Seperation from Church/Bible and State

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Walls, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Walls New Member

    Mar 1, 2002
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    Would you use a Bible compiled and issued by Pharoah, that was commanded to be read in churches?

    Would you use a Bible compiled and issued by Caesar, that was commanded to be read in churches?

    Would you use a Bible compiled and issued by a King, that was commanded to be read in churches?

    There are people that believe that governments have no rights regarding the church. There are also people that believe that governments have limited powers.

    Why then would these people want a government issued Bible and then even say it is God's preserved word?

    There is a song that says, "when I think what it cost just to hold in my hand, it reminds me that I owe a great debt, to all of the martyrs who have gone to the stake, quote it with their dying breath"

    Who were these martyrs, weren't they the ones prior to the state issued Bible and those who refused to take a state issued Bible?

    Have we been brainwashed or is a state issued Bible God's preserved perfect word?
  2. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    There are two "Word of God":

    1. the singular Living Word of God: Messiah Yeshua.
    2. the plural Written Word of God: the Holy Bible.

    Yes, my four barrelled cannon:
    TODAY'S PARALLEL BIBLE is four Bibles:
    the NIV Bible, the NASB, the KJV1873 Bible,
    and the NLT Bible.

    One Living Word of God: Christ Iesus.
    Many Written Word of God: the Holy Bibles.