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Featured Rick Perry Endorses Cancer for President; Would Serve as Cancer's VP

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by InTheLight, May 6, 2016.

  1. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Yes. When you look at a political map of Texas, Austin is a "blueberry" in a sea of red. :)

    Correct. In Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869) the United States Supreme Court fuled that, legally speaking, Texas had remained a United States state ever since it first joined the Union, despite its joining the Confederate States of America and its being under military rule at the time of the decision in the case being adjudicated. In deciding the merits of the issue, the court held that the Constitution did not permit states to unilaterally secede from the United States. In order for a state to secede both houses of the state legislature must concur, and the governor must sign the intent to secede, then the US Congress must approve the secession and the President must sign it. And that isn't going to happen!
    Where the wall has been finished it has proven to be mostly successful. However, it does cause some problems. The north bank of the Rio Bravo River (what most ignorant yankees call the "Rio Grande River" which is not only a redundancy but also not a name. Rio Grande is a description not a name. It means "big river" in Spanish, so "Rio Grande River" is "Big River River") is a protected wetland and wildlife sanctuary so quite often the border fence is miles north of the actual border, cutting off access to lots of US territory and not a few farms which found themselves on the right side of the border (the middle of the Rio Bravo) but on the wrong side of the fence and thus have to drive miles and miles and wait in line at the border to get into town for groceries. And, yes, I understand the issues. I live on the border. I can stand on my roof and see the border fence. :)

    That is true. We need a good guest worker program, and we need to differentiate between those who are in this country illegally but are the parents or spouse of a US person or citizen, and those who are self-supporting and contribute to the US economy and those who are a burden on the economy. Selective deportation is necessary but we need a good basis for that selection process. And for those who qualify we need a fast track to US citizenship.

    My dad immigrated in 1924 when he was 14. He never became a citizen but he was legal and contributed to the US economy. His father, my grandfather, was born in Mexico City and also never became a US citizen. But he too contributed to the US economy, starting and owning a printing business that employed dozens of men and women. And neither of them ever took a government handout in their entire lives! :)
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  2. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Ok - the plurality of 100% of voters.
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    What part of being here illegally, which makes them a criminal, are you trying to justify. My distant relatives also immigrated to this country, Legally, then supported themselves and their families. The difference is they were not criminals for entering the country illegally.

    You want open borders, just look at the islamic state of Germany. If you want to turn a blind eye to your preferred illegals, then why should anyone be denied access to this country,even if their stated goal is to take over everything about our country and insert their government, laws and religion. I suppose a country like Israel should have an open border policy for their neighbors also.
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    The Constitution That is that old piece of paper that obamo (and his predecessors) and the scotus used for toilet paper, isn't it. I seem to remember something about it having something to do with the governing of the country, but I think that country disappeared several years back
  5. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I am not trying to justify anything. Did you actually read my post?

    And neither are people who are here without proper documentation, which is one reason they are referred to as "undocumented" rather than "illegal" - because it is not illegal to be in this country without proper documentation. It is illegal (a mere misdemeanor) to enter the country without proper documentation, it is not illegal to be here undocumented.
    Please post any quote from me where I said I wanted open borders.
    Where have I suggested we turn a blind eye to anyone. I suggested the parents of US citizens should be given a path to documented status. I also suggest guidelines be established to provide the basis for the selective categorization of undocumented residents.

    Because they don't meet the criteria of the above referenced selective guidelines.

    I think Israel should have what ever policy it wants to have. But If you suppose they should have open borders, that opinion, as stupid as I think it is, is yours and you are welcome to it.
  6. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I'm sorry but you are not making any sense at all.
  7. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Please don't tell me you are naive enough to really think the constitution is valid in this country.

    Oh, it is still referred to, but has been phased out to a government were any branch can do whatever it wants. It only works if there is a desire to follow the rules of government which were set up by those called the founding fathers.

    Trust me, I wish we still had a valid government run on the principles of the Constitution, but I don't see it, and that is part of the reason Texas or any State can say Adios to the State of America.
  8. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    May I remind you of agreement between Lee and Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, VA. That put paid to your suggestion.
  9. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    There is no doubt some of the Bill of Rights have been compromised.

    The 1st amendment has been compromised by the erection of "Free Speech Zones" on college campuses and other places where all disagreement is corralled. According to the 1st amendment the whole country is a "Free Speech Zone."

    The 2nd amendment has been infringed by all the "gun control" laws which are actually "freedom control" laws.

    The 10th amendment was mortally wounded by Abraham Lincoln and finished off by Theodore Roosevelt, but most of the rest still stand, some weakened, but they still stand.

    And the main body of the Constitution is still in force and being obeyed, for the most part. It is why the House still funds federal programs and the Senate gives its advice and consent on the appointment of certain federal officers.

  10. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Yes I read it, unfortunately I didn't understand exactly just how liberal you were until this post.

    They are referred to as undocumented by you liberals to try and brainwash the people into forgetting that what they are is illegals. Same as saying fetus instead of baby, or alternate lifestyle, instead of sodomites. Next we will be hearing things like Islam is a religion of peace, and we need to take in a 100,000 or more.
    Whatever liberal legal propaganda terms you want to put on it, you said it yourself. It is illegal (a mere misdemeanor) to enter the country without proper documentation.

    If you can't be here legally without documentation, why would you be against calling them what they are, and that is in the US illegally

    From Post 21 That is true. We need a good guest worker program, and we need to differentiate between those who are in this country illegally but are the parents or spouse of a US person or citizen, and those who are self-supporting and contribute to the US economy and those who are a burden on the economy. Selective deportation is necessary but we need a good basis for that selection process. And for those who qualify we need a fast track to US citizenship.

    I read that and what I see is come on in illegally, then when we get around to it we will figure out what to do with you. We do have a system or selection process for immigration, sorry should say legal immigration. Selective deportation, what difference should it make if they own a business or are a gang banger, if they entered illegally. A liberal talking about discriminating against a class of people, what is the world coming to.

    I think I covered your selective discrimination, of those in the country illegally, in my prior answer.

    Would that have anything about entering the country illegally, then crying about not being treated fairly like the criminals they are.

    Seriously with the games. OK, no open border for Israel, but according to your logic if it was applied to them would appear to be, let the undocumented people into your country. If it is stupid for Israel, it is stupid for the US.

    I notice you didn't have anything to say about the invasion (can you call it an invasion if you are stupid enough to ask for it) of Germany by those undocumented people
  11. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    And just think, if those southern States had been allowed to leave the Union 600,000+ Americans wouldn't have lost their life fighting each other.

    Kevin's simplified version of history :rolleyes:
  12. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I am not liberal and you really don't want to call me something like that again. Trust me on this.
    I will try one more time. It is illegal to ENTER this country without proper documentation but it is not illegal to BE or STAY in this country without proper documentation. Therefore they are not illegal. They are undocumented.
    No, it is not. A baby is a baby, and a sodomite is a sodomite.
    Well, you might say those things but you would be wrong.
    Wrong in that I did not use any liberal propaganda. I simply stated the truth of the law as it presently stands.

    Correct in that entering the country without proper documentation is a misdemeanor.

    That is not what I daid and it is not what the law says. It is illegal to ENTER the country without proper documentation, it is NOT illegal to be here without documentation.
    Because I believe lying is a sin. When we despise the truth we despise He who is Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Then you have a less well developed reading comprehension ability than a 3rd grader.
    Yes, we all know that. And it works so well there are upwards of 20 million undocumented aliens presently in the US.
    The problem arises when an undocumented couple have a baby born in the US and is thus a US citizen. Do you illegally deport a US citizen, or do you remove the child from the parent's custody and put him/her in the corrupt foster care system?
    You must be referring to yourself because I know you are not foolish enough to call me names.
    Well, actually, you didn't cover it at all.
    Again you are not making any sense.
    It is not a question of smart or stupid. It is a question of a sovereign nation being free to makes its own laws.

    And it would be equally stupid of the US to let undocumented persons into this country indiscriminately. As I have already stated.
    I am not a German citizen. What Germany does or does not do is none of my business. My concerns are with my own country.
  13. TCassidy

    TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    And how would that have been accomplished? What mechanism, legal, political, or economic, would have allowed the southern block to secede?
  14. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Well what you say tells me that according to my definition your opinions are liberal at least on this issue.

    Then you get questioned about it, and you want to make threats.

    Maybe you have a Church full of illegals who are all nice folks and that is part of the reason you feel the way you do. I on the other hand had to deal directly with those you would selectively deport, on a daily basis. Maybe you have seen both, I know many Hispanic persons, and I don't have a clue if they are here legally or illegally in most cases. The only illegal I know who was deported, was turned in by a Mexican couple who were here legally.

    Only big difference I see between us is I say send them all back, and I mean all, not just the Hispanics. I don't care if they came from Scotland, France..etc If they entered illegally send them back

  15. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    I don't know. I wasn't around back then :D although my body feels like it most of the time.

    They knew the result of trying to force them to stay would be war. Maybe letting them go, but stay as allies and trading partners.etc would have been better. Of course the problem with this is the issue of slavery.

    I will be honest here and say I do not know enough about the Civil War and the times leading up to it, to really offer anything profound.
  16. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    You probably shouldn't be formulating definitions.

    You really like name-calling and trying to pin dishonest labels on people instead of engaging in a mature conversation. That way you don't have to deal with ideas that may challenge your prejudices. While that is popular with supporters of a certain candidate, that is repugnant behavior for an adult.

    While I don't always agree with Mr. Cassidy - and we've had a few vigorous exchanges - he is always a gentleman and I try to be the same. That's how adults are supposed to act. Christians are called to an even higher standard.

    Those of us who live in Texas who are not Hispanic are quite familiar with the culture. It is family-oriented, generous, and industrious. There are a number of significant exceptions (like with every ethnic group), but the way that some of you folks outside of Texas talk, it is clear you don't have much context for your opinions. To be quite blunt, I never wonder if someone is legal or illegal unless they give me a significant reason to ask the question. My father's family came here after the Civil War, and we are latecomers compared to many of the Anglo families. And the Mexican folks were here LONG before that, since Texas used to be part of Mexico.

    Many of my Hispanic friends and acquaintances have roots in Texas going back hundreds of years. As I mentioned before, Anglos are actually an ethnic minority in Texas, and its not because of persons who are in the country illegally.

    Yes, I think we've all heard your simplistic and unworkable solution.
  17. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Is it OK if the Administrator is in the thread Geek off topic.jpg
  18. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Yes, we've noticed.

    If you realize you don't know what you're talking about, why do you offer these opinions as if they as God's truth and then claim someone is "liberal" because they do not conform to your ignorance?
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Texas this, Texas that

    If you were referring to Trump, I am not a supporter of his.

    Who are you to tell me if I should be formulating definitions. I will form my own definitions when I want, using whatever criteria I chose to use. Thank you very much, advice REJECTED

    Reading your comments about me directly or indirectly is just so laughable. Maybe don't judge the book if you haven't even seen the cover.

    Just look to CA to see what happens to a State full of illegals, and liberal politics
  20. Kevin

    Kevin Active Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    I offered a simple answer to a question, and then acknowledge I was not familiar enough with the subject to get into a deep discussion. If that is "God's truth" in your mind, there is no reason to even talk to you

    How does that turn into claiming someone is liberal, and you calling me ignorant. What is with the name calling. Seems like you are just here to hurl insults at me at this time.