summer plans

Discussion in 'Women's Fellowship Forum' started by dcorbett, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. dcorbett Active Member
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    Jun 3, 2003
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    I have a list for summer...some things have already been accomplshed or
    finished, but here is some of what I am looking forward to:

    1)Walking in the Relay for Life on my daughter's team this Friday
    2)Teaching Vacation Bible School starting June 27th
    3)Our annual trek to the NHRA races in Denver, along with a Rockies
    baseball game
    4)Watching my garden grow and hopefully produce

    How about you? What are your summer plans??
  2. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    For me, I have planned:

    * Going to camp a week from Sunday to start working with their horses. At the end of that week, two of my daughters will come up for the Mother/Daughter weekend. :)
    * Prepare for VBS. I need to call my staff for that! Thanks for the reminder! VBS is the last week of June and I run the refreshment department. That's 450 kids, 200 workers and then whatever parents are standing around to feed!
    * Our sailing vacation will be the middle of August. We're going away for 2.5 weeks. That takes up a bit of time for preparation and stuff but it's fun and our whole family will still be with us! With a 19 year old and 21 year old, that's pretty rare for most families. :)

    Other than that, it's just summer stuff. Beach, pool, sailing, playdates, etc.