Ted Haggard Free of Homosexual Impulses

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by pinoybaptist, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    ....according to his wife, that is...and if true, the credit goes to (drrrrruuuummmmm rrrrrrrrrooooolllllll).....THERAPY !! (at least in this article it appears that way...I don't know if God figured anywhere in the wife's book, though)....



    By Mike Celizic
    TODAYshow.com contributor
    updated 10:28 a.m. ET, Wed., Jan. 27, 2010

    It has been more than three years since charismatic pastor Ted Haggard left his megachurch in disgrace, mired in a scandal involving drug use and a male prostitute. But the woman who stood by him says now that the experience has brought them closer together than ever.
    “Our relationship is better than it’s ever been. Going over this mountain together has given me the marriage that I’ve always longed for,” Gayle Haggard told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Wednesday in New York.
    Gayle Haggard had come to discuss ...(END OF EXCERPT)
  2. preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    I have deep sympathy for my brother in Christ Ted Haggard. There is no amount of words or space to list how I hope he is truly restored spiritually and finds joy in life.

    But he has no business near a pulpit in the role of a pastor. I heard Ted talk about several months ago and heard a person who has gone through a very difficult time, because of personal sin. I also heard a person who is still angry with people. His transgressions and deep sin while in ministry should necessitate years, not months, away from ministry so he might be fully restored. He has refused to take this council. It is only wise to be careful with the ministry God gives us. If we, pastor under-shepherds, hurt the sheep we need to consider taking significant time away in order to find reconciliation and permit peace to reign.
  3. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    If Ted has been delivered from homosexuality, it was from the Lord. With that being said, I personally believe that the Lord can use therapists, nurses, and all sorts of people in the medical profession to be instruments of His divine healing.

    I saw Ted and his wife on television a while back. The interviewer asked her if she ever suspected that this was her husband's nature. She forcefully told the interviewer that this was not her husband's nature, but his choice. Ted, on public television, sided with the interviewer and corrected his wife and told her that this is who he was.

    With that being said, Ted was deeply entrenched into same-sex attraction no matter how you explain it.

    Yet God can heal and deliver. I pray that this is the case.
  4. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I was not going to post before I got over this operation, but this subject has been a pet peeve of mine for years. First of all, I pray that God has completely restored the man and his ministry.

    Actually, this is probably none of my business, as my vocation is not the ministry. However, I have seen over and over again, those in postions of power or decision making, take it upon themselves to select their pet bad sins, and if someone in the ministry is caught in one of them, they are unfit to fill that roll for either many years or the rest of their lives. That mindset is at odds with Scripture and the Gospel. No where in the Bible is there time limits or types of sins to judge someone.

    I certainly agree with the point that no one should be in a leadership position while the sin is active, or God is restoring the person, but I have known many individuals to pronounce a life sentence against the offender. I have always wondered what was in the past of those passing judgement, no doubt they patterned their list of disqualifying sins off sins that do not tempt them.

    Of course, since our churches are autonomous, it would be up to each local congregation on a case by case basis.
  5. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Will take another couple decades for me to trust him at all.

    His wife (on the Today Show this morning) pimping her new book said that he was the most convincing liar she had ever met. She has stood by him through this all, which says a lot about her.
  6. preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    actually I think perspectives from those not in the biz are important...

    I'll address the point about eventual restoration later, but I don't think sexual sins are "pet sins."

    As a leader Luke 12:48 applies very directly. As a pastor when you take a member of your flock and do acts that are sinful and deeply wounding to him and you, the amount of damage you cause is so tremendous that it obligates significant time away from ministry.

    The ministry is such a precious trust that such damage mandates distance and healing.

    Whenever Ted talks we hear all about his problems and that which damaged him, but we never hear him talk about the two men he abused, we never hear about 20,000 members he betrayed, we never hear about the 45 staff members who lost their jobs because the church is declining. No we only hear about him. That is more telling than anything.

    Now I'm not, nor have I ever said, that Ted (or someone like him) should never be allowed back in ministry. I don't believe that. I do believe that if he so desired to enter ministry after a time, set by elders and spiritual leaders around him, that he should be able to do so.

    Specifically for his instance, the degree of sin and the damage he brought is so severe I can't see him turning around 18 months later and just walking back into a pulpit. I can see a very clear case for a time, maybe 4 or 5 years, of biblical restoration and discipleship done with several mentors and peers. Then after a time of serving in a non-staff basis he can be reconsidered by the church elders and the church as a whole. I can buy that...because that is exactly what happened with a major evangelical leader that I know who has been restored to ministry after a process like this. The man went and had an extra-marital affair with a college student and it all came to light. He is serving wonderfully and has a powerful ministry today because of wise leaders.

    Let me ask this: should someone who violates a child or teen ever be let back into children's or student ministry? What is the basis?

    This is an interesting point, because while I love and believe in local autonomy this is one of two instances where it drives me bonkers. :)
  7. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Autonomous or not, all churches are held to the same standard. The man is not blameless—yet. Dr. Bob is right. It will take more than a year or two before any rational man could even begin to think that he has truly been delivered of his deviant lusts.
  8. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==I agree 100%. As I have said before, he needs to stop doing interviews and he needs to find a quiet place to straighten his life out. His pulpit ministry is most likely over. However he might still have a future in some type of ministry, but only if he truly gets right with the Lord. Until then, he is little more than another Jimmy Swaggart (sorry Jimmy!).
  9. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I believe if the truth were known we would seem many more who are in need of a hospital of God's grace. When I read scripture I see many who failed. The Bible declares, "The righteous fall seven times and rise again."
  10. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I do not for one moment believe Mr. Haggard did not indulge in homosexual behavior even early on in his pre-married and pre-ministerial life.
    Homosexuality is a suppressed deviation and is latent behavior in the afflicted and once it is released or indulged, the desire grows.
    Mr. Haggard did not one day wake up and tell himself "today, I will try out the homosexual lifestyle".
    He's been doing it before.
    I agree that the best recourse for him, and his wife, is to shut up and just stay in the background and don't try to come back to public life because I believe the desire to indulge in homosexuality, much like tobacco use, can be suppressed but never really goes away and one day severe temptation can lead to another public disgrace.
    Better to deal with his problem before the Lord and with the Lord out of the public limelight.
    He has caused much harm to the Name of Christ, and to the integrity of Christianity, just like Messrs. Swaggart, Bakker, and others.
  11. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Although speculation, I must concur with pinoybaptist. I can't imagine that Haggard just woke up one day and said "I' think I'll try being sexually involved with a man".

    Just my $.02 there.
  12. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    how does his wife know about his desires and wether or not he still has them?
  13. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Playing the offended, but forgiving wife, full of faith in and trust for her husband, goes a long way to getting books sold.
  14. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I'm sure it does, and I'm sure she has no real idea. But she'll make all kinds of money by saying it, and people will buy the book and buy the garbage.