What can wash away my sin?

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by Aubre, Jun 9, 2006.

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    I have played some of Building 429's song clips for Linda from their 'Glory Defined' cd, Caedmon's Call, Sonic Flood, and several others other artists. We both agree, it is trash.

    Scotty Bashears of 429 is a good friend of mine. I used to attend his church in Greensboro, NC (South Elm Street Baptist Church) before his group moved to nashville. I have told him many times that I disagree with his music and will not attend the concerts even if his mother Mary handed me the tickets herself.

    To condone such trash, I would be walking contrary to what God has spoken to my heart through His Word.
  2. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    thank you SFIC - for pointing out which artists.

    i havn't heard of building 429...
    i've heard of the others though.

    may i ask what kind of music you listen to? if you listen to any?
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    Paul was not saying he became worldly to win one!

    As I have said, Paul wrote that we should come out of the world and be separate. Why would he do the very thing that he commands us not to do? Not much of a witness.
  4. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    im just wondering if you've ever heard of the term:

    "In not Of" ?

    we are called to be IN the world - but not OF the world.
    before you turn around what i've said and use it against my argument -
    i dont believe i am OF the world when i play my guitar - to play music - that goes along with lyrics the Lord has given me - to play for people to hear - and for me to be a witness to.
  5. Joined:
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    I find it hard to believe that you never heard of Building 429, considering their song, 'Fearless' is currently number 6 on the CCM charts. Also, 'Glory Defined was #1 on the charts for several weeks back in 2004.
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    It is more than possible that the Lord did not give those lyrics to be played to the rock style tunes, seeing we are not to look like the world.
  7. Eric B Active Member
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    May 26, 2001
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    The argument still presumes this definition of "worldly" according to an unbiblical personal association.
    So I guess we're supposed to be the 17th-19th century "world" in order to confirm to ourselves (some among us) that that society was superior.
  8. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    reason i havn't heard of Building 429 - is that im not a huge rock fan. :D

    how about these lyrics? they're more got rhyme then a flow for rock - its more a hip-hop style:

    that's only taste of the lyrics God has given me.

    do you honestly believe that satan has given me lyrics for to praise the God of Israel - God Almighty?

    i dont believe so.
  9. Joined:
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    if you read the Word of God you should see that satan knows scripture. He used God's Word in the garden, he even tried to use it against Jesus in the temptation. We also know that satan is not some evil looking character that many draw on a piece of paper, or paint on a wall. The Word of God tells us he appears as an angel of light.

    Satan can give one lyrics just as well as the Lord can. Satan also knows music, as he was created as a chief musician. I do not believe God would give someone godly lyrics to have them disguise them behind that same style of music that can be found in the bars and dance halls throughout the country.

    Let me give another illustration. I used a candy bar in a sardine can the other day. Let's do this again. A hotdog wrapped in dried mud. Now, even though that hotdog is still a hotdog, it is not the same hotdog, for it is tainted with dirt, with bacteria found in that dirt.

    Now, why would God give godly lyrics to be wrapped in the same music that the world plays in the bars and dance halls? Think about it. The music has tainted the message.
  10. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    the hotdog has not changed.

    therefore it is still a hotdog.

    no matter what you cover it in. beneath that mud - it is still a hotdog.

    so is that a yes or no? please answer with nothing other then "yes" or "no"

    Satan hates God. Satan would not have me create lyrics that glorify the very thing he hates - God.

    i do not wish to post anymore of my lyrics - for i find it offensive that you think they came from the Father of Lies.
  11. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    well... who's gonna bust in there and evangelize to those in the bars and dance halls?
  12. Joined:
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    so are you telling me that that hot dog, even though it has been in the dirt, or let's go even further since you said 'no matter what you cover it in', if it fell in a toilet that was backed up, would still be a hotdog and not changed? Would you fish that hotdog out and feed it to your children? After all, according to your logic, it is still a hotdog, and has not changed.
  13. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    because i would make sure the hotdog stays clean. :D

    yet you have yet to prove that rock music is biblically unclean - and i have yet to prove it is biblically clean.

    the bible talks nothing of the sort. but to make melody in our heart for the Lord.
    so - the melody in my heart for the Lord contains a little bit of rock style music - with Godly lyrics put to it.

    christian rock has greatly encouraged me in the Lord. greatly. and i speak this out of experience.

    but - you seem to like to stick to the idea that it doesn't encourage me - because it is satan - the angel of light - that helps me to Praise My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in all i do.

    what a joke. its not satan that helps me to Praise My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - it is Christ Himself - and partly of how i do that - is by playing my acoustic guitar.
  14. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    do you know what christian music is mainly made up of?
    do you?

    let me explain - its these people - who write about life stories - and how Christ brought them through it - and they now Praise the Creator because of it.
  15. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    gekko my brother,

    Can I suggest we just let it go with these two? You know what one definition of insanity is?---Continually speaking to unreasonable people and expecting a reasonable answer. I guess not all the Pharisees died in the first century.:eek:

    Bro Tony
  16. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    i know Bro. Tony.

    i just find it disheartening - and quite offensive - that he believes that the lyrics God has provided through me - are not lyrics from God - but lyrics from the "angel of light" - or satan.

    and yet his music - and what he says - is from God - and not from Satan.

    that's all.
  17. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    True my brother. But remember those who know, know and those who choose not to never will. Don't let the narrow minded pharisees steal what the Lord has given you. They will be surprised who is in heaven and what things will be like, as will all of us. Follow the Lord, listen to His Spirit and stay in the Word.

    God bless,

    Bro Tony
  18. Joined:
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    Show me where I called your lyrics ungodly. I did not anywhere say the lyrics were not from God. I made mention of satan being able to give man lyrics, I did nto say he gave you those. I said you cannot take godly lyrics and put them in ungodly music. I stand by that statement as well. The message is tainted by the camouflage of the world.

    You are so deceived by the world's music that you will do anything to prove you are right, even to go as far as lie about what I said.
  19. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    You calling gekko a liar is like the pot calling the kettle black. You intentionally lied and change what I said to serve your own purposes earlier in this thread and when called on it--you did not correct your false statement. Before you jump on gekko, get that plank out of your own eye.

    Bro Tony
  20. Tiggy New Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    I have to agree with gekko on this on subject......it is not the music that one should be concerned with but the lyrics......when you listen to a song that Glorifies our Saviour it is not the music that you are listening to but the words...it is all about the words.....the music is just a filler.......some are soft, some are medium and some is hard.....but it is the words that really make the song come alive.....because it is how the words are being brought forth with what ever type of music it has as a back ground......not everybody likes the hard, not everybody likes the soft, But if the words are not Glorifing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ then it is not a song of worshipping. If you sing it in your heart then you are singing it to the Lord.......