Perverting the Savior's name.

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Gina B, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Recently there was a discussion on whether the Jewish habit of showing respect for God's name by not writing/typing it out on things that can wear away (instead using an alternative description or typing it G-d). Some people felt that form of respect was WRONG. I don't get that, but ok.
    A lot of people think cussing is wrong. I don't enjoy it, but it doesn't bother me to hear it now and again and I can't say I don't do it on occasion myself.
    What does bother me is perversions of His name. A lot of people think this is what is meant by taking the name of the Lord in vain, and I agree that that is included in it.
    An overwhelming number of Christians do it on a regular basis though, and seem to think nothing of it. These exclamations come up on this board, in conversation, in church.
    What am I missing here? Isn't saying words like those the worst form of speech that could come out of someone's mouth?
  2. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Modern 4-letter words are deemed "uncouth" or "crude" and improper for genteel society. They are very legitimate words from the ancient folk language in northern europe (esp. British Isles) even prior to Anglo-Saxon and Germanic influences.

    Funny. We still use MANY of those indigenous words that AREN'T deemed crude. Trees are called "oak", deer are called "elk", and my least favorite 4-letter word, "work".

    But use one for sexual activity, or flatulence or defacation and you are chastised for "vulgarity". Amazing.

    THOSE words, however crude, are in a different class from people using GOD'S NAME vainly (empty, without sacred meaning). Like you, Gina, I pass over folks using crude language, but cannot forgive those taking the precious name of Jesus Christ as a swear word at their kids when they misbehave in Kmart.

    And while we're at it, what about the "minced" oaths? On a sig line on the FFF I am using "Heck is a place for people who don't believe in Gosh" as a wee bit of sarcasm to the crew there that use "Jeez" or "Gee whiz" regularly.

    End of sermon.
  3. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    The basic fault lies in the fact that we do not respect the English language. I don't mind the odd grammatical twist and the different uages of the same word in different cultures, but the blatant misuse of the language, especially in the pulpit, drives me to tears.

    The only excuse for profanity is that we have not troubled to expand our vocabularies.

    Like Dr.Bob, I get impatient with the abuse of our precious Lord Jesus, his name or any of his activities, and especially jokes about the Holy Spirit.


  4. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I remember once when a student in high school used Jesus' name in bad taste. The teacher made the comment, "I didn't know you knew him that well." He knew what she meant.

    What bothers me even more is when I hear Christians using poor language. One time my daughter came home from child care when I was in seminary with a poor word. I told her that we don't talk like that. She saw nothing wrong with it because she had heard another child use that word. She was in a safe place on the seminary campus with children of seminary students. We knew where that word had come from.

    I have heard pastors uding poor language with me in private. I told one of them that that was poor language. His response was that he knew enough not to use that language around other church people and in public. I told him that good language is acceptable everywhere by everyone.
  5. SpiritWalker New Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    Good topic! I have really been noticing a lately that a lot of Christians use the term "Oh My God." These same people would not dream of saying JC or GD inappropriately, or the 4 letter biological terms. This phrase seems to be able to slip by without setting off the shock and indignation the other words would.

    Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?
  6. dianetavegia Guest

    Spirit Walker! My 9 year old pointed it out to me on his cute cartoons! We call that God's name in vain and do not allow it in our home. Nick will quickly correct his friends if they do it. Thanks for pointing that out! We've become too lax in our faith!

  7. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Dr. Bob
    What is the "FFF"?
  8. dianetavegia Guest

    Bro. Ricky, I don't go there EVER but it's the Fighting Fundamental Forum. I asked the other day.

  9. Tim New Member

    Mar 11, 2001
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    It is indeed pitiful that so many exclaim even mild surprise by using God's name in a vain matter.

    But I think the thrust of the commandment may actually refer to another problem. One who "takes God's name in vain" may very well be a person who calls himself one of God's people, and lives as if that meant nothing to him.

  10. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    If we would respond to someone by saying, "I didn't know you knew him that well."
  11. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    What is the "FFF"? </font>[/QUOTE]Fighting Fundamentalist Forum....

    ...its a scary place.