Sr. Pastor in charge?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by webdog, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I should video tape our congregational meeting at our church. We have one a year (we DO vote in new members throughout the year in the church service, though). Here's how it goes:

    In March, we have the budget meeting. The budget has already been put together and approved by the finance board (3 financial businessmen, and the administrative pastor who was an accountant in his former life), and so it is presented to the congregation. The administrative pastor gets up, explains the budget, the senior pastor will explain anything new that's coming up (new pastors, changes in something big and why, etc.), then the floor is open for questions. The last 2 years, there's been either one or no questions. The entire staff of the church must be there according to our hiring agreement and a number of church members come but in the last 5 years that I've been a staff member, there have been no big discussions at all. The meeting lasts 40 minutes tops.

    Then in April we have our congregational meeting. This is a big shindig. About 600 members show up for a huge potluck dinner. We have tables set up everywhere for the dinner time and then we all gather in the sanctuary for the rest of it. There are skits, games, worship, LOTS of fun - and then the time to vote on the budget. The budget is proposed, seconded, all those in favor, all those opposed (once we had a child oppose but that's been it), it's passed then it's time for dessert! So the business part of this meeting is all of 2 minutes. LOL! It's beyond funny.

    I have to say that this church has been great. With the plurality of pastors, they hold each other accountable and all of them are seeking the Lord's will so there are no issues that come up. I trust our senior pastor even though I know he's a fallable human. I've seen him wrong before and I've seen him admit he was wrong and he changed course midstream because of it. I know that he has a relationship with the Lord and seeks His will so I trust God enough to follow him. Of course, if anything came up, there are the other pastors who could get involved and the deacon board but in 40 years, nothing like that has happened. I thank God for leading us to this church.
  2. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    How does that Scripture support one elder having authority (in trivial matters, no less) to tell other elders what to wear?
  3. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Total equality among elders is a recipe for gridlock. The church must designate someone who can make a decision. Somebody must be in charge. And if the congregation tries to micromanage, that won't work either.

    The church does not necessarily have to give the pastor the right to fire staff. But a senior pastor should be able to surround himself with a staff which is on the same page with him.

    I have served as minister of music or choir director in my church for more than 40 years. I have told each new pastor, "the church elected me, but it takes only one vote to get rid of me--yours."
  4. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I'm not going to die on the hill of dress. I don't want to mess up the privilege of serving here over wearing a suit or not. If I'm told to, I will. If it's a hardship, I'll let my pastor know why (i.e., financial, etc.), and then do my best to comply. Thank God, I serve under a pastor who is very reasonable, accomodating, and lets his staff serve as God gifts them...stepping in to override only when really necessary (not often). Part of that is that (forgive me for sounding arrogant) our staff here is responsible, professional, and has earned the trust of their pastor, church family, and those who assist them.

    The way I see it, there's always gonna be a boss. I ain't him. In our church, the staff reports to the pastor. In some really large churches, an executive pastor fills that role. Either way...I'm going to try and do the right things, the right way. If I were to be serving under someone who was a jerk, dictatorial, or had some serious flaws in leadership or character (thank God that I don't have that now...and have had almost none of that in my 2 decades of ministry!)...then I'm still going to try and deal with it in the right way and through the right channels. And if we're at an impasse, then I'll head out to a better situation. God will take care of me.

    But I'm not willing to go to war over a dress code. And thankfully, I serve a church that fits my personality well, (not to mention I don't abuse the trust given me), and it's not an issue.
  5. skypair Active Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Web -- it certainly is an "authority" issues. Do you respect authority or do you part company with them?

    As a pilot, it ranges all the way from "do you wear your official uniform hat" to "do you strike your employer." These are NOT inconsequential matters, no matter how big or small they SEEM. God has made employers/masters "ministers of God to us for GOOD." Do you want God's GOOD or do you choose your own way?

    That is a WITNESS, web. Be very careful how you choose! As one who "wore the hat" and worked through the strike I can tell you, God blesses obedience to our ordained authorities! It's another case of "IT'S YOUR CHOICE" -- Free will. Wear the tie -- observe the speed limits, even if you think you are "wiser" than that!

  6. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    I'm talking about elders exercising authority over the other elders.
  7. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Okay, how do decisions get made?
  8. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    ...depends on the situation, no?