Poll: Christian Liars Poll #2

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by LadyEagle, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. YES.

  2. No.

  3. Don't know.

    0 vote(s)
  1. David Singleton New Member

    May 24, 2004
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    For all have sinned... There is no one who can say that they have not told a little white lie, we have all sinned in one way shape form or fashion. (Its wonderful to know that from the time we're saved, Jesus begins a work in our heart to transform us into the deciple He would have us be)

    A few things are very important here. First, before we call out our brother (or sister) and accuse them of sinning we must forst repent of our own sins And then when we have sought forgiveness for our own sins we are free to first encounter the person who has sinned against us, if they do not respond we are free to bring witnesses and confront them again, and if that doesnt work we are free to bring them before the church, and if that doesnt do the trick and they still refuse to repent, we are free to turn our back on them until they do repent.
  2. TexasSky Guest


    Interesting views expressed.
    First - The picture that the parent is calling "good" may BE very good for a child that age. Beauty and opinions of art are subjective in nature.
    Second - I taught my children to thank the host or hostess for feeding them, to say, "Thank you, but I do not care for any." I never taught mine to lie and claim to like what they didn't like.
    Third - Honesty is extremely important to me and to my family. I believe it is the foundation of trust. My children now tell me that because of that, they tend to trust me more when I tell them something is dangerous or unwise.

    I have gone out of my way not to lie to my children, and to teach my children not to lie. So I take a bit of personal affront to the idea that all parents teach their children to lie.

    I have, occasionally, to spare someone's feelings, told a white lie, but it is not the casual way you refer to. I reserve them for when I am backed into a corner and the only option I have is a white lie forced out of me, or a brutal and painful and needless hurting of someone's feelings.

    Lies to me are VERY serious business.
  3. TexasSky Guest


    You wrote: If we are having a bad day and someone asks us how we are doing do we say "bad"? or "im fine" or "ok". Think about it. I do it all the time.

    I answer, "I've had better days," or ""Don't ask if you don't really want to know" or "As a matter of fact, I could use a prayer right now."