Townhall meetings here in the Mobile,AL area

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by BigBossman, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. BigBossman Active Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Yesterday morning I had the opportunity to attend a townhall meeting in Tillman's Corner (an unincorporated part of Mobile). Our congressman, Jo Bonner was speaking there. He's doing 19 of these meeting in our area this week. The main topic, as reported in the news, is this healthcare debate that's been going on across the country. The only problem I saw was the way he was answering the questions. He wasn't vague or evasive, but it almost seems like he wasn't as knowledgeable about the proposed healthcare bill. One person asked if abortions would be funded by taxpayer money as part of this bill. He stated that there is no mention of it, which makes you wonder if the government will add more things to it.

    It was amazing to see so many people there. There was standing room only. Congressman Bonner said the last time he held a townhall meeting at that area, there were only 17 people who attended. It was unreal seeing a large number of people who is angry at our government. I'm glad to see that people are beginning to wake up. I'm waiting for our local media to brand those angry at the government as "Rightwing Conspirators". I think if we had this many people concerned about the direction our nation was heading in, Barack Obama wouldn't be in office. McCain also wouldn't have been the Republican nominee.

    Congressman Bonner said that he will oppose the bill, which is good enough for me. Seeing & hearing him talk at the townhall meeting put things into perspective for me. I voted for him in the past elections, but didn't feel he was a "top-of-the-line" conservative, but I think I was wrong about him. I still don't view him as "top-of-the-line", but he's more conservative than I expected him to be. If someone comes along & challenges him who is more conservative, I'll vote for that person. Until then, I'll stick with Congressman Bonner.
  2. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Do you think he seemed vague because there is no one definite bill? The only progress that has been made is several different proposals voted out of committees. Each house still has to pass a unified bill, then get one single bill. It has a long way to go, thank goodness.

    I grew up not far from you in Gulfport.
  3. BigBossman Active Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I didn't think he was trying to be vague. I thought he answered the questions as best he could. Do I think he could have done better? Yes. 1000 pages is a lot of stuff to memorize. I think he did okay based on what he knew about this bill.

    I think if anything, based on what I've heard, the healthcare bill is vague. If its approved, this will leave it open for The Senate & The House to interpret & leave loop holes in the legislation. He also went on to mention, that currently The House needs 218 votes to defeat this bill, & they only have about 175 votes. He said if people continually keep stirring, that they will cause their representatives to vote it down. People just have to remind them that they are up for re-election in 2010.
  4. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Not that I keep up with every bit of news, but I cannot remember a single bill that will have such a huge impact on all of us. Maybe we can get to that 218 number with moderate democrats.
  5. alatide New Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    I assume you now have medical insurance from your union and a contract to be covered after retirement. How would you feel if you didn't have these advantages? You know unions won't be tolerated much longer in the US because they make us non-competitive in the world.
  6. BigBossman Active Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I have insurance, but its not through a union. Anytime I make a doctor's visit I have to make a co-payment of $20.00. I pay $20.00 out of each & every puny paycheck that I get each week just so I can have insurance that I probably will never need. I don't have a retirement set up either (at least not yet). I'm not worried about "how I feel" or "how I would feel". That's the problem with liberals, they are always "feeling" & not "thinking" things through.

    Our government cannot afford to pay for the healthcare of all its citizens. This will also force private companies out of business. The healthcare bill is being modeled after the types they have in Canada & Great Britain. Its been established that they don't work. The government ends up telling you what healthcare you can & cannot receive. In Canada it is illegal for anyone there to receive chemotherapy treatments for cancer. That's why a lot of cancer patients from Canada are coming here. I don't want to pay for everyone else's healthcare problems. I have a hard enough time trying to pay for my own. People need to take care of themselves & not be dependant on the government. I believe the system we have isn't perfect, but I don't believe in tearing down what we have now to replace it with socialized healthcare. This bill is bad news for everyone.
  7. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    But like saturneptune said, those 1000 pages are one bill in the Senate. The finance committee has yet to pass anything and the house has 3 proposals. When you ask a question, the answer kind of depends on which bill you are referring to so really they can only speak in generalities since there is actual bill to defend.