how your word your posts. This has come off a little arogant, and when one is trying to maintain an atmosphere of Christian love and respect for our bretheren, please keep that in mind.

    There are several other threads started on the Passion. You would probably have better luck reading those and getting people's opinions. (I believe that they're trying to keep Passion threads to a minimum).

    In Him.

    [ March 01, 2004, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: AdoptedDaughter ]
  4. TaterTot Guest

    I think its great. There are so many folks who wont step foot in church, so this is taking part of Christ's story to them. Yea for creative evangelism!!
  5. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    Actually we will not know until the long run. Most likely the so-called conversions will be all emotionalism. People will take their tears as a sign from God that they are saved.

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    Are you saying that this movie is going to do what the Word of God cannot do.
  6. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Most Baptists are thrilled when the message of salvation is proclaimed by anyone, for any reason.
    Good for us all to remember. Folks can hear the Gospel and be born again by faith alone in my church this Sunday, at a movie, reading a tract or a book, reading a Gideon Bible, listening to a christian song.

    As long as the media is faithful to the Word of God (and much of the Passion was faithful) folks can be touched by the Spirit of God, regenerated and given faith to repent and believe.
  7. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Andy, I don't get it. Why are you as a Lutheran posting sounding upset with Baptists because of what you think THEY might think about a Roman Catholic movie director thinks is a portrayal of the crucifixion? :confused:
    I've never seen Baptists as a whole knock going to movies. I've seen a few, but in every denomination you can find a few who don't think much of many different activities.
    Just looking for an argument for the fun of it are do you have a grudge with the Baptist denom? I ask this after going through your last 50 posts and finding a running theme of some type of sarcasm towards Baptists in many of them.
  8. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Andy, there was a time when all Baptists took a stand against joining the world and the filth of Hollywood, at least in Canada.

    I for one do not patronize Hollywood, nor will I give them credit for anything remotely good.

    There were people who were good religious people in the scriptures and they were told they must be born again. This was accomplished by the "foolishness of preaching" and not by some picture, no matter how well done. This includes the so-called religious movies that further detracted from the preaching of the word. It turned the sanctuaries of God into second grade movie palaces, and the price has been paid down through the ages with the low grade Christian witness and commitment to Christ. That is my opinion.


  9. Joined:
    Jul 29, 2000
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    well waddaya know?!

    this is EXACTLY what the Romist proselyters predicted:

    wonder how it feels to've fallen for the trap.

    bolding mine. quoting a hardcopy of one of the books at
  10. Lorelei <img src ="

    May 25, 2001
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    Yes, a catholic movie star brought us a film about the catholic gospel of the sacrifice of a mother and her son. This film was full of so many errors and departed greatly from scritpture. This is not surprising, since Mel is a catholic, but I would hardly call it the greatest christian film of all time. In fact I would not recommend this film to anyone. I found it appalling.

    It's a sad day when people think more people will get saved from a production of hollywood than from hearing the Word of God. Sorry my Bible says different.

    This movie did not preach the gospel. There was no explanation as to the ressurection or how that life can save you. It focused more on Jesus' relationship to Mary than it did to His Father.

    We need the gospel to be preached, not partially and falsely represented on a movie screen. This, as most movies do, appeals to the emotions of man, but does little for their spiritual well being.

    That's what this Baptist has to say about that..

  11. A_Christian New Member

    May 14, 2003
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    The death of Christ was appalling. The scripture is very clear in this regard. I know JWs who have told me that Christ died on a pole because a cross represents the male sex organ and a Holy GOD would not allow His only begotten Son to die on such a vile thing.

    The point is that sin and not symbols is a vile thing. Christ became sin for us. Now how does someone portray this in a pleasent way. We live in a society where violence for violence sake is totally accepted at the movies. It is only when violence is applied to give historic validity that it becomes "over the top". I felt the movie was an honest attempt to portray what we can only read about. Sorry, but in this day and age I feel that some people really need their face pushed into it or they see it as just as play acting and not truth. That is just the way it is...
  12. JustAsIAm New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    I'm sorry you are so angry with Baptists.
  13. mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    "I found it appalling."
    You actually went out and saw it?
    I'm simply expressing my surprise here, not saying that you are not allowed to have an opinion if you didn't.
    It's just, you of all people actually went out and saw it?
    I mean you are the last person on this board I expected to go out and watch this film.
  14. Lorelei <img src ="

    May 25, 2001
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    Yes, I went out and actually saw the film.

  15. Priscilla Ann Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    I've seen "The Passion of the Christ" twice and think it is an awesome movie. The reality of Jesus sacrifice for our sins was so beautifully portrayed. Yes, the physical beatings were's hard to watch but probably close to the reality.

    I am a Baptist (former Catholic). I saw the film the first time with my husband and members of our Baptist church. The second time I viewed the film with my mother, sister and niece (all Catholics).

    I admit that there were a few scenes that did not come from the Bible. For example, the scene of Veronica wiping the face of Jesus comes from Catholic tradition and not the bible. It seems that I also read that there were parts that came from the visions of a Catholic saint. Since Mel Gibson is a devout Catholic, that's not too surprising.

    As a Baptist who used to be Catholic, I was skeptical when I first heard about the movie, and I wondered how closely it would follow the gospels. In spite of the few non-biblical scenes, I felt that the message of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins came through loud and clear.

    Because of this movie, I have had opportunities to speak to family members and co-workers about Jesus. Though "The Passion" is not perfect, I believe God is using this film to make people at least ask questions about Jesus and what His death and resurrection means for sinners.

    God Bless!
  16. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I agree Priscilla. At a time when homosexual marriage is trying to take the headlines, a film with a vivd portayal of what Christ did for man is causing them to report what this film is doing to this country.

    I also am a Baptist, from a church that speaks against going to the movies. What this film is doin to the audiences is causing them to think about Jesus. Many won't go to a church, much less even pick up a Bible, but they will go to a film. I think this movie is giving out the Gospel to another crowd who hasn't heard before.

    Ps 104:
    Easy believism runs rampant in churches too. But there are those that still get saved. When we take that focus off of "us" getting them saved, and let God do that work, anything that points to Christ can move a heart.

    Maybe the Baptists should quit snubbung their nose in the air. Too many of them think they have the only means of getting out the Gospel. There is alot of Maryology in it, but what Christ suffered for us covers it successfully.
  17. Briguy <img src =/briguy.gif>

    May 16, 2001
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    It's my belief that people that left the movie thinking the film was poor, went in looking not to like it.

    I thought the film was well done and I am glad I went. Good Friday will never be the same to me as I have an image now to go with what I had always pictured.

    I am amazed that people would pick apart some minor theological issues and miss the power and the point the movie was making.

    In Christian Love,
  18. Jude <img src=/scott3.jpg>

    Jan 11, 2001
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    For me, it was the most-inspiring 'Jesus' film I've ever seen. I'm sorry that your heart is so cold toward it...but I suspect it has more to do with your hatred for Roman Catholicism.
  19. AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Please do share these 'errors' you found in this film.
  20. Chemnitz New Member

    Oct 25, 2001
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    I don't know about the movie showing the sacrifice of a mother and a son. I saw it as a son who sacrificed himself and a mother grieving over the loss of her son.