Sylvia Browne- Society Of Novus Spiritus

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Mom2JesserFly, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Mom2JesserFly New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Here is a link to a web site about her:

    My sister has been reading her books and is now going to one of her churches and is now teaching her children to follow it.

    It is really dangerous and I am so afraid for them. I think it's a cult.

    My heart is so heavy.

    Anyone know anything about it?
  2. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I think the quick test for any religious organization is, "What think you of the Christ, and whose Son is He."

    This website clearly states what is taught about Jesus and shows it should be avoided.


  3. Chemnitz New Member

    Oct 25, 2001
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    When the first thing you see on her website is psychic readings it should be a no brainer but to avoid her teachings.
  4. music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Hos. 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

    Praying they will come out from under her teaching before its too late. :praying:
  5. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I would be frightened for her too. This woman states on her website that she does not believe that Christ is God or that He rose from the dead.

    I'll join with you in prayer that your sister will see this group for what it is.
  6. genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    SIR: Significance, Identity, & Recognition

    When one is searching for SIR one will respond to those who offer R. Therein they find SI. Once that occurs it is difficult to do anything about it. If their SIR is not found in Jesus, they'll find it somewhere, even when it is disastrous to self and others. In addition to prayer, friends and family need to show her the scriptures that reveal the Truth about God's Son. Rather than pointing out the error of the cult, point out the Truth found in God's Word. The objective is to bring her into, or back to, authentic Christian faith, while avoiding hammering away at her error.

    A related tragedy is the failure of the church in many cases to offer sustained growth after the salvation experience. We're all guilty of welcoming a new member, failing to remember his or her name, and never visiting in their home, perhaps never speaking to them again. I'm pointing all four fingers at myself.
  7. tamborine lady Active Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Sylvia is bad news


    Sylvia Brown is hearing the demons from the pits of hell, NOT GOD!! I too will pray that things will turn around.


  8. Mom2JesserFly New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Thanks for sending prayers her way. I wrote her an email just now.

    Here's a bit of it, Brianna is my niece and she felt I was attaching her when she asked about Jesus and I told her.:

    "Now concerning this whole business about "religion", I wasn't trying to force my beliefs on anyone. Brianna, in our conversation made a comment like "you Christians do this and all you Christians do that" and I have every right to defend the truth about what I believe in and how I believe to anyone. Understand, when I talk about my Christian faith to you or to anyone else it's never ever about "Oh I've found this perfect philosophy and you believe something false and I'm smarter or luckier than you, and you're stupid for being deceived." I've found something that has changed my life and changes lives, that heals broken families and gives me real security and real peace. I love telling people about it because I want everyone to experience this joy that I've found. It's not about "religion". It's about having a living, talking, real relationship with the real and living person of Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean you won't still have troubles in life. It means you'll have real peace about your troubles. Imagine if the people from our childhood that influenced a lot of us, Dad, Gil and Pearl, Richard and Iva had truly found the Lord and lived the way He wants us to live and we saw that in their lives. Now, ask yourself, where would you and your family be right now? Are you really, sincerely happy? Come on Alisha, I love you and I know you're not happy. Religion won't make you happy, searching your inner self for peace won't either. Better jobs, more money, etc. won't. We all need to let go of trying to find all the answers and fix everything ourselves and let God take over and guide us. We're all stubborn by nature. Letting go is the hard part. We all really need to be saved from ourselves. People are a mess, you know? We need fixing from the inside and that's what the Lord does. Alisha, saying you "believe in God and Jesus" or believing that they exist isn't the point. You have to BELIEVE GOD and what His word says about who He and His Son are and what they really mean to us. Not someone's opinion, but what the Bible really teaches. I never told Brianna that you were going to Hell, I never said that, nor would I ever make that kind of judgment. Some say a loving God would never send anyone to Hell. God has never, nor will ever send the first person to Hell. People send themselves. It's a choice. That's free will. God doesn't "allow" people to abuse us, people "choose" to be abusive and the innocent suffer. Free will has a high price, but if we couldn't choose to love God or what is right, if we were made to love Him, would it really be real love? See why God allows free will? But He loves us so much! I hope you make the choice to experience that someday. I'm not going to say any more on the subject and won't ever again unless you choose to. If you do, I'm here for you. Even if you're mad at me and you or Brianna won't talk to me. I love you both dearly and will always be here if you ever need anything."

    I hope she really takes it to heart. She may never speak to me again. :tear:

  9. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Sylvia Browne is a medium and a psychic. She claims to hear from the dead and has had a spirit guide since the age of 8. Because of the areas of my ministry, I have read some of her books and watched her many times on Montel Williams.

    On TV, she is able to sound like she is a Christian because she talks about God and Jesus, and she even wrote a book on prayer, but if you look at her books, you will find she is very anti-Christian she has called herself a "gnostic Chrisitan").

    I included some info on her in a published article I wrote on after-death communication:
  10. IveyLeaguer New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Good article, Marcia.
  11. genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    Folks have been asking a question about that for thousands of years. This is probably the best one-liner I've ever read.

  12. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Thanks, IveyLeaguer! It is always such an ecouragement to know when someone reads one of my articles! :wavey:
  13. JFox1 New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    I looked at Sylvia Browne's web site, and it set off a number of alarms. She's a psychic. She describes herself as a gnostic Christian (gnosticism was one the early heresies of the Christian Church), and she believes in reincarnation. She says that the soul must perfect itself (which is a works oriented salvation) by reincarnation.

    You might want to contact Christian Research Institute to obtain information about witnessing to someone involved in Sylvia Browne's cult.