Old United Baptist in Indiana

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Sis. Sarah, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Indiana United Baptists

    God bless you, Brother David. I think of you and your family often and pray for God to bless you in the good work you do. I just wanted you to know I gave your email to a brother at Mt. Zion in Ada, OH the other day, Brother Jeremy Slone. If he hasn't contacted you yet I suppose he is going to. I don't what about though. I am still hoping to meet you and your family some day and ask that you please keep praying for my Dad. He has not joined the Old Regulars but has no Old United or United Baptist Church around here to fellowship with. There is too much to lose to go back now and we are suffering here, for Christ's sake, praise God!

    With Love,
  2. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Church here in this part of Indiana

    Keep looking, Brother David! But I just wanted you to know that we have found two Primitive Baptist churches right here close to home! Praise God! We are going to visit them soon! I thank God He still has churches here that are a part of the real Church of God! The thought came to me today, that if a person ever gets mixed up in a false church, they will either have to go back into the world (where they came from), or turn to God for His guidance. I want to thank God Mt. Zion Old Regular Baptist Church in Ada, OH and for all the good people who have been praying for along the way. This includes you, Brother David, for you are the one God used to point me in that direction. Okay, gotta run now. With Love,
  3. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Sorry, excited and made mistakes

    Sorry, I meant I want to thank God FOR Mt. Zion Old Regular Baptist Church in Ada, OH and for all the good people who have been praying for ME along the way! Bye Board!
  4. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    May you have peace in the Lord Sarah.

  5. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Found the church here

    Hey Brother Bob! I haven't talked to you for so long. I hope you are doing well. I went to find the church because I thought the service started at 2:00 o'clock today but it starts at 7:00 o'clock! We are having a homecoming in the community I live in today so I am going to the dinner here first at 4:00 o'clock and then to church at 7:00 o'clock, Lord willing! I'm sorry I haven't talked to you for a while. I am just so busy working all the time. I thank you for your prayers though. Hope you have a good day! With Love,
  6. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Well Board, you know how we women are, we always need "closure". So I thought I should tell everyone that the good Lord finally just told me that what everyone I know refers to as Old United Baptist is nothing similar to what I've grown up around called United Baptist here in this part of the country. I mean you can't compare apples to oranges and so we could never really reconcile the two different concepts. I'm sorry, Brother David, if I sent you on a wild goose chase. In Love,
  7. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Sis Sarah;
    I suspect you will have to find an Old Regular Baptist, to find anything close to the Old United Baptist, and even they are changing or some are, IMO

  8. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Brother Bob, I think what they call United Baptist around these parts are merely extensions of the Masonic Lodge. I think they extended the lodges into these temples because they needed more money or something. I don't really know but I don't really care either. It is my belief now that if God calls a person He will call them out of such organizations as well in His own good time if they are mixed up in such. I guess I would have to say I've never been to an Old United Baptist Church.
  9. Bethelassoc Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I would say that the make up of what you are accustomed to is a different flavoring of United Baptist than what is known by others. From what I understand, most likely, you are familiar with the United Baptists that fall into what I believe would be labeled "Landmark".

    Bro Vaughn and I discussed a labeling of differences among the United Baptists: Landmark, Regular, and General.

    The "Old" United Baptists, means that they follow the old school traditions and would fall under "Regular". The rest that don't hold all the old school traditions are what is deemed "General". Note, that I wouldn't agree that the last 2 terms mean difference of atonement as much as it stands for style of service.

    It is an interesting concept, but I do agree with Bro Vaughn that there seems to be 3 different groupings of United Baptists, though not all churches and associations are totally one or the other. There are many United Baptist churches and associations that are mixed as General and Regular in their traditions and style of service and associate with the same.

    Masons have been a large problem/factor in many of the churches/associations in many of the areas of United Baptists. History shows that many splits occurred over the topic. Some don't see it as a problem while others do. I'm just stating it like it is.

    Sarah, I'm sure there are some good churches around your area. In my opinion, the United Baptists are the most elusive of the Old Baptist churches. It's hard to locate them and it seems they don't advertise. Have you heard from IamBlessed about the church she was talking about? I am still on the lookout, and it's a pleasure to pursue these things, because it's also educating me along the way.

  10. convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Re: Old United Baptists in Indiana

    Bro David,

    Around here, there are two "sides" of UB's instead of three where you live. The ones I refer to as "Old" are Tri-State Zion, Union Bethlehem, Paint Union, etc. Old Zion(or Zion) whichever it is called, Bethlehem, New Zion, are more like the freewills in their service. They have someone who "leads" the service. They ask if anyone has an "unspoken prayer", then they will ask if anyone has a song, testimony, etc. After one gets through with their song or testimony, he will ask if their is anyone else. He does this until no one else responds. The FW UB's also hold revivals with special singers, etc. If you took the UB sign down and put up a FW sign, no one would know the difference, except that most of these UBs don't use "music", like the FWs do. But other than that one exception about "music", the conducting of the service is pretty much in-line with the FWs. The "Old" UBs line their songs, most do line them,they use an "opening" preacher, a song with handshaking, prayer, then two or three preachers. follwed by a closing song, with handshaking again. I just wonder what caused the UBs to have the same name, but their practice and doctrine are FAR from each other?? The world may never know.

  11. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Well guys, let me tell you what I came up in shortly after being received into the church and this is how the United Baptist here still do it.

    The church my folks and I joined did not use musical instruments. It was mostly preaching and praying. They had singings but it was without electricity or instuments but I only knew of one family that one could say came to do "special" singing.

    No sooner than we came into the church did it split because the pastor's two sons had their wives, all three men were Masons, and one daughter-in-law wanted to SELL the new little church their piano after the pastor and his sons bought this bigger building in the middle of the night without the church or other deacon knowing anything about it. (We had been meeting in an old chicken coop.) Well, the other daughter-in-law got angry over the piano issue and with one thing leading to another the whole church split.

    The larger one continued to grow in numbers with their musical instruments, drums and all, erected alter, "special" singings, Mason members, alter calls, etc. The smaller church dissolved because none of the people could get along I suppose. By this time my family and I had started traveling around to wherever we could go. Today the United Baptist around here, all the ones I know with this name, have ball leagues, auxiliaries, and concerts, heavily use persuasion and what I call open mind control tactics to point people out, put them on the spot in a crowd, and manipulate them to go down to an erected alter, some will even send people back to the "audience" as one "pastor" puts it and get them, clap their hands as they say in, "giving Jesus a round of applause," have women testify behind the pulpit though they don't officially call it preaching, charge people for dinners in the church after services, and of course Sunday schools, Masons, etc.

    One of the main differences between what I have always believed and what these places teach is that God has to draw a person to Him and it is not of our own repenting or will that we are saved. I don't know what big words to use as you preachers on here that know doctrine would say about this. All I know is that people going down to an alter laughing and giggling, mostly young people, and getting up the same with no visible kind of fruits thereafter, most being baptized in ungodly clothing in baptisteries, are in my opinion two-fold a child of Hell unless God Almighty open their eyes! I could go on and on about the problems of drug addiction in these places too, fraud, abortion, and more but what would be the point. I thank God He opened my eyes and He still leads His Children out of earthly bondage when they call upon Him. The issue is, they first have to sincerely seek Him in order to find Him. God help and with love,
  12. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I almost forgot, in case you are wondering how I know what I said above...because I have worked in social services here now for about three years and I see their members, ministers and their mistresses (ministers of rightousness I believe Paul called them in the Bible) at the agencies I once and still work at. God help!
  13. Bethelassoc Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    This is what I theorize as the church "bloodlines"; why the churches in your area are close to Old Regular and most likely come from the same mother where as other associations much older than those did not have the same mother. Of course there are variances.... This is something I've been working on a little here and there.
  14. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I can't resist telling you all this, partly because I still don't know what to think myself. The latest thing I read this past week in the local paper here was that now these places are "accepting food stamps" for the food they are selling to the poor. I can't help it. I want to get out of here so bad, but I work so much it seems impossible to look for a job where I can be closer to the church. I keep asking the Lord if He will help us with a church here but thus far He has said no. I just don't know what to do other than keep traveling to get to the church in Ohio. I love Mount Zion Old Regular Baptist Church and I thank God for her and the preachers she has there. Everyone please keep praying for the place I live for it is so sad. I do thank the Lord for the ones who are trying their best. There is a Southern Baptist church here where I believe the pastor is doing his best and some Primitive Baptist churches I recently found but they're just not the same as the Old Regular. I'm still studying on the differences between the Primitive and the Old Regular.
  15. Sis. Sarah New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Hey, has anyone ever noticed, I just finished Kings II last night, that right after the Israel was led away into captivity the next thing we find is that they began to go back and record their genealogy? I mean I believe they began to get concerned about their heritage and just where they really came from, research their roots you might say. Ha! Ha! Ha! I am laughing at myself for I am just the best example of the Children of Israel. One day I awoke to my capativity and God made me begin to examine just where I came from by His Grace! I praise God for His punishment upon me you know! When I get into idol worshipping and false gods I better watch out. Will everyone please help me pray that if it is God's Will He will establish a church in "these here" parts of this country for the world to see His great power? With Love,