Speaking in Tongues Continued

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by DHK, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    And some of the church fathers were also heretics.
    That is the reason we go by the Word of God.
    1. Tongues were a sign. Signs do not continue for 21 centuries. They serve their purpose and then pass of the scene. When a sign says "Warning! bridge under repair," the sign is taken away after the bridge is repaired, not left standing century after century. When its purpose has been fulfilled the sign is removed.

    2. Tongues were a sign to the unbelieving Jew (1Cor.14:21,22; Isa.28:11,12).
    On the Day of Pentecost these simple Galilean believers began to speak in other languages which they had not previously known. The languages are listed there in chapter two. There are about 13 of them. The people were amazed: "How hear we every man "in our own language! The miracle was in the spekaing of another language. That is what the Bible says. They spoke in languages (tongues). The occasion was Pentecost, a feast of the Jews where Jews from all over the empire would come to Jerusalem. Thus there were thousands of Jews present from all over the known world at that time. Present also were the very Jews that crucified Christ--the Sanhedrin that made the choice and stirred up the people to cry out against Christ to crucify him.

    When they heard the 120 speak in other languages immediately some praised God, and others mocked. But Peter boldly said that this was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel, and then began his sermon, at the end of which 3,000 were saved. But many more were not saved. This sign of speaking in tongues was a sign to all these Jews that judgement was coming. God had told them in Isa.28:11,12, (and they knew the Scripture well), that: I have spoken to you in your own language and you have not obeyed. There will come a time when I will speak to you in Gentile languages, languages that you despise. If you still do not obey then, I will send my judgement upon you. Tongues was a sign of impending judgement, and the Jews knew it. They still had opportunity to repent, as some of them did on that day. But as a nation they did not. Thus shortly after God judged them as a nation. As a nation their city was destroyed, their Temple was destroyed (all in 70 A.D.). Thus the sign was removed shortly thereafter. There was no more need for it. It was a sign for the unbelieving Jew (of the first century), when Israel was still a nation--a sign to the nation of Israel. In 70 A.D. Israel ceased to be a nation. How can you have a sign to a nation that is not??

    3. Tongues were a sign to authenticate the apostle, an the apostle's message (Heb.2:3,4; 2Cor.12,12).
    The Bible was not yet complete. The message was new. The people (especially the Jews) had to have a sign that this message was from God. It was authenticated by signs and wondeers. The signs and wonders demonstrated that the apostles were not fraudulent, as their were false apostles, false prophets among them also.
    Thus we don't have the problem of unbelieving Jews, and we don't have the problem of the authentication of apostles. Both have passed off the scene.

    What we do have is the Word of God. That is all the confirmation of the gospel that we need. "If they hear not the law and the prophets (the Word of God), neither will they hear though one be raised from the dead"

    "An evil and adultuerous generation seeks after a sign, but I say unto you there shall no sign be given unto them but the sign of Jonas, for as Jona was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
    --The only sign this generation is the gospel.

    People today don't have the Biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit, and have been unable to demonstrate thata they do. No one here has been able to demonstrate, for example, one instance of anyone living today who has the valid gift of healing such as was demonstrated by Peter in Acts 5:16. Why? It has ceased. What goes on today is a counterfeit--the devil's counterfeit of the same gift. It is not of God, for if it was it would be able to produce the same results that it did in Peter's time. But no one alive today can do that.
    And BTW, I don't need your approval to teach.

    This remark will probably have already been seen by others and perhaps reported already. It is the kind of remark that gets people suspended and eventually banned. There is no need on this board to use such demeaning language. If you have nothing Scriptural to say, don't say anything at all. I have already warned you about that before. Consider this a public warning of a personal attack and unwarranted name-calling. Don't engage in it again.
    You call me names. You tell me I go against the clear teaching of the Word of God. But you give me no Scripture as to what you believe the clear teaching of the Word of God is. Is name calling the best you can do?
    Christ's love is telling the truth. Letting a person go down a road that leads to destruction without giving any warning is not love. It is apathy of the worst sort. And it is not justifiable. There are no justifiable reasons for some people's belief systems, especially when they are based on their experiences instead of the Word of God.
    Since I do not belong to a denomination as such, I don't know where you are coming from. Cease means cease. If you don't know the meaning of the word look it up in the dictionary. Cease does not mean continue. It is the 21st century now. Tongues was a sign. Signs don't continue for 21 centuries.

    Isaiah gave a sign that lasted for 700 years. That was a long time. But 21 centuries is ridiculous. When the sign that Isaiah gave came, the event was over. It was historical. A sign is always historical in nature. Isa.7:14:

    Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
    --700 years later Christ was born. The event was done and over with. 21 centuries later we do not continue to have virgins giving birth to sons called Immanuel. It was an historical event that happened one time in history.
    And so it was with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They happened during just one age in history--the apostolic age. Tongues was a sign for as long as the aposltes liveed, and as long as the first century Jews (as a nation) had not repented. Both of those conditions have been fulfilled. The sign has been removed. The gifts have ceased.
    Yes, we are to believe the Lord and His Word, the Bible.

    Who are the two prophets prophesying to, and is their power to prophesy a "gift of the Holy Spirit," or the direct power of God? Which does the Bible say? There is a difference.
    Is the church involved in Revelation 11? Where is it? Demonstrate the existence of the church in Revelation 11, where the two prophets are, for the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to the church. Read 1Cor.12 on this subject. Revelation 11 says nothing whatsoever about "the gift of prophecy." Did Balaam have the "gift of prophecy," a gift of the Holy Spirit? How about Balaam's donkey? Did he also have the gift of prophecy, as he uttered his mouth and spoke to his master? How far are you willing to carry this analogy?
    I have just demonstrated what happens when you don't stay within the timeframe that God has given us. God gave the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church. Therefore we stay within that timeframe. Otherwise you might as well claim that Balaam's donkey had the gift of prophecy as much as the two prophets of Rev.11. We are not dealing with the past (pre-cross events), and neither are we dealing with those events which happen after the rapture. So lets stick with the timeframe that God has given us--the church age.

    More unwarranted personal attacks.
    I have more than answered every objection you have made with Scripture only to be met with personal attacks and name-calling.
  2. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Apparently, you are not in a main line denomination as in Baptist, Lutheran or Methodist.

    It really doesn't matter. My guess is if some one came into your congregation and spoke in tongues with an appropriate 'interpretation of tongues' you might even stop this phenemenon that was happening. Am I right?

    You Baptist types who reject the 'gifts of the Spirit' think that first of all, people are trying to bring in some new doctrine into the Christian Church. Get this out of you heads!

    The purpose of this interpretation is to edify and strengthen Christian believers with a direct message from the Lord through this ecstatic 'tongue' with the Biblical interpretation which will always follow. If there is no interpretation then the person using the tongue is out of order and must use this experience only in private prayer to the Lord. I was in an evening service when the pastor told a woman to sit down because he sensed/diserned that she was merely using her prayer language.

    Those who 'get out to other churches' have experienced this 21st century event and have found that the interpretation is always uplifting in ones spirit and the message always praises the Lord especially in the expressions that He will always stand with His people and will love them. Ask Tam if I am telling the truth. If these interpretations were anti-Biblical we would all run far from those kinds of churches. This not being the case, God always emphasizes the fact of His greatness and mighty power to work in our present difficulties and will bring us through the trials of our lives. This is the 'interpretation of tongues'

    Your view of Acts is dead wrong. The apostles and those in the Upper Room spoke in one 'tongue' and this was what made people from all nations know it was a miracle of the Lord, that out of one ecstatic language--everyone hear from the various countries who came for the Day of Atonement. Even people from Libya in northern Africa understood the message in their own language.

    God did not have each apostle or messenger from the Day of Pentecost speaking 30 languages of the native people from the various countries. This is another error people have been taught who listen to others they trust. I am convinced that Christians need to study more than they need to express what they think is correct.

    Some will never learn the truth because of the preconceived bias. I left the denomination that I grew up in because I would not preach and teach their brand of sanctification. Most Christian leaders are not willing to 'bit the bullet' and do the right thing, in my opinion.
  3. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Of course.
    1. The pastor is the head of the church, as he is in submission to the real head--Christ.
    2. Any person coming into the church trying to usurp that power would certainly be of a demonic nature trying to cause confustion and chaos amidst the body of the church.
    3. No one, not approved by the pastor and leaders of the church has the right to teach in the church.
    4. Tongues and their interpretation is a first century gift, and on that basis they disqualify themselves as being frauds, false prophets or teachers, and in the Old Testament would be stoned under such pretenses.

    The only doctrine that we have today is contained within the pages of the 66 books of the Bible. People who speak in tongues, prophecy, and have the so-called gift of knowledge come right out and say: "God said to me..." as if what God said to me is just as inspired as what is said in the Bible, and for that reason you need to listen to them.

    There was no Biblical ecstatic tongue in the Bible. There was only the gift of speaking in an actual foreign language. If the "tongue" was ecstatic it was of the devil. They were going back to their pagan roots. Paul explains that in 1Cor.12:1-3. Some of them were calling Christ accursed. If you don't know what they are saying, how can they be interpreted, and how do you know the interpretation is of God? It may be of Satan to lead you astray.
    That automatically disqualifies him. There is not a single verse in the Bible that teaches or advocates tongues as a prayer language. Not one. Tongues was a gift for the entire church; never for just one individual. Go through the various gifts and see. Was healing just for oneself? Was the gift of helps just so you could help yourself? Was miracles to be used just for yourself? All the gifts of the Spirit were for the edification of the entire church (including tongues). So go off into a corner and pray in tongues, but if it doesn't edify the entire church it is wrong; it is unScriptural.
    Secondly, while you are praying by yourself, if you do not have an interpreter while you are praying it is unbiblical on that point as well. So remember that even while you pray you must have an interpreter. Good trick for a private prayer language isn't it?
    No where in the Bible is tongues used as a private prayer language.
    Good for him. Women are told to be silent in the church!

    So does one run their life on their emotion of being "uplifted" emotionally, or by the Word of God. You can have your counterfeit emotional experiences. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, and follow His Word.
    I will ask Tam and you. Verify the interpretation of the one speaking in the gibberish you call tongues. If you can't verify it, then it is a counterfeit. In the first century it could always be verified. Someone was always there that could speak the language. It was always a real language that someone could understand. There was always a genuine purpose to it. It was never ecstatic.

    No, you are the one contradicting the Scriptures in more than one way.
    1. It was not the Day of Atonement, had nothing to do with the Day of Atonement. It was the feast of Pentecost that they were coming to. It was the Feast of Harvest, particularly the Day of first-fruits which fell on the 50th Day after the Passover. "Pente" means 50. Thus Pentecost--50th Day Feast.
    2. You simply need to look at Acts 2:4 to see how wrong you are:

    Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
    --They did not speak in one language; they spoke in many. The Bible says they did. So who shall we believe? Ray or the Bible? I believe the Bible when it says plainly "and began to speak in other tongues (languages)--plural.
    Frist there were not 30 languages but about 13 language groups represented. You can count them. They are listed there. Out of 120 people, I am sure that God could enable 9 or 10 people to speak in each language group so that those there could pick up on their particular language being spoken. Any way it was done; the Bible specifically says they spoke with other tongueS! The word is plural.

    That is for sure. They don't study their Bibles much either.
    That may be true of most churches. However most churches are not doctrinally correct in the first place.
  4. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    While you may be a Bible College teacher, you are also a spiritual bigot

    This remark will probably have already been seen by others and perhaps reported already. It is the kind of remark that gets people suspended and eventually banned. There is no need on this board to use such demeaning language. If you have nothing Scriptural to say, don't say anything at all. I have already warned you about that before. Consider this a public warning of a personal attack and unwarranted name-calling. Don't engage in it again.

    I had to look the word up and I suppose I hang onto some beliefs like a bulldog with a ham bone myself? I would be offended less to be called a bigot then to have someone put words in my mouth that I didn't say or saying I'm liar. BTW, I have been called alot of names including some mentioned in the definition below, but no one was theatened to be removed from the board like Ray just got threatened.

    big•ot \"bi-get\ n : one intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices or opinions syn fanatic, enthusiast, zealot

    Lets get on with the debate at hand.

    Here are a few scriptures that "to my understanding" point out the gifts haven't ceased.
    Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; [/b]
    (it is for them that believe not time limit)

    1Cor. 12:4-7 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
    5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
    6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
    7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

    So if we remove the gifts because we have the bible and say we no longer need the manifestation of the Spirit because we no longer need to profit? I say nay (no way Jose)!

    1Cor 12:11-12 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
    12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

    When believers come together in a gathering should we say that in todays time we no longer have tongues in the body? or brains/knowledge? ..... with each of the gifts ect. Selah

    BTW, I see some getting off into signs but speaking in tongues is also called a gift and that is what I believe it is. (a gift)
  5. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Ask Tam if I am telling the truth. If these interpretations were anti-Biblical we would all run far from those kinds of churches. This not being the case, God always emphasizes the fact of His greatness and mighty power to work in our present difficulties and will bring us through the trials of our lives. This is the 'interpretation of tongues'

    I will ask Tam and you. Verify the interpretation of the one speaking in the gibberish you call tongues. If you can't verify it, then it is a counterfeit. In the first century it could always be verified. Someone was always there that could speak the language. It was always a real language that someone could understand. There was always a genuine purpose to it. It was never ecstatic.

    1Cor. 14:27-29 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
    28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.
    29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

    When it says judge it is a witness to the inner man but also it should line up with the word of God. (example: If a prophet says you should divorce your spouse and join his ministry....that would be a false prophet.) Also it has happened sometimes when a interpretation of tongues is given at church my inner man does not witness as to what is being interpreted. But sometimes it is right on.
  6. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    This is where the biggest difference is. It is a gift. But it is a sign gift. I believe that all the gifts have ceased. Brian believes that only the sign gifts have ceased. For arguments sake I have taken Brian's position, and will debate from just that position. The sign gifts (at least) have ceased. These were those gifts that acted as a sign, and as 1Cor.13:8 points out, would indeed cease. They were for a temporary period of time, until their usefulness as a sign was finished. A sign doesn't last forever. It is only temporary. This is the angle that I have recently been debating from. It is one that has not been yet refuted.
  7. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    That doesn't matter. Gibberish is not a language. Have someone verify the langauge being spoken, and the language that it is being interpreted into. That way every word can be verified. All speaking in tongues were actual foreign languages that were spoken. Thus someone in the congregation must know the language that is being spoken for it must edify at least one person of that language group, otherwise it is not even Biblical.
  8. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    quote by DHK:
    Have someone verify the langauge being spoken, and the language that it is being interpreted into. That way every word can be verified. All speaking in tongues were actual foreign languages that were spoken. Thus someone in the congregation must know the language that is being spoken for it must edify at least one person of that language group, otherwise it is not even Biblical.


    I thought this evidence has been produced before on the board?

    1 Cor 12:5 And there are differences of administrations,......
    Learned tongue, unknown tonge, tongue of angels....differences of how tongues are used.
    If I go and learn a new language I would still concider it a gift from God. If God gives me understanding of a tongue being spoken I would concider it a gift from God. If I preach the Good News in a language that I have not been schooled in, to a crowd that understands the dialect..... it is a gift from God.
    BTW, Paul said...1Co 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels...., just a question when angels spoke in OT and NT did they talk in their angelic language or mens language.....and if it was angelic language how is it people like Zacharias, Mary, Abraham,...ect understood? I'd like to say it would be universal and break all language barriers.
  9. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Gibberish is not a language.

    Nor is gibberish a word in the bible. But unknown tongues is there. ;)
  10. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    I see where the problem lies with this debate on tongues and that is when they end. Some say that tongues have ceased already some believe that tongues are still for today. We both use 1 Cor. 13:10 in the time line of when they cease with 2 differnt understandings. So does this mean that one of us will be doctrinally wrong. Right? Lets pull the other scriptures like 1 Cor. 13:10 up that are pivitol to this debate and see if we can get somewhere with it without attacks or using words that upset others. (*hint the word gibberish upsets some on this debate)
  11. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Unknown to the one speaking them; but known to the one hearing them. In other words they were actual foreign languages.
    Furthermore the word "unknown" in the 14th chapter of 1Corinthians is not there. It was inserted by the KJV translators.
  12. Rev. Lowery New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    I have a Question why if the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still around would he only pour out one type gift? Why can people not heal, raise the dead, and prophesy?

    Why cant anyone understand you when you speak in "tongues" what purpose does it serve, how does it edify the Body of Christ?

    Joseph Smith said he had inspiration from God we all know how that turned out his own denomination turns down his interpritation of the Book of Mormon and the have rewrote it several times to correct mispellings and very bad grammer.

    Gods Word is the KJV and it is Final Authority.
    No new prophesy, No new words need to be said by God to Man its all in the Authorized KJV.

    The Bible is translated into ever language there is so why do we need tounges there is no purpose no reason no need.

    If you have the gift of the Holy Spirit use it to Heal the sick, make the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead rise. Then even if you do I will not believe the Bible commands use not to.
    You have your reward and where you lay your treasures your heart is. The Devil has great power and will decieve many and many will be lead astray and will fall into condemnation.
    The Bible teaches these things and I believe the word of God no man will ever convince me other wise through no sign, gift, false prophesy, false tongues, or false religion. The word of God is all the prophesy, sign, religion, and gift I need to Worship the One true God the God of David, Abraham, Moses, Adam, and the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is my God his Word is final, his Authority is absolute, and his grace is sufficent for all my needs.Its all in the KJV.
    I will add this to my comment if tongues are the only gift you manifest explain to me this?

    1 Corinthians 14:5 (King James Version)
    5.I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.

    If prophesy is the great gift why dont we have this gift? Its because everything that will happen is recorded in the Word of God.

    Rev. Jerry D. Lowery D.D.
  13. Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Brethren,
    I have had neither bible college nor seminary education.

    I count that a great blessing.

    I read where Paul stated clearly that the gift of tongues will pass away.

    I don't need a college or seminary with their agenda to tell me these things have ended.

    Bro. Dallas
  14. Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Unknown to the one speaking them; but known to the one hearing them. In other words they were actual foreign languages.
    Furthermore the word "unknown" in the 14th chapter of 1Corinthians is not there. It was inserted by the KJV translators.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Amen Brother DHK, Amen.

    a tongue unknown to both hearer and speaker, what would that do? Who would that glorify?

    the speaker no doubt.

    There is a greater purpose for debout jews from among all nations to be in Jerusalem on Pentecost, what was it?

    Bro. Dallas
  15. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    You call 'speaking in tongues'---gibberish. No the only way you might begin to speak to that issue if you personally heard someone 'speaking in tongues' probably in a worship service. Be honest with us. Have you ever heard someone 'speaking in tongues' with an 'interpretation of tongues' directly afterward? We will anxiously await you honest answer.

    If you ever really heard 'speaking . . . ' you would never mock it by calling something that the Lord God is doing through one of His saints--as 'gibberish.' The 'gift of tongues' is a distinct language but not a nationalistic language--meaning coming from any country.

    My best idea is that it is the language of Heaven, or as the Apostle Paul says in I Corinthians 13:1 it might be the language of the angels of God. One would think that since the Lord sends His angels/messengers to and from earth that God would be speaking or communicating with His created beings. I am not saying that the 'gift of tongues' is the language of angels but it very well could be. Only the Lord knows what this distinct communication is all about, but from I Corinthians 12 and 14 we know it is of the Lord.

    Some of these pastors 'floor me' as to how little they understand about the New Testament truths that are so apparent to Biblical expositors.

    Berrian, Th.D.
  16. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    The reason I spoke of the Day of Atonement is because over a million people arrived in Jerusalem for the Jewish religious event. In Matthew 27:32 indicates that Simon of Cyrene was there to carry the Cross for Jesus.

    It was only approximately 50 days later that we find people at the Day of Pentecost there from Cyrene, Libya [Acts 10]. It may be that 'Simon of Cyrene' was there when the saints in the Upper Room began to speak with 'tongues' [Acts 2:4] giving the message to all nationalities via this Heavenly, spiritual language [Acts 2:6]. I call this 'speaking with tongues' as Heavenly because Luke says that all the saints who waited for the outpouring were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit [Acts 2:4] Notice the Spirit gave the saints the utterance [Acts 2:4] and strangely enough Luke never calls the work of the Spirit--'gibberish.'

    Now you know why I and others like Link are saying you are off the scope on this one.

    Berrian, Th.D.
  17. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
  18. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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  19. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I read your post; what is your point.

    I guess you think my middle paragraph is all folly.

    You ignored my question as to whether you ever heard the 'gift of tongues' in a worship service? If you never have heard this phenomenon, then you in no wise should describe it as 'gibberish.' That would be dishonest, right? I'll try AGAIN to look for your answer.

    You are like the beagles we used to hunt with. I thought you were following my tracks, but you lost the trail. No offense intended.
  20. tamborine lady Active Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    My, my,my, leave the board for a little while and look what happens!!

    DHK said:Did Balaam have the "gift of prophecy," a gift of the Holy Spirit? How about Balaam's donkey? Did he also have the gift of prophecy, as he uttered his mouth and spoke to his master?

    DHK, please don't talk about that donkey, it makes my fingers want to type things they shouldn't!!

    But I must say I agree with Ray, the people that preached in Acts 2 spoke one language, and the people heard it in their own native tongue, because it was traslated by the Holy Ghost!

    BTW, there is a lot of "gibberish" being spoken on this board.

    Gibberish= nonsense, not understandable, not intelligent speach.

    I will leave you to discern who is speaking what.

    I feel like we should proceed as I do with Jehovah Witnesses. Just put all your commentaries away, and all your other reference books, and just take out the KJV bible.

