My heart is Utterly Saddened

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Multimom, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Multimom New Member

    May 19, 2002
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    A many years ago, my husband and I left the Baptist church to attend a local non-denominational community church. It was a few years later that I came to this board. And not long after I left the board too.

    I came in today just to see how things are, and they are no different than when I left. This board spends so much time debating, disguised as discussion that we fail to see why we are or in my case were Baptists to begin with.

    It was a love of Jesus Christ and the belief in his saving grace that made us Baptists, and it was his compassion for people that caused our denomination to embrace wholeheartedly the great commission.

    But the love of Christ and belief in his saving grace is not what is preached here, what I tend to see is, the attitude of I am right and you are wrong, and if you don't see it just as I do then you are a heretic.

    The truth of the Bible is a loving and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and his people, and a loving intimate relationship is not,

    selfish, rude and onforgiving, it is not uncompassionate, or demanding, it is absolutely Jesus and it breaks my heart for the people of God to divide his body like so much property.

    How did we as Baptists come to such separatism??? Do we simply condemn those we know to be in error or do we loving teach the truth?

    Every day life and our faith gives us stones. Will be build a bridge, or will we build a wall???:1_grouphug:

    "The love of God constrains us...." does it really?????
  2. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Yes. I agree. There does seem to be an abundance "heretic hunters" here on this board.

    Believe it or not, I have seen evangelicals who proclaim justification through faith alone turn right around and condemn as (((HERETICS))) other evangelical brothers and sisters that ALSO proclaim justification by faith alone!!!


    I am not kidding. I am..sadly..completely serious.

    Of course there is nothing in the least wrong with *contending* for the truth. Its actually a very healthy thing.

    But to call your brothers and sisters "heretics" for no good reason is unimaginably out of place.

    God have mercy.
  3. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    There are commands in the Bible that cannot be ignored.
    We are to "Contend for the faith."
    "Mark them that cause divisions among you and avoid them"
    "Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord."
    "Be not unequally yoked."
    "How can two walk together lest they be agreed."

    You speak as if the Bible talks only of love and unity--far from it.
    You want to sacrifice doctrine on the altar of unity--ecumenism. That in itself is a heresy.

    You have come to a Baptist board; are a guest here; yet you yourself, are an interdenominational Charismatic, and no doubt believe many unscriptural doctrines. The Charismatic movement is one of the most dangerous movements in the world of Christendom today. It is a movement intended to unite all Christian movements whether saved or unsaved, and ultimately will be one of the great tools in the hand of the antichrist to build his one world church. It is part of the great ecumenical movement that now sweeps the world.

    As a Charismatic you try to promote love but don't want to discuss or debate doctrine. That is what most Charismatics are like. One Charismatic I know prayed thusly: "Oh God let not doctrine divide us; give us unity". This is heresy. Everything we believe is built on doctrine. Doctrine is simply teaching--teaching about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, etc. Does not the Charismatic movement care any more about the great teachings of the Bible. Is it so experience-oriented that it just throws doctrine out the window. "Give me experience; I don't need doctrine." That is heresy.
  4. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    There it is. Exhibit A

    DHK, I do not in any sense attend a "charismatic" church. But to "carpet condemn" them that way is just unimaginable.

    It would be like someone coming on here and saying...

    "See those "God hates fags" Baptists out in Kansas? Thats how all Baptists are. They are all like that! So hatefull!"

    How would that make YOU feel?
  5. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    If there is any one that is more misaligned (even on this board) it is the Baptists. Go check your history books. The Baptists have taken the gospel to unreached peoples of the world more than any other "denomination" of Christianity, and yet they repudiate the very word "denomination," for they are for the most part independent in nature. Read the biographies of such people as William Carey and the great work he did in India, Adoniram Judson--who though he started off as a Congregationalist, repudiated it on the ship when reading his Greek NT and became convicted that baptidzo meant immersion. He left the Congregational church and became a Baptist.
    The great theologian John Gill was a Baptist, as was C. H. Spurgeon. History is replete with such great men of God.
    Were they all hateful men? Far from it!

    But you said: They are all like that; so hateful!

    By thy words thou shalt be justified; and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

    If you can't take the fire of the truth, then get out of the frying pan.
  6. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Doesn't make any difference how I feel, the questions is: What does the Bible teach?

    Thats part of the problem with Americans, we are too concerned about feelings, and not facts!

    I don't like it when someone calls me anti-choice. Now I will explain why I am pro-choice (only the baby has the right to choose abortion) if they accept my belief - so be it. If not, I move on. Otherwise, I prefer to be call Pro-Life!

  7. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Read my post again...

    Here it is...

    It was a *hypothetical statement* that someone might say. To get you to maybe understand how your stunningly inaccurate view of charismatics comes across.

    My goodness how could you miss that?
  8. Darrenss1 New Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    I don't think he was being nasty though but making a point. Baptist churches are used to being separated by doctrine, in fact most expect it to be the usual thing to do. Other "denominations" seem to want to unify different denominations all for the wrong reasons, we're all one in Christ and unified in love they say. From my experience teaching accurate theology (as much as possible), how to interpret the bible are not the aim of some churches (I'm not pointing my finger at anyone), to me this is a grave error. Some of these churches are focused on signs, wonders, gifts, loving everyone but they lack a solid knowledge of scripture to even judge or deal with the activities that are happening in their church.

    If it came to unity or doctrine I would choose doctrine and do choose doctrine because anything you believe about God that is NOT based on the authority of scripture is a scary venture. Instead of teaching unity churches ought to be teaching theology, then they'll know what true unity is.

    Just some thoughts.

  9. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    1 Timothy 2

    1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

    2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

    3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

    was omitted from the list of things we are to do. I don't read much giving thanks for those in authority.
  10. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Read my post again. What should stun you.
    The Charismatic movement--the entire movement (every single church)--has serious doctrinal error (bordering on heresy if it shouldn't be called heresy), that has serious consequences on this global stage. World deception by Satan is going on right under our noses, and many fail to see it.
  11. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Note the OP

    This is a hateful and critical OP set forth by one who isn't even a Baptist.
    It is one of the most critical posts of the Baptists I have read. What is the purpose of this thread.
    Let's look at the rules. (found at the bottom of each page)

    [SIZE=-1]5. No trolling. Trolling consists of provoking large volumes of responses by posting absurdities, deliberately offensive insults, etc.

    The purpose of this thread was obviously set forth to produce a large volume of responses by posting an absurdity, and a deliberate offensive insult.
    And it worked.

    For that reason this thread will be closed.

    The poster didn't like debate in the first place. She could have posted in the discussion forum and discussed the color of toothbrushes, if she didn't want to debate doctrine. If she didn't want to debate why post here?
    Why, obviously she is a troll.