Wat's the logical end of Passion advocacy?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Forever settled in heaven, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I don't think so.
  2. C.S. Murphy New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    I don't think so. </font>[/QUOTE]My son who saw it said yes it is the most violent he has ever seen with an explanation. he said that maybe some slasher movie may have been more bloody and violent but in those films you know that it is fake and you have no stake in the person being portrayed, it's just entertainment. He says this one is different because it demonstrates the brutality Jesus endured. In his words the level of violence was similar to seeing a movie demonstrating the brutal torture of a family member. How violent would that be?
  3. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Murphy, as it is just a movie, and as far as movies go, no it is not the most violent movie ever made. If it is just a movie, and not scripture, you must judge the actual violence and not a persons reaction to the violence. When I saw Backhawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, and Gladiator I couldn't hardly watch, some parts I didn't.
  4. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Exactly Brian!

    My daughter saw the movie last night. She has been saved for 25 years and she cannot stop talking about the attributes of this movie.

    It made her rethink her whole life! I think we will see people coming to the Lord through this film, but I also think we will see Christians rededicating their lives and making a deeper commitment to God.

    She gave it

    </font>[/QUOTE]What do you think the Bible teaches about discernment? Is it okay to teach Roman Catholic theology through Biblical narrative? How in the world do you think the Roman Catholic nuns and priests teach their damnable doctrine? Very much like we do in Sunday School with Bible stories. Then, is it any wonder that Roman Catholic films, made by confessedly devout RCs, should also teach RC doctrine? Do you think there is a real Scriptural difference between Baptist theology and Roman Catholic theology? Do you think Mel Gibson and the Roman Catholics would love this same movie if we simply stripped it of Roman Catholic theology and myth to replace it with good solid Biblical theology? This flick, you see, is simply a subtle, deceptive vehicle for propagating Roman Catholic teachings through a Biblical narrative. All kinds of heresy has been foisted upon gullible folks by using a Biblical story. It’s not the details of the narrative that are vital but it is what the Biblical account teaches. Narrative without content is meaningless much like the stories of the existentialists—Sartre, Camus, et. al. However, this motion picture does have content but the problem is that the content is Roman Catholic heresy.

    This film through the emotional appeal to credulous evangelicals will do more to promote ecumenicism than all the damage done by the liberal and discredited National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches. It is the road for gullible souls leading back to Rome and the coming apostate one-world religion.

    Finally, does your daughter have a problem with the Veronica myth, and others, being woven into supposedly Biblical narrative? Can Christians tolerate a mixture of truth and error? Just how much error can truth stand before it is false?
  5. C.S. Murphy New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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  6. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    The rave reviews of Mel Gibson’s movie by supposedly evangelical Bible-believing Christians are sad commentaries on the state of American Christianity. Note that no one, other than its critics, is discussing its doctrinal teachings. The supporters rant about their feelings and emotions evoked by viewing. I have yet to find a single one discussing what doctrine it teaches. The conclusion is simple. We have come to a point where feelings and emotions are more important to us than doctrine (Biblical teachings).

    In sum, passion for this movie is more about what moves me and creates a subjective religious experience in me than about pleasing God. This is humanism in religious garb. It is a deceptive, yet appealing, LIE of Satan!
  7. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    And no one know anything but you, isn't that right?
  8. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Now paidagogos,
    How could you miss my posts? :D I'll repeat myself. Among other doctrinal points in the movie, Jesus was portrayed saying, "I AM!" Also in the movie, He said, "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me."
    He identified Himself as God and as the only means of salvation. That's two major doctrinal points. There were many others.

  9. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    No where did it show anyhting about Mary being co redeemer, which seems to have been a major concern of some here. As Karen said it showed that Jesus was the only way for salvation and that He choose to die for our sins.
  10. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    paidogogos: common theme = "It made me cry...I was stunned...there are no words...it was heart-wrenching..."


    Could be said of slaying in the spirit, a soap opera, a drug, a rock concert, many things.

    Yes, emotionalism seems to rule in the comments praising the film, but doctrinal concerns...not many expressing these.

    Doctrine does matter--in movies, sermons, books, experiences, practice, prayer, etc.
  11. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Finally we can agree.
    I did like it though, I liked what was biblical and correct, and there was quite a bit, the rest I could not in good conscious like if I did I'd be condoning error.
  12. C.S. Murphy New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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  13. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I saw the film yesterday and saw no doctrinal errors. In fact, what I saw was a lot of research, both Biblical and historical, that went into this film. I'm rather sick of heresay from web sites and all the naysaying posted on this board by people who haven't even seen the film but are posting opinions based on other web sites as if they are truth. It looks like most of the threads on the BB are started just to slam the film & it's really too bad.

    Yet, some of the very same people who have nothing good to say about Mel Gibson's "Passion" movie probably don't see anything wrong with Harry Potter films. So, no pun intended, what's wrong with this picture? :rolleyes:
  14. dianetavegia Guest

    Exactly LadyEagle and some have posted on almost NO threads than the movie threads.

    I'm ashamed of all the lies and mistruths on a Christian board. Some threads even included vile remarks about preachers and other church officials.

  15. computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Yep...I can certainly "feel the love" this movie has generated among Christians on a Christian board, no matter whether they are "for" or "against" the movie.

  16. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I'm ashamed, too. In fact, some of my family members have encouraged me to leave this board because of all the untruths & gossip & slams against preachers & other church officials. Not to mention the poor KJV. IOW, I'm about outta here. We should be using this board to edify, not to tear down. God help us!
  17. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Murphy, I'm going to give this one try and only one. I answered the last person in pm to avoid arguments on the board and was slammed by them for my opinions of what I saw in the movie. Now I can't remember every single thing but will try with as much as I can. For some all they see is Jesus, yet it isn't Jesus, it is an actor in a movie. Soem thing just becasue they heard parts of bible verses it is scriptural. Not so, as we have seen on this board ,many times.

    In the garden scene Jesus crushes the snakes head, which is from Gen.3, I had to question when did Jesus defeat Satan conjure death, in the garden? If so the rest was in vain. It would have been better placed at the end of the movie after the resurrection.
    "Mother" Mary, need I say more?
    Mary seemed to have some mystical power, she woke up when Jesus was arrested even though she was at home, knew there was something wrong, and hen knew the exact spot Jesus was in the dungeon while she laid on the floor above him, she couldn't see him.
    Pilate's conversation with Jesus is not in the bible.
    Pilate seemed morally sorrowful to have Jesus killed now he could have been, but the bible doesn't say.
    One the way to be crucified, carrying the cross the woman runs out and wipes his face, later she is standing there with the print of his face on her cloth.(an RCC added assumption)
    At Jesus' death in the earthquake, the temple is broken up, and there if a very brief, 2 seconds maybe tearing of the veil, followed by more devastation of the temple. The temple devastation is not in the bible, but the tearing of the veil is. Much more attention was given to the temple and very slight to the veil. The veil is important. Now man has direct access to God, we do not need a priest to go to God for us, no more sacrifices need be made Jesus is the end all sacrifice, we are now no longer separated from God. The reason of course that the veil tearing was so minuscule you almost didn't see it(some I talked to didn't) it that it is the reason the catholics still have priest, to recognize the tearing of the veil would prove them wrong about priests.(I also spoke with a former catholic this morning about this).
    A lot of the lines in the movie are from scripture, but are moved from where they appear in scripture to these scenes.

    When they were nailing Jesus to the cross, they had to stretch his arm across to get it to right place to nail it down, and in so doing broke his arm, everyone heard it, everyone new what it was, even the people in the movie recognized it. Yet scripture says this,

    John19:36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken

    a prophecy about Jesus,
    Psalm 34: 20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

    I'm not good enough to have been able to spot the rest, but there were somethings I was suspect of. One I'm going to wait and see if my friend they former catholic sees it and what they think of it.

    Did I like the movie?
    Yes I did, for being just a movie it was very good. I'd be real careful about thinking it was throughly scripture though, and I certainly wouldn't deny there was a lot of Catholicism and symbolism in it. Scriptural and good for teaching, no, a good movie, yes, if you can tell the difference.
  18. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    What I forgot to add is that the very basic theme of the movie is biblical, although it did not stress some the most important things (Jesus death for sin was mentioned once by satan). Someone who had no idea who Jesus is wouldn't understand it very much.
  19. C.S. Murphy New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    Thank you Donna, that is exactly what I was asking for. I suppose I had better so see it. The theatre in our city is calling for Pastors to go down fron after the film to counsel people. I am blown away by this, is it happening any where else.
  20. dianetavegia Guest

    The shoulder was possibly popped out of socket but pulling at an arm doesn't break bones.

    In the form of flashbacks which match something going on....
