
Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by donnA, Jan 19, 2003.

  1. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I was thinking today about unbelievers who may visit the BB, that topic has come up in the past, oh what would unbelievers or young christians think if they read this topic or the other. So I was thinking to day, what if unbelievers were to visit the BB looking for answers to life in the past,, say month. What would they have read on the BB?
    1.Pornography is ok
    2.alchol and drugs are ok
    3.abortion is ok
    4.homosexuality is ok
    5.sex outside of marriage is ok

    Now what is there about this that would draw a peron to christianity, after all, no matter who I am,(the unsaved) I must be alright, nothing different from me and those christians.
    So next time you ask now what would unbelievers think if they saw some honest biblical discussion, even if it has gotten out of hand, amybe we should consider some of the other topics that make sin seem acceptable.
  2. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    If the unbeliever were to read this post I think they would look at a bunch of confused idiots, with alot of answers that would go nowhere.

    Now, really, if the unbelievers came here for answers, it would have only been God who brought them in the first place. So, I think that the answers given may cause them to want to see for themselves. So, they would take up their Bible, and the ones that don't have one would go out and buy one, and they would want to see who is telling the truth or giving proper interpretaion.

    In turn, after they read their Bible, and get nothing out of it because they don't have the Holy Spirit to help them understand, they would either turn to someone who seems Godly, in their interpretation of Godly or look for a church, which to them could most likely be the one closest to them, or whatever they were raised in. Or, they would turn to God. Then, after that, they may get saved, all because we discussed, or argued, with diversified opinions or interpretations.

    [ January 19, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: TheOliveBranch ]
  3. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    They might also see a people, unlike themselves, with a lot of questions and no pet answers to those unfathomable questions. They might see a people who are no different to themselves, but claim a Lord who loves them with an eternal love and dared to die for them on a cruel cross. In seeing this they might see a difference within the sameness. A satisfied soul, though a mind of thought.

    Afterall, isn't it the victory of Jesus that makes the difference?


  4. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Olive brach, what about all the unbelievers who were here and were banned? Didn't seem to amke a difference to them, usually it was an I told you so about chrsitianity.

    It should, but when one believes all these things are alright, then where is the difference knowing Jesus is making in them?
  5. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    It should be evident,,,,it is called the fruit of the Spirit


  6. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Hard to see that fruit Jim when a person believes all these are ok. Isn't it the Holy Spirit in a person who causes a person to reject these as sinful.
  7. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    The purpose of the BB is NOT evangelism. We must recognize that fact.

    It is to allow Baptists (of every stripe - remember, all our churches should be autonomous and we area all priests, with soul liberty - those are baptist distinctives) open and free discussion of doctrine and practice.

    Censorship of someone who is an active baptist because they interpret differently than you do about alcohol (for example) must NEVER be our practice.

    Thank you, though, for expressing concern and reminding ME that I must be extremely careful that I reflect Jesus' perfect example of truth tempered by grace.
  8. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Then maybe that should be our answer next time someone doesn't like the way a topic is going. We aren't evangelistic, so we don't have to look good in front of people, it doesn't matter what we say we believe.
    Nope, God forbid we would want to tell anyone that homosexuality is wrong, or abortion is wrong. Who cares what the bible says.
  9. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I just must be one of those stupid women who doesn't know anything anyway. Stupdi me thought having the Holy Spirit, fruit of the Spirit meant having the mind of Christ, desiring to follow Him.
    Wonder how do I follow Jesus into homosexuality?
  10. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    1.Pornography is ok
    2.alchol and drugs are ok
    3.abortion is ok
    4.homosexuality is ok
    5.sex outside of marriage is ok
    Frankly, I can't recall the mainstream of Board users holding these views.

    1. pornography..some offered different interpretations as to what it is.

    2. Alcohol and drugs......Some talked about drinking in moderation and some opposed altogether..On drugs,,we all take some form of drugs..Marijuana did come up for medicinal purposes..some for some against.

    3.abortion..the majority opposed..I did say that abortion if necessary, but not necissarily abortion....saying that there are some medical reasons for abortion and many should question their D&C's,,,,,,which are also a form of abortion.

    4. Homosexuality..Only a few have said it is not a sin and is not condemned in the Bible. They are entitled to that viewpoint.

    5. Sex outside the marriage. I did not see any support for this at all, but I didn't see all the posts.


  11. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Maybe you are barking at the wrong people. I don't like any of the stands you have listed. I never have agreed with them. And, often, if not in all cases, I have argued these things. What do you suggest? Ban them from stating their opinions? If we did that, we would probably all be banned eventually.

    If someone is banned, it was probably for good reason. They most likely came for an argument anyway, with intentions to stir up trouble.

    I thought that the opposition to these things was handled well. There are those that believe they are right. When you tell them that they are wrong, you suddenly have been accused of casting judgement. They refuse to see, but we have done what needed to be done. Show them the truth, give them scripture, and if they don't see, they will face God.

    Maybe I'm the one being stupid, but I don't understand your reasoning. Or better stated, I just don't follow your line of reasoning. Did something occur that caused you to see this? :confused:

    [ January 19, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: TheOliveBranch ]
  12. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Censorship takes place regularly on the BB.
    And we must at all times maintain a christian life, belief in worldy things, and teaching it to others is wrong.