Ted Kennedy

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Bro. Curtis, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    - Ted managed to graduate from prep school (Milton Academy) in 1950 with only a C average.
    - Teddy was never a scholar, and his brother Jack once referred to him as "the gay illiterate".

    - Despite his terrible grades, Teddy (like brother Robert) was admitted to Harvard as a "legacy", because his older brothers and father had graduated form there with such distinction.

    - Yet even at Harvard, young Ted floundered.
    - In his sophomore year he was expelled for cheating. He had been failing Spanish and feared it would keep him off the varsity football team.
    - He paid a friend to take the exam for him.
    - Ted's friend, however, was recognized when he turned in the exam book.

    - Both lads were expelled, but were advised that they could apply for readmission in a year if they demonstrated responsible citizenship.
    - It was a shame and disgrace, but the family would manage to keep it a secret until Teddy ran for the Senate.
  2. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    - After his expulsion from Harvard, Teddy returned to Hyannis Port where he would sit brooding, sometimes for hours.
    - Finally, he enlisted in the Army.
    - Not surprisingly, he did not bother to read the enlistment papers and signed up for four years instead of two.
    - Ted's father, the US Ambassador to England, was horrofied at the thought of his youngest son spending four years in the service, with a good chance of being sent into combat in Korea.
    - "Don't you ever look at what you're signing?" he shouted.

    - With one phone call Joe contacted a friend who managed to get hold of Teddy's enlistment papers.
    - Ted's enlistment period was shortened to two years, a maneuver that was nearly impossible for the average enlistee.
    - Furthermore, Ted would do his service in Europe, not Korea.

    - Teddy never rose above the rank of private, and was discharged in 1952.
    - He returned to Harvard in the fall of 1953, as did his test-taking friend, and they graduated together.
  3. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    - Once back at Harvard, Teddy made the rugby team.
    - During one match in 1954, Ted got into three fistfights with opposing players and was finally thrown out of the game. According to referee Frederick Costick, Teddy was the only player he had ever expelled from a game in thirty years of officiating.
    - "Rugby is a character-building sport," Costick said. "Players learn how to conduct themselves on the field with the idea that they will learn how to conduct themselves in life. When a player loses control of himself three times in a single afternoon, to my mind, that is a sign that, in a crisis, the man is not capable of thinking clearly and acting rationally. Such a man will panic under pressure."

    - Of course, years later, in the crisis at Chappaquiddick, Teddy would do exactly that.
  4. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Teddy K, the champion of big government.
  5. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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  6. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    How bad of a guy must you be for Joe Kennedy to be embarrassed by you?

    Funny thing about Ted Kennedy: I can never listen to him without hearing the guy from the Bugs Bunny cartoons singing, "How Dry I Am".
  7. One View New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Sounds like the under-achiever younger brother syndrome.

    Didn't Ted try to run for preisdent one time, and totally fell apart on one simple question?
  8. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    His name was being thrown around in '80, wasn't it ? I thought he was going to challenge Carter for the dem nod, but that nasty ole' Chappaquiddick thing....

    I was going to school in Great Lakes, Il, at the time, and my mind had allready been made up, I was a Carter supporter. If he was good enough for the Allman Brothers to endorse, he was my guy. Boy, was I a complete idiot.

    Anyways, Ted K is a real bad guy.
  9. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Yes, he ran in '80, but was no match for the charisma of John Anderson.

    I don't know what question you mean, but I'd like to see him play that game on David Letterman, "Will it Float".

    Throw a couple of secretaries into the tank and see what happens.
  10. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    For those people here who are too young to remember the Carter admin, thank your lucky stars.

    For those of you who are just ahankerin' for some nostalgia, go siphon all of the gas out of your car, hire a couple of angry, drunken Russians to stand outside your house with shotguns shouting obscenities at you, hug a despot, turn your thermostat down to sixty and put on a sweater, beat a rabbit to death with a row boat oar, get some Muslim extremists to lock your grandma up in your tool shed and then load your kids into the car and crash it into a tree in an attempt to rescue her.

    ((Man, I'm really bitter today. Maybe I should go take a nap or something.))

    Honestly, the guy never met a despot or tyrant he didn't like.

    And then, as if to add insult to injury, they went and named a submarine after him.

    That's just swell: a $3 billion dollar submarine for a ten cent president. :rolleyes:

    About the only good thing Jimmy Carter ever gave us was Ronald Reagan.

    He sold out the legacies of his two dead brothers for the sake of his own political ideology.

    That is a real bad guy.
  11. One View New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    The famous question was asked by Roger Mudd.

  12. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    For those people here who are too young to remember the Carter admin, thank your lucky stars.

    For those of you who are just ahankerin' for some nostalgia, go siphon all of the gas out of your car, hire a couple of angry, drunken Russians to stand outside your house with shotguns shouting obscenities at you, hug a despot, turn your thermostat down to sixty and put on a sweater, beat a rabbit to death with a row boat oar, get some Muslim extremists to lock your grandma up in your tool shed and then load your kids into the car and crash it into a tree in an attempt to rescue her.

    ((Man, I'm really bitter today. Maybe I should go take a nap or something.))

    Honestly, the guy never met a despot or tyrant he didn't like.

    And then, as if to add insult to injury, they went and named a submarine after him.

    That's just swell: a $3 billion dollar submarine for a ten cent president. :rolleyes:

    About the only good thing Jimmy Carter ever gave us was Ronald Reagan.

    He sold out the legacies of his two dead brothers for the sake of his own political ideology.

    That is a real bad guy.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I was young then, but I still remember the America Held Hostage specials by Ted Koppell during the Iran Hostage Crisis. Those visions of blind folded hostages are forever etched into my mind. It was horrible. Jimmy was quite possibly, in my mind, the worst president of the 20th century.

    Joseph Botwinick
  13. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    And you have a great example of the utter hypocracy of the left. They dig and dig, scrape, slander, and howl about supposed unprovable crimes they believe all republicans commit, and yet they give their bloated darling a free pass. Mary Jo is still dead, and the libbies disgrace her every day, by not holding him responsible.

    If you had a daughter, would you want her to date a Bush, or a Kennedy ?
  14. One View New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I do have sympathy for Ted. Being the younger brother and seeing all that tragedy in his life. He could never live up to his brothers’ legacy, but probably had a lot of pressure to do so.

    Added to that, he would always be the media darling, and was ordained for life in Massachusetts politics, so he became the “spoiled brat” person he is.

    I really hope Ted can get out of politics and begin to get his life together, find a relationship with Jesus, and put his family’s history behind him.
  15. Kiffen Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    I wonder if a Republican's political career could have survived a Chappaquiddick scandal? OR would the media bring it up every time. There are still many questions about Chappaquiddick that have not been answered.

    Ted Kennedy is to the Democratic Party what David Duke was to the Republican Party. The one difference is that the GOP distanced themselves from Duke. What is wrong with Massachusetts where this guy can get re elected year after year? :eek:
  16. One View New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Ah, the Carter era. The worst economy I can remember, the worst unemployment I can remember, the lines of cars at gas stations, and the hostages he could never free until Reagan took office.

    I still cannot blame everything on Carter. I think there's limits on what a preisdent can control, such as the stock market crash at the end of Clinton's presidency that took the whole economy down.

    The economy wasn't that good when Carter took office. Remember the price freezes of the Nixon years, because inflation was so bad?
  17. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Let's remember that this is a political party who lectures us on racial sensitivity while their number one guy in the Senate was a Ku Klux Klansman.

    Up is down and black is white to these people.

    In the sixties, the Dems fought like Hell to keep blacks down. So much so tha LBJ, not exactly known for his political ecumenicalism, praised the Republicans for rescuing the Civil Rights Act and helping it to become law, in spite of the opposition from the Dems.

    But of course, we're the ones who are racists.

    George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Albert Gore, Sr, and all of those guys are never mentioned by Democrats.

    Well, almost never.

    Bill Clinton once called Orville Faubus "a great man".

    Anybody know who Orville Faubus was? He was the guy who stood in the doorway of the Little Rock High School in order to prevent blacks from receiving an education and had to be removed by federal marshalls.

    This was Bill Clinton's idea of "a great man"?

    Or how about the time he called William Fulbright "the greatest male presence in my life"?

    Not a peep, right?

    Chris Dodd praises Robert Byrd, former Ku Klux Klansman and there is nothing.

    But we're the ones who are racists.
  18. Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Ted Kennedy is an unconvicted felon.Every time I see him speak on c-span it makes me want to puke.Who in thier right mind would ever believe someone like him .I am always amazed when he gets on his sanctamonious high horse.What could possibly be on the minds of the people of Mass. when they go to vote?
  19. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    You're absolutely right. The recession, itself, was not Carter's fault.

    What was Carter's fault were policies that greatly exacerbated the recession.

    When you're in a recession, you don't take money out of the economy.
  20. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Hmmmm, no libbies want to put their 2 cents in ?

    I get a little choked up when I hear Ted give the eulogy at his brother Bobby's funeral. He almost sounds human. But he hasn't uttered a sentence worth hearing since.