No preaching on Sunday Morning?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by GODzThunder, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. GODzThunder New Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    I was involved in this situation where a Church was trying to run off a pastor (they did have good reason to wish him gone as he had an affiar with the secretary). He finally was forced to announce his resignation on the last Sunday of the month. Two weeks before this meeting the men of the Church met together to discuss the situation and the former pastor dropped in to give his opinions. The former pastor decided and convinced the men to not let the pastor preach on his last sunday but just gather the Church in a business meeting and discuss the direction of the Church. I made the objection that we had two preachers in the Church (retired minister and a preacher in Bible College) and because of the constant flow of visitors (non-christian) that we should have preaching in the Church. I was voted down and sure enough that Sunday, we had two songs, the pastor announced his resignation effective immediately, then we went into a meeting where one of the men from the meeting gave a small speech of how we should all pull together. Good speech but there was no bible in it whatsoever.

    What is your view on not having preaching in Church service, AM, PM, or mid-week? (this includes Bible study and prayer time if substituted in evening or mid-week service).
  2. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Cannot imagine NOT having the Word of God proclaimed on a Sunday morning.

    However, that said, it sounds like your church needed some real help . . and preaching that morning might have been only a bandaid on a cancer.
  3. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    It probably would have been a good time to have an outside speaker to preach on drawing the church together and refocusing on what hte church is supposed to be doing. I am not a big fan of those kinds of meetings anyway, regardless of the circumstances. Most community meetings like that simply give time to malcontents to spread their complainst in public without having to handle them biblically. I would probably establish the deacons as a temporary (and I emphasize that world strongly) direction committee and encourage those with a particular viewpoint to meet with the deacons at a specified time. I would not do it during a regular service for several reasons. First, to schedule a special meeting requires extra commitment. That way, those who just want to speak about a subject but don't want to actually make a commitment to it will not show up. That way, those who don't want to commit to making it better will not have a voice. Second, it prevents malcontents from influencing the body as a whole. The worst thing in a church is for some malcontent to start spreading his vitriole among the members. I am a firm believe that if you are going to spread your bad attitude, you are not going to do it on "my time," meaning at an official church meeting. Call me on the phone, schedule a meeting and we will talk till you have been heard.

    These are tough times for a church when a leader has fallen. What needs to happen, IMO, is that the strong leaders in teh church need to unite together and lead. Give the people the opportunity to express their grief in a private setting, not in public. Keep negativity to a low. Do not allow people to complain publicly about the departed pastor. If he confessed and repented, then forgive him. Otherwise, let him slide off into oblivion as much as possible. Do not allow him or the situation to become the focus of attention.

    However, back to the point, I can't imagine a service where the word is not preached or communicated. I can't imagine I would do it.
  4. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Dr. Bob
    Pastor Larry

    It would also seem to be a good idea to encourage a few good men to always have a sermon prepared so that they may be able to fill in on a moments notice for any such emergency. These men do not have to be ordained ministers, any saved, mature Christian ought to be able to present a lesson from the Word of God. If they can't then the church has more problems then a fallen pastor.
  5. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Can't say it any better than what Pastor Larry said. This is where a D.O.M. in SB life comes in handy.
    Only place I might be cautious is giving the deacons any kind of authoritative rule, even for five minutes. Okay, five would be okay, but no more than ten :D If you had multiple elders, this would be a great time for them to lead. But the congregation as a whole has to be committed in order to survive such a time.
  6. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    My sentiments exactly. That is why I emphasize "temporary." But since multiple elder rule is not a NT polity ( :D ), the deacons act as representatives for the church body for this temporary time. Of course, the church could form a different group for this as well. My only reason for suggesting the deacons is that they are already "in the loop," in most cases. In situations like this, someone needs to be "in charge," so to speak.
  7. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Only when that church seeks to give itself away will it have the life it should. Sounds like the leaders are more interested in "preserving" the church rather than giving itself away.

    What you have decribed is an indicator of make me feel good religiom. Jesus already gave the vison in Mt. 4:19 and 28:19,20. If those men don't know what to do than they are not leaders.