Period of the Judges leading to a King?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by KeithS, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. KeithS New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    I am filling in on Wednesday evening as our small group is going through an overview of the OT. Seeing Christ in every book of the Bible.

    I have the task of providing an overview of the book of Judges. As I have been reading up, I ran across and interesting article that advocates that the period of the Judges was part of the plan of God to prepare them for a king/King. This seems to fly in the face of God's instructions to Samuel when the people demanded a king like the other nations. On the other hand, Messianic prophecies after the period of Judges point to a King and a Kingdom.

    A second source suggested that God's intention was for them to have a king/King, yet at another time. They weren't really ready at this point, thus the problems with Saul.

    Is there a contradiction with Christ being King, verses God's instructions to Samuel regarding the people's demand for a king?

    What do you all think?
  2. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    No contradiction at all. God always had intended for Christ to be King of Israel. But He did not want them to have a king "like unto the nations around them".
    See the difference?
    In His service;
  3. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    And God is in control. His will (having David as King and then the Messiah in the line of David) was not thwarted.

    He even allowed the first king to be from Benjamin, again more as a conclusion to Judges and the tribal aspect than of the semi-unified nation under David and Shlomo.

    God gave them the desire of their heart (to have a king) but they were simply fulfilling the plan of a sovereign God.

    (God IS a calvinist, you know )