Muslim Supreme Court Nominee?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by LadyEagle, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    The same thing was said of Jewish judges in the past. Today, there are a lot of Jewish judges, and Rabbbinnic law has yet to be implimenteed in the US courts. Catholic judges have not resulted in Canon law. Mormon judges have not resulted in Mormon edicts. There's no reason to think that having Muslims judges will result in Sharia law. In fact, I can't find a single case where this has happenned.
    Yet you seem to forgive the evils of Judaism to an extreme. I've seen you speak out against Mormons, JW's and Muslims, but Jews you seem to give a free pass to. What am I missing??? I can't find a singel post where you've condemned Jews.
  2. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Well, you won't find a single post where I've condemned Mormons or JWs, either. You must have me confused with someone else.

    When you can show me where Jews, JWs, or Mormons attacked us on 09/11 or are beheading people all over the world in the name of their religion, then I will be the first to call them evil.

    Furthermore, when you can show me their religious books and pastors preach such things, I will be the first to call them evil, as well.
  3. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Please show me this "objective fact" where I made this statement. Whether or not you believe the statement to be true or false is your opinion and beside the point.

    Kindly, please show me where I made the statement "SCOTUS "ruled" that the US is a Christian nation."

    Since you cannot do so, then your accusations against me are false. You may have to eat a crow pie.
  4. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    I was the one who said ruled. I shoud have said asserted or gave the opinion. LadyEagle, only gave the reference to the opinion I was talking about.
  5. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Thank you, Bunyon.
  6. Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    Have I missed something in this conversation? Is the following question being considered here?

    Is somebody missing the fact that United States law does NOT allow the discrimination of Federal employees---based on religion?

    In fact, the only time this might become an issue is with a security clearance, and even then, the person would have to be shown to have been a member of a group of Muslims that is subversive to the United States Government and it has yet to be proven that all (or even a majority) of Muslims belong to extremist groups that pose a threat to our national security.

    A judge rules on law, not on personal beliefs.
  7. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    It was mentioned early, Phillip.

    "Is somebody missing the fact that United States law does NOT allow the discrimination of Federal employees---based on religion?"

    This does not apply to appointments. A religious test may not be required, according to the Constitution, but that does not apply to the selection process itself.
  8. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    So the fact that Jews reject Christ and believe in a false God is not sufficient to call it evil? Hmmm.
    I refer you to the late Irv Ruben, the hed of the now defunct Jewish Defense League. The JDL was at one time a highly respected nationwide Jewish organization headquartered in Culver City. Ruben was arrested for attempting to blow up several mosques, and attempting to assassinate U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (a Lebanese American). Ruben has since committed suicide.

    Earl Krugel, another JDL associate, was also charged and convicted.

    Similar, though less militant, is the untraliberal Anti Defamation League. The ADL is actually a Jewish sect of freemasons. The ADL, with their billion dollar budget, has frequently pressured politicians nationwide for their own political gain, incuding seeking of hate crimes legislation whenever a crime victim is Jewish, under the guise of "anti-semitism". For some reason, the ADL's actions frequently go unnoticed, as though it is socially acceptible to give Jewish victims special rights over non-Jewish victims. So engrained in the mainstream is the ADL that is practically a sin to criticize them, for fear of being labeled an antisemite. Whatsupwiddat???
  9. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I sit corrected. You did not say that. You quoted the statement "Did you know that the supreme court once ruled (an official ruleing) that we are a Christian nation?" and then posted imformation indicating that you agreed with the statement. I hence retract my previous claims that you made this statement. Because the quote did not include the tagline "Originally posted by..." this led to the conclusion that you had posted this. That was obviously an error.

    So let's be clear: do you agree that SCOTUS made no such ruling? Yes or no?
    Not really. While you did not make the statement, you implied agreement with that false statement. Do you now retract that agreement?

    It is likewise notied that you got noceably silent on the "Moses and the 10 Commandments" SCOTUS facade after the picture of Mohammed facade was posted.

    You likewise got silent on you presumption that I would not have lost my small claims case if I was a woman, after I cited information negating your presumption. Then you posted an excuse for your presumption.
  10. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I sit corrected. You did not say that. You quoted the statement "Did you know that the supreme court once ruled (an official ruleing) that we are a Christian nation?" and then posted imformation indicating that you agreed with the statement. I hence retract my previous claims that you made this statement. Because the quote did not include the tagline "Originally posted by..." this led to the conclusion that you had posted this. That was obviously an error.

    </font>[/QUOTE]Let's see if I have this straight - you attack me and insinuate I'm lying and telling falsehoods and then accuse me of snipping your post when you attempt to "defend yourself in my post" by making personal attacks against me and accuse me of "an abuse of mod privileges" and it's my fault because I didn't include a tag line on a quote and you jumped to a conclusion and made personal attacks based on your jumping to a conclusion?

    Give me a break.

    Let's be clear. I haven't studied the case in question - I merely said to Google. I haven't studied the case enough to draw a conclusion, but if the justice writing the opinion was writing the opinion for the court at that time, then I would have to agree with the original premise.

    Not only that, I'm sorry you don't believe in the rich Judeo-Christian heritage that this nation was born of.

    This is my country by heritage and by birth and my ancestors came over here well over 200 years ago. I'm not prone to hand my country over to Sharia law. And yes, I DO have an issue with Sharia law and Islamic terrorism and groups such as CAIR who support terrorism. I do have issues with a Muslim appointee to the SCOTUS. I do have issues with Muslims trying to take over my country, either overtly, covertly, or by terrorism. I do have issues with the Islamic political system spawned from hell.

    You can say what you want to about Jewish influence in the US Government, but it has never been with the intent to have our whole nation either embrace Judaism or die by the sword. Not all masons are Jews, either. In fact, if you cared enough to study real US history instead of some revisionist version, you would find out that Jews have had a presence in US history from nearly the beginning in one fashion or another.

    And Thomas Jefferson was fighting Muslim terrorists (Barbary Pirates) way back then. It may sound like some romantic tale, but the fact is, they were Muslims and there have always been "issues" with them. I wish our present administration and Congress had Thomas Jefferson's guts to confront the real issue of terrorism. But it's a little hard to do that after you've been making money with some of them for decades and have looked the other way.

    Jews are not known for and do not have a progressive history through the centuries of conquering nations by the sword and beheading innocent people. Muslims have a history of such crimes against humanity which started at the beginning of Islam (Mohammed beheaded 800 men in one day, who were Jewish, BTW) and it has continued to the present day.

    The war against the United States of America was declared against this nation by a Muslim and his followers. Even those who say they denounce him and his ideology still fund, aid, and give comfort to the enemy - and those people who do that are not limited to only those who live outside the USA.

    It's unfortunate, no, it's disgusting, that the terrorist Mohammed is included in the Supreme Court statuary. But maybe it's fitting since that's where this country is headed anyway. Savor your freedom while you have it because one day you might be called upon to make a choice - either Jesus Christ or allah.
  11. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    You DID snip my post, and imo, overstepped the bounds of moderator by rebutting me in your snip. You had the right to snip, but a rebut should have been done in a separate post, just as any other poster whould have to do.

    While I have acknowleged my error, it remains that you refuse to clarify what your position is. It appears that you do indeed believe that SCOTUS ruled that the US is a Christian nation. Perhaps you can clarify by agreeing or disagreeing in a response.

    Not once did I say it was your fault. It happens, I did not blame you. I've done it myself and the result has been that someone thought me to be the originator. It happens. It's no one's fault.

    Translation: you agreed with the belief that SCOTUS "ruled" we're a Christian nation, without researching it yourself. If you believe that, you believe a lie.

    I have no problem with such heritage. I do not, however, need Bartonesque revisionism to insert it where it is not present. Our Christian heritatge is sufficent without doing so, plus doing so results in a bad Christian witness.

    So what? I came over some 20 or so years ago and became a citizen, and it's just as much my country as it is yours.

    Neither do I. Don't even imply that I do.

    The problem is not those issue, but the McCarthyist view you have towards some in regards to those issues. Then again, you don't have a problem with the WW2 interment of American Citizens of Japanese ancestry, so it should be of on surprise.

    You shouldn't, because to date, there has been no valid base for concern.

    There are many American born Muslims, some having been here for several generations. It's their country too, as much as it is yours. I have no problem with fighting Islamic terrorism. You're obviously the wrong person to call the shots on that, however.

    Nice dodge. You can't even admit that the ADL and JDL are what they are. The extremist point to which you will defend Judaism is well noted and recognized by many here. If there's ever an arguement between a Jew and a Muslim, you will always side with the Jew without regards to the facts at hand.

    Never said they were.

    And it's their country too. I have no problem with that.

    Not exactly. You've posted this fabrication before. The Barbary Pirates were from Muslim countries. That's where the guilt by association ends. You completely disregard the multitude of other pirates that were from varying part of Europe, who were just as much a threat to Atlantic sailing ships.

    But it completely blew a hole in your previous contention. And very nicely I might add.

    Yea, I remember sometime in, what was it, late 2002 or so, that you said the "Islamization of America" would occur within 5 years. I said then that I looked forward to waiting 5 years to prove you wrong. That was 3 years ago, and so far, we're not even close. 2 more years, and I can officially say you were wrong. (too bad searches on archives don't work well, or I could find the original post and refer to it).
    Whatever. In 40 years, I'll stil be here, and the Constitution will still be intact, though perhaps with one or two more amendments that there are now.
  12. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Well, I don't plan to be here in 40 years.

    At any rate, I may have missed it by a few years because I can't remember the date of my original post - but according to the 20-year-plan of Islamists to take over America (by the year 2020), they are well on their way.

    CAIR and the Muslim Students of America are making great progress. Of course, it helps to own controlling stock in the one bastion of conservative thought in the major media - Fox News. And, of course, it helps to have Grover Norquist types in touch with major players in the WH and Congress. Which gets back to my OP - I do look for this President to nominate a Muslim to the SCOTUS as his last nominee before he leaves office - approved by both parties in Congress.

    The ADL is a terrorist group? Well, silly me, of course al-Qaeda would think so. :rolleyes:
  13. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    And I'll be around in 2020 to say that this was likewise wrong.
    The ADL is the Jewish version of CAIR. They've funded and pushed for hate crimes legislation, and have gone head to head with Jews-For-Jesus a few times. They have said a few "not nice" things about Christians. About 10 years ago, ADL illegally obtained California police and government records in San Francisco on a wide array of dissident political groups and turned them over to the Israeli government. Facing indictment, they somehow managed to escape criminal prosecution in return for paying $75,000 to groups that fight hate crimes. They didn't even have to pay a fine. ADL has in the past attacked Christian consrvatism several times, and has lost several defamation and slander cases against Christian inndividuals.

    In CAIR-esque fashion, I remember them legally strongarming Lycos a few years ago to remove a "Jews for Jesus" ad banner, claiming it was "blasphemous".
  14. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Well, Johnv, Stormfront doesn't think much of the ADL.

    But I can't seem to find where leaders of the ADL giving political speeches in public places advocating the overthrow of America - unlike CAIR. And I can't seem to find where members of Congress have called them a terrorist organization. Please enlighten us.

    But anyway, it's off topic. America is at war with Islam, because Islam declared war on us. Judaism did not declare war on the United States.

  15. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    "But it completely blew a hole in your previous contention. And very nicely I might add."

    Not really, just because we recognize the contributions other societies have made to our society does not change what the Opinion said or what we say. When you look at how this art is displayed. The Judeo Christians depictions are given precedent over all others. And the fact still remains. When you examine all the "uterances" and hitory- this is a Chritian nation.

    Johnv you seem to have a thing about Jews. Where are you from?

    Immigrations is an issue period. We are allowing it to happen to rapidly for us to incorporate the peoples effectivly.
  16. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I've been to DC, and can tell you firsthand that this is not true.

    I don't have a "thing" for the Jews.

    SOuthern California.
    The only issue has been immegal immigration. Legal immigration has never been considered a burden on America society.
  17. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I have no idea who stormfront is.

    Another nice dodge. It's amazong to what lengths you will go to rather than actually acknowlege that you might be in error over something.

    I once though as you do now, ut God in his graciousness released me from the sin of bogotry so tha I may repent of it. I pray that the Holy Spirit works on you likewise.

    Again, another dodge, rather than acknowleging, you deflect.

    Sounds good. Perhaps you could stop grandstanding and actually reply to one single thing that I said. You're the master of bait and switch. I wonder how many used car you've sold.
  18. mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Some people seem to have missed the obvious.
    There are at least 5 million Moslims living in the USA, that's a pretty large pool to fish in.
    With so many candidates to choose from surely there are a couple among them which are SCOTUS material.
  19. church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Can you imagine what it would be like to have one of them sitting on the court? We might as well have a communist--oh, we do have Ruth Darth Bader Ginsburg, communist.
  20. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Muslims are a fast growing segment of the US population. Therefore, if Christians value our liberty, they should stand up for separation of religion and government. Someday, another religion could be a majority.