Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-par

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by targus, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    "Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending. The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency."


    I found this to be interesting.

    What's good for the goose as they say.
  2. Aaron Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 4, 2000
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    bumping this up.
  3. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    The following is an email I rec from Bill Colley, a radio talk show host in the Middle Atlantic States.

    I do know Bill personally, so I know this is NOT spam. This email in its entirely

    Are they afraid to count the people? Saturday I attended the vast right-wing Woodstock on the greens at a place called Washington, D.C. In advance of the event there were even right-of-center people expecting no more than “tens of thousands”. This is because only about 30-thousand people responded to an online registration. At 5:00 A.M. Saturday morning an alarm clock started beeping and I got out of a strange bed. I was staying a few miles from Washington in hopes of getting an early start. While I was shaving and listening to a repeat of Friday night’s Hannity I heard the turnout prediction repeated. Tens of thousands and it struck me he was being cautious. For weeks I’d had a gut feeling about all of this. It gets measured in telephone calls to my show in my small corner of the world. A large element of the public has been pushed too far and for too long. Most of us like to believe the corner of the world where we live is unique but I’ve long suspected the people where I live are pretty much the same as the people where you live.

    At the Largo Towne Center Metro station in Maryland I still didn’t see many large numbers. As we started making additional stops it became apparent in this case something very unique was going on when it comes to conventional media wisdom, which I generally don’t trust. Seriously, do you think Anderson Cooper and Keith Olbermann frequent the local pool halls? These people haven’t a clue about what millions of Americans think.

    My hands were attached to a sign which carried just a few words. “You lie” and “God bless Joe Wilson”, it read. Two men came forward and told me they were from Wilson’s home state of South Carolina. For a few years there were the GOP bosses telling people the next big thing in their party was from that state. They were right but had the wrong man. The next big thing is a mostly unassuming guy. In just two words last week he summed the frustration of tens of millions, maybe even more of his countrymen. When we came out from the underground and reached the Federal Triangle it was packed with a loud throng and the crowd was growing by leaps and bounds. Someone in law enforcement made a command decision and opened the Reagan Building so that members of the crowd could use the facilities. Then other buildings were opened. First the officers checked identification before entry and then relented and allowed the line to move much more quickly. Returning to the plaza after a trip to the potty I noticed the crowd was moving ahead of schedule. It had to get going because there wasn’t any room left there and people were emerging from the underground in thousands. My county’s former Sheriff telephoned me and explained his wife was on a bus entering the city and traffic had slowed to 5 miles per hour. There were just so many, many busses. After talking on my phone I started chatting with folks on Pennsylvania Avenue. People from Idaho, Kansas and Utah and I saw flags from as far away as Alaska.

    When we finally made it to the grounds of the Capitol we were stunned to find friends we hadn’t seen since we ran off to find a toilet. Somehow we connected among the masses. And then we watched for several hours as a sea of humanity passed by. Every piece of ground near us filled in. I looked back at the reflecting pool and all I could spot were the thousands and thousands of flags and signs and at one point I reached some high ground and could see as far as the Washington Monument. Before me stretched a sea of my countrymen and there were more on the move and coming from every direction. A speaker called out over the sound system and reminded the audience Woodstock never represented salt of the earth Americans. It also didn’t bring an audience of this magnitude and in such a short time. My friend, retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Steve Hyle, spoke with some members of the Capitol and Park Police. It was early and they offered him an estimate of 1.2 million. Later they offered 1.5 million and still people kept coming. My significant other spoke with a police officer, a woman of color, who joked she’d never seen so many white people in one place. Whites and Asians and, yes, even some people of color joined us. People who love liberty are bound by ideals and not the labels media uses to divide us.

    As I write this the mainstream media struggles to grasp what it has seen. From The New York Times, "... the size of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours." The Times reports it can’t get an estimate from the government. “The crowd surrounded the Capitol Reflecting Pool, spilling across Third Street and onto the Mall. The sound system was inadequate to the throng; speakers on stage, at the Capitol's West Front, were too distant to be intelligible to anyone near the edges of the rally”, reports the Washington Post.

    Twenty years ago the Colonel was liaison from the Air Force to Congress. He explained how crowd estimates are made. When the numbers reach the Washington Monument you can safely go with 1.5 million. He told me this as we were leaving and walking against a tide rolling forward and looking for deliverance from a government grown too large and a government until this Saturday unwilling to listen. Glenn Beck gave an estimate of 2.1 million. Beck may be biased but when it finally is called history he may be called accurate.

    The redhead’s mother reminded us by telephone tonight there were thousands of satellite demonstrations across the nation today. This is our country. For a time we lost it. Today we took it back.

    You can listen to Bill live on WGMD on the net
  4. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    This would make it the largest rally ever in DC but does anyone think that the leftist media will acknowledge that truth?
  5. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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  6. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Ooops. Nowhere near 2-million. Only tens of thousands.

  7. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    So what? 60-70,000 is a huge crowd. People travelled from across the country.
  8. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    This would make it the largest rally ever in DC but does anyone think that the leftist media will acknowledge that truth?
  9. SeekingTruth Member

    May 25, 2005
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    Not only will the leftist media not admit it, they even refused to give it coverage. If there had only been a few thousand, the media would have over joyed to cover it and would continually keep reminding us that the movement was just a few disgruntled angry white men. Well, we now know the truth. To paraphrase Joe Wilson "ABC lied". Just look at the photos. Why take reports from ABC, NBC and other elitist, leftist networks over the word of an eyewitness?
  10. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    I see no reference to ABC News in the article linked in the OP.

    They do not cite ABC News as their source for the estimated number of people.

    What exactly makes ABC News more accurate than the UK Daily Mail?
  11. alatide New Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    For one thing, ABC News is based in the US and the Daily Mail is in the UK. The important thing is I'm glad that everyone now recognizes the free speech right for US citizens to express their opinion. Remember that when the next anti-Iraq war rally or the next pro-health care rally takes place.
  12. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    The Daily Mail was relying on reports from others, as they didn't contract anyone to count the crowd. The wrong number was quickly seized upon and became gospel.

    Not saying it isn't a good crowd...but nowhere near 2 mil. By comparison, the so-called Million Man March by most accounts did not reach that either.
  13. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    What makes you think that ABC sent anyone to make a count?

    How do you know that ABC didn't rely on someone else's number?

    How do you know that 2 million is a "wrong number"?
  14. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    He don't!


    NBC Report Says Their People Estimate 9/12 Crowd in the "Hundreds of Thousands" - Video 9/12/09

    Here is an NBC video report on the massive "Taxpayers March on Washington" today. The NBC reporter, Tom Costello, led into the piece by saying Park Police estimated the crowd in the "tens of thousands," but he said "Our own people (NBC's) say in the hundreds of thousands."

    The report describes the message of the crowd, and shows scenes from the rally.

    NOTE: If the NBC people are willing to say "Hundreds of Thousands," be sure it was AT LEAST that many!
  15. alatide New Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    You're the one who claims 2M people participated so the onus of proof is on you.
  16. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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  17. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    I made that claim? :laugh:

    And you wonder why no one listens to you.
  18. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    BO birth certificate fiasco taught us we don't have to prove anything - just say it and it must be taken as gospel

    Sgt Salty

    PS, yes I am a sgt - beacuse I said so!
  19. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Here's a number we can be pretty sure of, how many at the 9/12 rally in Washington, D.C. would agree with alatide in his support of Obamacare?

  20. alatide New Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    We certainly have never proved anything about the government conspiracy theory for 9/11.