Regarding the King James Bible

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Elk, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. Pastor KevinR New Member

    May 21, 2001
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    GG- I respect my elders! ;) However I respectfully disagree :D I'm 43 y/o and this doesn't automatically mean I know more than a 22 y/o :eek: he or she might have information available to them that I do not or did not have. I know most young people today are alot more profient at these PC's than I am! I know we're talking about God's Word instead of PC's, but there's a principle behind it ;) I don't wanna hold on to tradition for traditions' sake or I think "this is the way it oughtta be"...If you want to stick to the KJV1769, go right ahead, that's your perogative :cool: however...
  2. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    No offense intended, but it gets tiresome to have "Yea, hath God said...?" quoted at us time and time again, as if we've never heard it before, or as if we're complete simpletons who can't tell the difference between a demon and a shoehorn. I don't mind you voicing your opinion, but stop making it sound like we're spiritual idiots.

    And I trust in what has existed for over 1,600 more years than the KJV has existed. You're older than me, sure - but compared to the age of *scripture*, both you and the KJV are spring chickens.

    What's good for the gander is good for the goose. ;)
  3. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Let's just say I prefer the old paths, where is the good way,'K? ;)

    As far as what these young whipper-snappers know today, it puts me in mind of my dogs out back...the pup barks at nothing, the young dog barks at everything, but when that old one barks, there is a reason!

    And when this granny's spirit is stirred, there is a reason. I had stuff to say. I said my peace. Carry on, fellars.
  4. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Old? The KJV covers less than 20% of church history. You don't prefer the "old" paths - look at the bigger picture. If you want to argue "older is better", then let's really open it up.

    :rolleyes: This is exactly what I was talking about. Why is it *so hard* for you to just talk about the issues without making thinly veiled insults about our intelligence?
  5. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    GrannyGumbo said:

    In my heart of hearts, I have believed this way all my life that the KJBible is pure; it is my "straight stick".

    Here is my "straight stick," and I will pit it against your "straight stick" any time:

    [ January 16, 2004, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Ransom ]
  6. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Guys, I read all your posts to GrannyGumbo.

    I think you need to know that to all who view, that you look too much like a pack of wolves than harmless sheep. Goats constantly "butting" heads.

    If your "arguement" for MV's was substanciated, and it's not, you disqualify yourselves in the sight of everyone as rational, God-fearing, sensible, human beings.

    The lady uses plain old common sense and yall have attacked her, insulted her integrity, and in the same process made yourselves to look like fools, instead of the "wise" you'd like yourselves to be portrayed.

    If I saw a flock of sheep attacking a ravening wolf, I would more likely run to the defense of the wolf, but now I am running to the defense of a sheep from wolves and goats: Leave her alone, she is a bit more wise than you'll ever understand.

    If you would lay down your "degrees" in Bible history and observe the obvious, you will see that your banter is more divisive than what you accuse.

    It's no wonder the church and the world are in the shape they're in, no body stands for anything any more. If they do, they are attack with the liberal banter just like I've seen here, declaring themselves as wise, and degrading everything their predecessors stand for. It's the same practiced in politics by liberal, bed-wetting democrats, thank God for democrats like Zell Miller who has enough sense to see what's wrong with his own party!! (That froma staunch KJB, sin hating, sinner loving, respectful Republican!)

    Well, bigboys, your ways aint workin'!

    Each rendition you come up with compared to the other has discrepencies, that confuses, then when you attack the KJB for what you believe to be error just adds to the confusion.

    As you get "older", wiser, more mature, you be blessed to realize just how dumb your agenda was all along.

    We have a real treasure in our elderly, and it would do you real good to pay attention when they speak.

    She said she sticks with what she knows works, you or anybody else can't say that in regards to MV's. That's why the "quest" for something "new".

    The insane remark the KJB was an "MV" in it's time proves your lack of wisdom.

    The KJB is the completion of God's Word in the Canon. Every version prior was incomplete and formed from bits and pieces.

    I must commend your abilities to twist everything anyone says into a mockery in the attempt to justify your means, but one thing for certain, is that you have made yourselves look ridiculous.

    I'll leave you now with the following three verses and get back to my rest in the Word of God, infallable, inerrant, inspired; the King James Bible:

    Psalms 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good.

    Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    1 Corinthians 3:18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
  7. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    QS, Granny comes in an makes jabs at our spirituality and our intelligence because we disagree with her about KJV-onlyism, doesn't provide an ounce of anything to support her assertions, and we're out of line because we call her on it?? I already said I don't mind her stating her opinion, but she consistently uses her "straight stick" to bonk everyone else on the head. I think it is FANTASTIC that she has a straight stick and that she clings to it. I just wish she would watch where she's swinging it.

    You said:
    Ladies and gentlemen, there we have it. There was no Bible that one could hold in one's hand in 1605 and say "this is 'the word of God'". Passages that talk of "preservation", since they meant "bits and pieces" in 1605 but "the KJV Bible" in 1615, changed meaning in 1611. Verily, QuickeningSpirit hath spoken, with divine knowledge from beyond.
  8. Charles Meadows New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Quickening Spirit,

    I'm sure GrannyGumbo means well - and I admire her for standing up for what she believes. This is however a debate forum.

    Regarding the topic of debate...

    It's one thing to extol the virtues of the old AV. I'd agree with you there. It is quite another to insist that all "MVs" are evil since they are not the AV. And that is the only argument that you really can put forth - it's not the AV so it must be evil! I would have no problem endorsing the AV as the ONLY version if the NT writers spoke Elizabethan English! But they didn't. The fact is that history and manuscripts simply do NOT support your conclusions.

    And don't start this "young whipper-snapper" thing! Being a Christian does not mean abandoning intellectual pursuits!
  9. Joined:
    Sep 4, 2002
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    Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
  10. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Yes, I agree the KJV is that. However, KJV-onlyism is NOT.
  11. Charles Meadows New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    No argument about the power of the Word!

    Still why do you assert that this "word" is the KJV? This verse does not bolster your position.
  12. Joined:
    Sep 4, 2002
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    Because that "word" is the most disliked book in the world!
  13. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    You are somewhat on the verge of being past that. You substitute "intellectual pursuits" for common decency. Now that reaks of carnal behaviour.

    I suggest you stay in I Corinthians about three years.
  14. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    Because that "word" is the most disliked book in the world! </font>[/QUOTE]If they might receive this simple reasoning, they also would be converted to the Truth.
  15. Precepts New Member

    Dec 27, 2003
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    That's right "KJV-onlyism" doesn't even exist, except in the dilluded minds of those opposed to the King James Bible!
  16. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    James 1:22 says, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

    So I assume your ways are working very well. So tell us about all those who are living for Jesus Christ because of your lifeand what you are doping to disciple new believers that you lead to Jesus. I am sure you are carrying out the command Jesus gave in Mt.4:19 and 28:19,20.

    Jer. 17:9, " The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

    So much for common sense. God is not about common sense but about His ways.

    Is.55:8. " 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither ar] your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

    Again so much for common sense. Common sense has led many to hell too.
  17. Charles Meadows New Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Quickening Spirit,

    If you remember I was not one of those whom you chastised for "attacking" GG. I am commonly decent! ;)

    I'll articulate this a little more! If you desire to prove to me (and others) that your position is correct - then do so with answers - not with insults.

    Now I'm saying this in all humbleness of spirit -really. You do not strengthen your position by slinging names like "KVJ hater" or things like that at those of us who disagree.

    As I said - I love the KJV but I recognize it as being like all "MVs" a product of human translating hands. I just do not see that there is any evidence (as can be discerned but intellectual faculties) to the contrary. I also do not see any evidence in the WORD OF GOD that He will preserve His AV - only His word.

    I welcome your response - but respond to the issues - not by calling me "indecent" or "bible-hating".
  18. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Originally posted by QuickeningSpirit:
    Guys, I read all your posts to GrannyGumbo.

    I think you need to know that to all who view, that you look too much like a pack of wolves than harmless sheep. Goats constantly "butting" heads.

    Christian "goats" butting heads with a false doctrine.

    If your "arguement" for MV's was substanciated, and it's not,

    And why isn't it?

    {b]you disqualify yourselves in the sight of everyone as rational, God-fearing, sensible, human beings.[/b]

    because we don't believe a false doctrine?

    The lady uses plain old common sense and yall have attacked her, insulted her integrity, and in the same process made yourselves to look like fools, instead of the "wise" you'd like yourselves to be portrayed.

    The lady evidently believes a false doctrine and chooses not to find out why it's false.

    If I saw a flock of sheep attacking a ravening wolf, I would more likely run to the defense of the wolf, but now I am running to the defense of a sheep from wolves and goats: Leave her alone, she is a bit more wise than you'll ever understand.

    So it's wise just to accept some theory without checking out its veracity?

    If you would lay down your "degrees" in Bible history and observe the obvious, you will see that your banter is more divisive than what you accuse.

    Most of us don't have any degrees in anything to do with theology nor "Bible history". What we have is knowledge acquired from careful research-knowledge available to anyone.

    It's no wonder the church and the world are in the shape they're in, no body stands for anything any more. If they do, they are attack with the liberal banter just like I've seen here, declaring themselves as wise, and degrading everything their predecessors stand for.

    If they were wrong then, they're wrong now.

    It's the same practiced in politics by liberal, bed-wetting democrats, thank God for democrats like Zell Miller who has enough sense to see what's wrong with his own party!! (That froma staunch KJB, sin hating, sinner loving, respectful Republican!)

    Actually, it's called "telling the TRUTH".

    {b]Well, bigboys, your ways aint workin'![/b]

    Talking to rocks seldom does. But God has on occasion had men speak to rocks. God has always wanted us to speak the truth, so we do.

    Each rendition you come up with compared to the other has discrepencies, that confuses, then when you attack the KJB for what you believe to be error just adds to the confusion.

    One can find discrepancies in every BV if one's intent is to find'em. Those in the KJV do exist, and they're right there for anyone to read.

    As you get "older", wiser, more mature, you be blessed to realize just how dumb your agenda was all along.

    Given the number of Baptists who've left KJVO the last few years, you're right, even though you had a different intent for your words.

    We have a real treasure in our elderly, and it would do you real good to pay attention when they speak.

    I myself am a senior citizen, & I'm no more a treasure than anyone else. And older people can be just as wrong as younger ones. KJVO is a false doctrine whether advocated by young or old.

    She said she sticks with what she knows works, you or anybody else can't say that in regards to MV's. That's why the "quest" for something "new".

    But apparently she, like you, isn't open to any truths about a certain doctrine.

    The insane remark the KJB was an "MV" in it's time proves your lack of wisdom.

    DOES IT?

    The KJV wasn't old when it was made. In fact, the "Geneva-Bible-Onlyists" dissed the AV 1611 for being too modern. read it for yourself in any good article on the history of the Bible in English.

    The KJB is the completion of God's Word in the Canon. Every version prior was incomplete and formed from bits and pieces.

    So God didn't keep His promise to preserve His word UNTO ALL GENERATIONS? I see...

    I must commend your abilities to twist everything anyone says into a mockery in the attempt to justify your means, but one thing for certain, is that you have made yourselves look ridiculous.


    We don't see you or anyone of similar beliefs proving us wrong in any point. But then, we're not trying to promote a man-made false doctrine, either.

    I'll leave you now with the following three verses and get back to my rest in the Word of God, infallable, inerrant, inspired; the King James Bible:

    Infallible: God's word is infallible in ANY version or language.

    Inerrant: We've PROVEN the booboos & less-than-outstanding renderings in the KJV.

    Inspired: Only such paragons of wisdom such as Ruckman say the KJV was specially inspired to the exclusion of all other versions. God has inspired every valid version equally.

    Psalms 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good.

    Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    1 Corinthians 3:18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

    Yerp! There ya have it, fans! A perfect description of KJVOs, straight from their fave version!
  19. robycop3 Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Because that "word" is the most disliked book in the world! </font>[/QUOTE]Is it?

    Then why is it still printed & sold?
  20. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    I think we all need to be careful.

    "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour".