Speaking of Elijah....

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by ktn4eg, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Last Sun PM (Sept. 30, 2012) I was privileged to attend Immanuel BCs (Belle Meade, TN [a "suburb" of Nashville-- towards the SW]) choir and pianist & organist's performance of a "Reader's Digest" version Felix Mendelson's oratorio Elijah, Op. 70.

    This particular performance included the almost word-for-word Biblical account of:
    1) God's telling Elijah about the forth-coming drought,
    2) Elijah's staying w/, subsequent healing of the widow of Zarepeth's only son,
    3) Elijah's confrontation on Mt. Carmel w/ the prophets of Baal, and
    4) God's triumph over the prophets of Baal & the subsequent, but slowly-ending of the 3-yr-long drought.

    This was the 1st time I'd ever set foot in a more "upscale" BC building in many a year. (EX: How many BC buildings do you know of that have an actual "pipe" organ [2-3 keyboards] along with actual pipes w/in the "choir loft"?)

    I must say that for a BC of their size, they might just put "The (late) Robert Shaw Chorale & Orchestra" to shame!!

    I love this type of musical performance, esp., when it's in English and performed by "classically-trained" soloists and choir (i.e., singers that use their lungs to produce the songs that they sing [and w/out microphones!] which can be heard clearly and distinctly throughout the entire sanctuary (& IBC has a rather large & long one!).

    Thanks, IBC, for doing what you do in the way of musical excellence to the praise, honor, and glory to the God of Elijah (&, by His grace, my God too!)!!!!!! :thumbsup: