Tattoo's ?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by DeclareHim, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. JesusInFirstPlace New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I agree with what everyone else has said: you will not lose your salvation EVER (even though you, and the rest of us, still sin).

    Back to the tatoo issue, I just have one question: Why do people get tatoos? Their motives for getting tatoos will tell a lot of whether or not tatoos are wrong. As has been previously stated, many people get tatoos as a sign of rebellion (which is wrong). Still others put satanic symbols on their bodies (which is wrong).

    But what is wrong with something that doesn't express evil, you might ask???

    Well, I would say that tatoos are permanent pictures that go on your body. So people see these tatoos on your body. So you are getting some attention for your 'cool' tatoos. So the emphasis is on you and your tatoos. Tattoos are always designed to INCREASE the amount of attention a person is given, which is contrary to everything the scripture says about pride, and violates the truth that "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).

    Just give it some thought.

    In Christ,
  2. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    I feel the same way about earrings and make up.
  3. pinoybaptist Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 17, 2002
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    Marcia asked:

    Sometimes, yeah.

    But, hey, I come from a different generation with a different point of view, y'know what I mean ?

    In my time, the only people who sported tattos were either (1) ex-convicts, (2) convicts, (3) gang members, or (4) sailors and mariners.

    My sputnik on the leg was a gang mark. I had it blacked out when I tried to be a cop, not that having a tatoo disqualified one from the police force, but, hey, who'd believe a cop would go after and arrest thugs who have the same brand on their skins.
  4. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I feel the same way about earrings and make up. </font>[/QUOTE]No, no, Marcia, don't go there (slaps self). :cool:
  5. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Don't just sing it, bring it :rolleyes:
  6. Eltrow New Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    I feel the same way about earrings and make up. </font>[/QUOTE]Very interesting that Paul and Peter both notice something about these.

    And what did Jezebel do to entice Jehu? Painted her face?
  7. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    These passages do not say that women cannot adorn themselves; they say that women should adorn themselves modestly. The 1 Peter passage also says that women should not depend on outward adnornment for beauty but that beauty should be from the gentle and quite spirit. I might also add that the 1 Peter passage is in the context of a woman's relationship to her husband, as well as giving commandments to the husband regarding how he treats his wife.

    There is no prohibition on using make-up or dressing attractively. The principle is to dress modestly.
  8. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    She brought it, then taught it. How many earrings do you have to have to no longer be modest. And shouldn't there be a cap on how much money one can spend on makeup, per month?
  9. seachaser New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    i don't think a tattoo will destroy your testimony as stated earlier. i use to go every wednesday night to a state prison along with a group of friends. we all rode our motorcycles to the prison on wednesday nights instead of attending our church. we would have bible study, singing and prayer time with the inmates. i seen many of them accept Jesus. i think all of us that went had at least one tattoo. it didn't bother those inmates at all. or at least i don't think it did. i'm not saying it is right to get a tatoo, i got mine before i was saved. but they don't bother me none. it just seems to me that God can use a person if he has a tattoo.

    [ August 30, 2004, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: seachaser ]
  10. jimbob New Member

    Aug 2, 2004
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    I have tattoos. I have had them for years.
    I do not believe that they have affected my testimony at all.
    In fact, I have an idea for a new one, that was inspired by a woman I met at a motorcycle rally.
    She had the scene of the crucifiction on her people just the crosses and rocks.
    I commented on it, and we talked about bible verses and salvation for about an hour. That conversation would not have taken place if not for that tattoo.
  11. Blazin4Christ New Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    a sign of rebellion is wrong, it says in 1(or 2nd) Samuel that Rebellion is as the sin of witch craft, abstain far from it
  12. superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Having just read the entire thread again. No one has adequately answered these questions.

    The points about the OT being valid for today are absolutely ridiculous. The OT is only applicable within its literal historical context, when studied according to the rules and guidlines of its particular literary genre, and when balanced against the teachings of the New Testament regarding the Church. If the Levitical laws were in place to combat a specific religious practice of the day, than they apply only in principle.

    IF tattoos are clear rebellion, a christian should not get one

    IF tattoos are clearly affiliated with the occult and only the occult a christian should not get one.

    IF the particular tattoo contains images or text that is not honoring to God, a christian should not get one

    IF the purpose for getting a tattoo is either rebellion or for gaining attention to ones body a christian should not get one.

    If you boil all the scripture and even the "logic" seen in this thread, (precious little BTW) you will not find any directly applicable scriptures to the issue, and you have to evaluate the motives and peripheral cultural issues surrounding tattoos in order to determine whether it is appropriate in a particular case.

    I personally would not get one, would not encourage others to get one, but I would not view either having or getting a tattoo in and of itself to be a sin. It would only be so when one of the clearly Biblical principles addressed in this thread were to be violated.

    :D Wow, thats more ifs than I thought when I started