On Predestination

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by rlvaughn, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Me2 New Member

    Apr 16, 2002
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    all Life was predestined to be of some form of design

    ALL OF Mankind was planned to be conformed into an image or design. we are becoming many individual manifestations representing this image of Christ.

    you say that the "design" is predetermined by God and that the choices of man can either accept or refuse to comply to that predetermined design.

    OK, when God planned what that predetermined design would be. did he know whether man would choose or refuse to accept this design.?

    because apparently with the result that we see today. God is running about 95% wrong whereas 95% of man has refused to accept this design or image called "Christ". oops..

    is this your God being 95% foiled in his predeterminations of what he predestined man to choose from ?

    I like my opinion better mike..In my views EVERYBODY is predestined to be saved and conformed into this predestined image of Christ. as God worked out how in eternity past in absolute time. and today we see, that it is unfolding before mankind. but maybe what we wont admit is that the plan will continue through many "ages".

    Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

    what I mean by predestined is that God knows what will occur even to the point of planning what is to occur. but thats because he's sovereign and thats what God does..isnt it?

  2. ILUVLIGHT Guest

    Hi Me2;
    You're not trying to say that all Calvinist believe what you believe. This something just you and maybe a few others believe. How you arrived at such a conclusion I still haven't seen in scripture.
    Isa 46:10 isn't speaking about predestination it talks about what God knows, because he see's His creation and all time at once.Hence He knows the end from the beginning.What He knows still requires action. We don't know the end from the beginning which is why we still have decisions to make.Other wise we could just quit living and what has been destined to happen will anyway. Although it couldn't with out action, but then you might say well this was predestined as well since God knew we would quit.
    All I can say is I don't think we should speculate as to what else is predestined. since what might be is not talked about,but stick to our best guide God's Word. The Bible says that we are predestined to be conformed to His image should we not leave it at that?
    May God bless you.
  3. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Agree. And he also knows who of the billions of people in this planet will burp while eating and after eating, but he did not predestinate their burping.

    He knows who of the billions of human beings in this earth will release hot air while in church, or attending a wedding, or a funeral, but he did not predestinate that.

    He knows who will kill whom, who will get raped, who will do the raping, who will indulge in corruption, who will be honest, who will break laws of their lands, who will abide by the laws of their lands, who will be born, who will die, but he did not predestinate any of these.

    He knows who will live in Heaven, and what their names are, because he is the one who chose them, and wrote their names in eternity past in the Lamb's Book of Life, and them He predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son.
  4. Yelsew Guest

    The book of life should contain the names of virtually every human who ever lived, is living, and will live.

    The Lambs book of Life, and the "other books that were opened" contain names and specific information in whatever category each of the books contain about the people whose names are in the Book of Life.

    The Lambs book of Life, logically, contains the names of all who come to believe in Jesus, for they shall not be judged! (John 3:18)