Obama: the Wonderful One!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by righteousdude2, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    While it pains me deep, deep down to admit this, if the polls are right, we will soon be bowing in the presence of "the One" and offering to kiss his giant ruby ring!:laugh:

    Say what you want about Obama, and that includes myself [I've said an awful lot], if he runs the country half as well as he ran his campaign, he may be a pretty good president. The only thing I'd like to see different is that "funny" sounding name. History buffs, hundreds of years from now, will look at the chain of presidential names, and wonder what the heck happened when the string of good old American names ceased to be...

    Now, I do not want to be viewed as a betting person, but, if I were of another denomination or faith, other than Southern Baptist, I'd bet the ranch on the following predictions:

    1 - The media will have a relatively short "honeymoon" period with Barrack before they turn viciously on him;

    2 - The comedians [Bill Maher, Jay Leno, Keith Oblerman, etc.] will turn on Obama much sooner than the media, and the Obama jokes and Michelle First Lady snipes will be even more "toxic" than those tossed in the direction of Bush and his amazing First Lady, Laura. Truly, the media will not be nice to the Obama's, as Barrack sics "mad-dog Michelle" on the fickle media to devour their flesh;:laugh:

    3 - The tax cuts promised to the people may NEVER become a reality as the reality of how financially strapped this nation is settles in on Barrack;

    4 - Barrack will have to keep his military in Iraq, and add forces, through the draft, to other Mid-east countries, as Afghanistan, Syria,Iran, Israel, Pakistan, and Taiwan become the hottest spots in the lingering war on terrorism. Barrack will rue the day he dreamed of becoming the POTUSA;

    5 - Americans, led to believe they'd be getting a check from the infamous Obama Campaign Promises, will still be waiting for their first check, in 2012. Die hard fans of BHO will once again vote for "the One" believing his second term promises of the tax cut redistribution check that spent 4 years in the mail system. This will prove to the world that not only is a sucker born every minute, but, they're willing to live forever and day;

    6 - It will be discovered that Ayers, Wright, Flager, and other radicals named in the 2008 campaign, were actually on Obama's secret "shadow" campaign committee, and that they played an instrumental part in getting Obama elected through the help of the living seed known as ACORN;

    7 - The Republicans will have a renewal and restoration like re-birth in the 2010 elections, returning the Republican party to prominence and power. However, like the Democrats in 2006, they will be very ineffective in bringing about the change and promises they promised, as the pendulum swings back to the right much sooner than the left expected, the hopes of those who vote are once again dashed against the proverbial stone in the path of freedom;

    8 - Hollywood will learn the error of their ways, and continue down their destructive path, because they can't seem to find the exit signs installed on the freeways of life through the bounty of those election year bonds [to improve the infrastructure in California], and the ever increasing "earmarks" of pork;

    9 - Finally, Obama will start running for the Office of President on January 21, 2000. It will be the first time a sitting president embarks on a 4 year campaign to be re-elected. This will prove that the POTUSA is really nothing more than an empty suit, rubber stamp, figurehead of power position. Everyone will finally realize that a POTUSA is not that neccessary, but, it will take another 500 years for the Americans to vote an end to the Executive Branch of their government.

    There you have my "Predictions from and of the Heart." It will be interesting to revisit these predictions in 4 years and see just how many I hit on the head!

    In the mean time, blessings to all of my BB brothers and sisters, and may His peace give you the hope of sustainment to get through the next 4 years of governmentmental corruption and growth. Remember we now have the hope of the anointed one, who will be seen by many as a king with the a large ruby ring.:applause:


    Pastor Paul:type:
  2. JustChristian New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    I thought the media was ultra-leftist? Why will they turn on him?
  3. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Habits are Hard to Break

    They will turn, just like history has proven time and time again. You know this is true. Look at Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr. to name a few. The media will grow tired of their new toy and blast him from every side.:tonofbricks:
  4. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    Because having sold their souls to install Obama in office they will want to try to rebuild some sort of pretense of integrity as journalists.
  5. JustChristian New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    So the media is fair? I've believed that for a long time except for the "fair and balanced" Fox News which is extremely biased towards conservatives and assorted lunnies like Rush.
  6. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Wow RD, you really go out on a limb when you make predictions, don't you?

    In other words, things are going to carry on as they always have after a change in the White House.
  7. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    If you want fair and balanced, read the Drudge Report.
  8. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    So you read those few words that I wrote and interpreted them as meaning that I think that "the media is fair"?
  9. Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I respect your ability to admit Obama did something well and that he could be a good president. I think that is a near impossible feat for some folks on both sides of this debate to be able to say about the candidate they oppose.
  10. Palatka51 New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    You forgot many other things that are going to be an issue for everyone of us.

    401k's will be taken (confiscated) in the guise of Social Security enhancement and to prevent losses due to market crashes. In reality the theft will be for "Slavery Retributions."

    Abortion rates will go through the roof and the numbers will be mainly out of the Black Communities fulfilling the genocidal plans of Margaret Sanger.

    Persons of alternate lifestyles will be suing Churches and their Pastors for refusing to marry them. As marriage rights become all inclusive.

    Gun rights will be trampled on.

    A military police force will be established to squash any and all voices of descent.

    Socialist economic policy will be established.

    All the above is predicated upon the establishment of a Democratically controlled, filibuster proof Senate and House.
  11. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Because he will be unable to keep all his campaign promises. And he will turn out to be less of a messiah than they thought.
  12. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Those Are ALL Possible,

    , I Just Wanted to be A Little Bit Nice!
  13. JustChristian New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Why does everyone here keep referring to Obama as the messiah? There is only one Messiah.
  14. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    :laugh: :applause: :laugh: :wavey:
  15. Palatka51 New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    Because that is how many in his camp are treating him. There is a man here, standing on the street corner, holding a life size picture of Obama bathed in heavenly glow. With the word HOPE just above his head like a halo. :rolleyes:
  16. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    He's actually been called messiah by some.
    Even on this board he's talked about like he is the messiah, how great he is, and all the great he intends, and how theres nothing wrong with him or his intentions, whatever he says is perfectly acceptable.
    he's going to be the next great 'god' of the USA acording to what some are saying.