Utah Gunman was a Bosnian Muslim Refugee

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by LadyEagle, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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  2. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    While that is an interesting fact it really does not prove much. Right now law enforcement must figure out his motives. This could have been some guy on drugs, it could have been a Columbine type thing, or something else. Right now nobody really knows what was going through this guy's head. Either way he is in hell tonight, so, I am not sure it matters what "was" going through his miserable head.
  3. reformedbeliever New Member

    Dec 10, 2004
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    A good case for concealed carry. Its God's providence that the off duty officer was there. I am a firm believer in good citizens having the right to bear arms, and using that right.
  4. JFox1 New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    AMEN!!! I believe in concealed carry.
  5. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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  6. grahame New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    We indeed are living in terrible days. I watched a TV program last night about a bus bombing in Israel where 19 people in all, Died. Nearly all young people or children. Every one of them with promising lives before them. There was a profile on each of these young people including the young Muslim man, the suicide bomber himself.

    I wept as I watched the story of each one of these beautiful young people. Their bodies torn into thousands of unrecognisable pieces and the sorrow among the distraught relatives that this sensless distruction had caused. I was even more saddened as I heard the family of the bomber state that they were very proud of what he did. How can anyone be proud of their son, I thought, when he had deliberately sat down in a bus full of children going to school and detonate a bomb knowing the murder and destruction that it would cause? For this terrible carnage and distruction came directly from hell itself. Satan seen in his true colours.

    How can such people believe that they would go to heaven whilst committing such a wicked act of violence? Yes I am conscious of and sympathise with the injustice of Palestinian people and the losses of their children that they suffer and there is injustice there.

    But that does not justify this senseless violence against the innocent in this way. We indeed live in troubleous times and witness many wicked acts of violence against those who are the most vulnerable. Only yesterday another 15 year old boy was murdered in London. And we all have had those maniacs who seem to go through towns shooting people indiscriminately. If we are sickened by all this, then imagine what God sees. He sees all this all at once. We all like to think we are innocent ourselves, don't we? This is why we like to talk about them and discuss it and feel revulsion within ourselves.
    This made me think of something that happened way back in our Lord's time.
    And of course what our Lord said certainly came to pass. Do you not think there were many innocents back then in those Jewish wars? Josephus tells us there were around 3 million Jews killed then and many of the acts of violence sickened even the hardest of Roman soldiers. The streets of Jerusalem literally ran with blood. I remembered that when I heard one of the paramedics at this bus bombing that the only thing that would soak up the blood was paper and even this was counted sacred and was buried with the bodies.

    Surely do you not have the slightest thought that all these things are happening because God is speaking to us in judgement? Man, whatever religion he professes, is capable of the most obscene acts of violence. The prophet Jeremiah was surely right when he stated by the Holy Spirit
    We seem to think that by setting ourselves up as judge and jury by reading and discussing these things, that we are somehow free from guilt, just because we certainly cannot see ourselves committing such atrocities. But my dear friends I can assure you that we all are part of the whole. The Prophets of old saw this.

    Listen to the prophet Daniel
    My friends we must all search our hearts. For the littlest sin held dear to us is an abomination to him. Listen to what he said to Israel of old
    Are we not the people of God if we confess Christ? Does not he say, "Be ye holy for I am holy"? If we draw nigh to God and turn from our sins then He will return to us. My dear friends we are living in the last times. What will we be doing if Christ came today? Will we be taking an idle interest in what religion these people are who commits these senseless acts of violents? Or are we looking to ourselves with constant repentance and faith towards God through Christ?
  7. johnk48 New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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  8. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    I am going to have to see more to be convinced that this crime was committed because the guy was a muslim.

    He has had several problems as a child, including holding a knife to a girls throat and saying he was going to kill her, throwing rocks at a girl and holding a knife to his parents landlord. This was between the time he was 10 and 12 years old.

    I have not seen any reports that he was an active muslim. I have not seen that he attended services at his mosk.

    It may be that he was just born a muslim, or maybe not. Maybe somebody seen that he was a troubled violent young man and talked him into doing this. That is what his father thinks.

    I will reserve my judgement until I see more evidence.
  9. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    To be muslim is to be anti-christ.
    To be anti-christ is to be of the devil.
    To be of the devil one is bent toward thievery, death and destruction.

    Obviously being a muslim had a definite influence upon this monster.

    And we sit here in our comfy homes/offices thinking the muslim world is not bent on our destruction. Pity the mindset which believes this.

    It is only 10% or even 2% of muslims who are extreme, one may say. I say that is rubbish. Islam is anti-christ and one day soon the very man of sin will be revealed on the world stage talking peace peace and the world will follow him.

    Mark it down. it IS going to happen. Why? Because the world is going to get sick and tired of the so-called rogue muslims and along will come another 'moderate' muslim to bring in the peace. ALL will follow him.

    Mark it down. Christendom has been fooled into believing the Anti-christ will be a Pope but he will be a 'moderate' Imam. While we have been watching Rome these last 400 years, Islam has been rising to dominance world wide.
    Mark it down. It is coming soon to your town.
  10. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Ok. As long as you also consider LDS criminals terrorists. That definition is fine.
  11. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Without a doubt. And so are any other 'religious' persons who follow an anti-christ religion who also commit such evil. I will even go a bit further and include ALL who commit such acts as being terrorists. Do they not wreak terror while in the commisiion of their crimes?

    Nevertheless, the muslim connection is undeniable.
  12. grahame New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Whilst I agree that Islam is "an" antichrist, I am not sure that it is "the" Antichrist. For John the apostle said that even in his time there were "many" antichrists. We can fall into the same trap as the Reformers, who were convinced that the Pope was the antichrist. Unfortunately we are all children of our own age as were they and every generation of Christians have seen the antichrist coming in their time in a common enemy.
    But I do agree with you. I was driving down the High Street this morning and saw many local Muslims coming out of their mosque. I hadn't realised there were so many in our town. I am also unhappy at the way many justify the actions of suicide bombers as just a reaction to injustices suffered by them. I think that the final antichrist will be a religious person of some kind. Whether he be a Muslim or not is open to debate. But then some of them believe in a final prophet who will come towards the end of the age and "put things right" according to them. But not all Muslims believe this. Perhaps their prophet will be our antichrist?
  13. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    That is what I have come to believe. Scripture seems to support it as well.

    Recall that Scripture calls one of his close aides as "the false prophet".

    Also bear in mind that while the Reformers certainly had good reason to think the Pope was THE anti-christ; what they did not know was the vastness of the globe. To them, the whole world, was a tiny fraction of what we know of the WHOLE world. Certainly they and we are children of our time but one cannot deny the world wide (literally) influence of Islam verses Catholicism today. While in times past the 'christian' world launched campaigns to defeat Mohammadanism, their motive was only to liberate Jerusalem for their own ends. Today it is much more in line with Scripture.

    It has been said, (I forget where or who) that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with some 1 billion adherants. That means that 1 in 6 globally are Muslim!!! Catholicism never had such global sway. There is no continent today which is untouched by Muslim violence. I believe that is by design.

    Once the UN has had enough they willpraise the 'moderate' who steps in with a solution which both sides will agree to. And that isn't far away.

    Mark it down.
  14. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    No doubt. But the word terrorist has been used with a more narrow definition. Especaly the last few years. Most will use it for people who committ crimes for the purpose of there religious beliefs. And even narrower muslims who commit crimes to further their cause.

    But with the wider definition, then I agree he caused terror in people. We just do not know yet if it was him muslim background that caused him to act.
  15. grahame New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Yes you're right. I have tried, but I simply cannot see that it is a religion of peace even though many have tried to convince me of it. There are peaceable Muslims, but they certainly aren't in the majority. For the moderates seem always to find ways of excusing the terrorist acts of the extremists. Every Muslim country persecutes Christians in one way or another. Many years ago I saw a seven point plan of Islam to take over Britain. But I cannot find any reference to it now. I would appreciate it if someone knows where I could find it. It would be interesting to compare that which I saw those many years ago to what is happening today in Britain. In those days it seemed to be a far fetched scheme. But today it is feasible. I have spoken to various people about this in the past, But they treat me as being crazy and extreme. That was before 9/11 and the London bombings. And all these crazy violent demonstrations around the world about a few silly cartoons about Muhammed.
  16. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Ah! then you DO get it.

    Good. I hope many others will also.
  17. grahame New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    I know this is off topic. But it is still dealing with the Muslim mind. I've just finish trying to explain the story of the adulterous woman to a Muslim. Who insists that all adulterers should be stoned. :tonofbricks:

    He said that Jesus reinterpreted or twisted the interpretation of Moses law in order to get out of judging that the woman should be stoned to death. I went through the story stage by stage carefully explaining how our Lord turned the judgement back onto those who brought the woman to him. Showing that it was actually they who were misusing the law or Moses.
    As I worked through this story I demonstrated the wonderful way that Jesus did this that he actually kept within the bounds of Moses law by not condemning the woman.

    For the law of Moses demanded that in order for someone to be put to death there had to be two or three witnesses. But all the men went out one by one. When the Lord asked where her accusers were "hath no man condemned thee?" and she replied, "No man Lord". So our Lord, in the absence of any accusers or witnesses there was no charge to answer to, so he said, "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more".

    Can you see the masterful way in which Jesus handled that situation? But it was all wasted on this man. He was as blind as a bat and still insisted that the writers of the New Testament had somehow twisted the story. How on earth could someone other that our Lord come up with such a wonderful argument as that?

    I must still continue to trust in His word and prayer when dealing with these people. But it will take no less than the new birth to get them to see these glorious truths in the word of God. I wonder how often we appreciate what grace it is that we are saved and have been given spiritual sight in order for us to see these wonderful things in His word. They seem to gush so much praise on the Quran. But for the life of me I can see nothing in it to get worked up about.
    Sorry digression ends. :godisgood:
  18. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Found Islamic Caliphate in 7 Easy Steps here:

    The rest is here:

  19. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    One would think that in light of the growing evidence that Christian message boards around the world would be raising the alarm. Yet there is a strange silence or apathy about what is happening.

    I find this is yet ANOTHER evidence of the accuracy of my assessment that Islam will be that world power which will usher in Anti-christ.

    And yet ANOTHER evidence that "the great lie" of 2 Thess. is upon us.
  20. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Agreed. I realized that islam will be the one world religion and is the author of the FP after 09/11 when I started doing research. It was like a light bulb went off and I got it.