What is it like to lead some one to Christ?

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Jodo Kast, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. Jodo Kast New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    I have never had this honor. What is it like? I mean, can you tell, can you see it in their eyes. I want to experience this one day, I need to be as much prepared as possible. It has to be one of the most emotional moments in their lives, right? Please enlighten me. thanks
  2. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    If we're faithful, we all get to be part of the process. We're not always in on the "harvest" - so to speak - but we need to be faithful in spreading the gospel to everyone around us.

    That having been said, and knowing the company that we're in on this bulletin board, I'm surprised you haven't gotten a response so far. So I guess I'll go first.

    I would have to say it's a tremendous blessing. Being there at the moment of another person's conversion is amazing. It takes you back to your own, but more than that, you see the power of God working in another's life - and the blessings of your own obedience overflow - there have been times when I could almost not contain my joy.

    Isn't God amazing? Most people in the world have no idea what joy really is - it's not a word they use. But I know what it is!
  3. Jodo Kast New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    See isn't that awesome. I'm going to be part of the harvest, if its the last thing I do. Convert them and watch them just prosper. wow. more stories are appreciated.
  4. Bro.Bill New Member

    May 6, 2004
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    Dear Jodo Kast,
    USN2PULPIT said it right there is great joy in leading one to Christ.We must remember we are only making the introduction, we are not doing the saving.
    You sound like you would like to witness to others.Talk to your pastor I'm sure he would be glad to teach you how to do personal evangelism.More are won to Christ by one on one evangelism than any other way. God bless you .
  5. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Definitely is is a true joy. It is also mixed emotion because

    first, I am but a tool in the process
    second, God is the one who calls

    And Third, there is still more--discipleship!
  6. DavidsAngel Guest

    I can say that I helped lead my Husband to Christ. I led by example after I was saved. He saw the change in me and the peace I have and wanted it for himself. SO he began to get curious and then took the step foreward. He is starting to learn more about Christ but, he does know that Christ died for him even if he can't quote scritpure which is intresting to see the total faith in him from the outset
  7. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    It is humbling. We have done nothing but proclaim what Christ has done. The evidence we should look for is not a gleam or a tear but a changed life, a brokenness over sin, and a desperate casting of oneself before Christ in humility and loving awe.
  8. DavidsAngel Guest

    I've been told when you are listening to testimony if it is correct you can get a chill, or that you can feel it. I know that's what my adopted mom told me about listening to my husbands testimony.
  9. Jodo Kast New Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    Thank you all, I think I might talk to my pastor. I am pretty much untrained in the context of the bible. I couldn't even quote to you a single bible verse. But I do have the faith. Now I need to become "Academically" in tune with the bible. This is something I want to do. Thanks
  10. rufus New Member

    Jan 20, 2003
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    It feels like it did when I first saw my new born son and later when I saw my new born daughter and later when I saw my five new born grandsons! Wow! Zeepers! Keepers!
  11. Servent Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    It is very awsome to lead someone to christ, When you get to watch them continue to grow it's as if they are a part of you.
  12. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    It's awesome and humbling, because you realize it is God who is doing it. I led my son to the Lord, 9 mos. after I was saved. Then my sister and I saw my 79-year-old (almost 80) lifelong agnostic father trust Christ in the hospital exactly 2 mos. before he died. I have also seen people come to Christ through my ministry. It is humbling. The one thing I've noticed in some people right after trusting Christ is a peaceful look on their face that is more than just a regular calm look. But I agree that the real evidence is the brokenness over their sin and a continuing desire to follow Christ, sometimes involving giving up lifestyles and even former friends in order to walk with Christ. The road after trusting Christ is not usually easy though there is the inner assurance of God's peace, love, and presence.
  13. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    USN2P said:
    Never truer said. One time when I was still working the phones I spoke with someone from Palestine. When we started talking she said she wanted to call Israel but couldn't go through, and as we spoke I kept referring to Israel as Palestine.

    When we hung up, she said, "Thank you so much for calling my country by its true name, Palestine".

    How does this connect to what we are discussing ?
    We are calling the event for what it truly is, a conversion, not a salvation, nor a time of being born again.

    The person who receives Christ responds because that person is already born again (John 1:13), and it is a truly blessed experience to see him/her go thru more conversion experiences in her walk with the Lord.

    I have had the privilege of starting a church in the Philippines where the first original converts were the worst three thugs in the area, wife beating, cigarette smoking, rowdy drinking, brawling, cussing family men who broke down in tears and cried like babies when they learned of how God loved them while they were yet sinners.

    One pastors that church now, the other two are deacons.

    God is a God of miracles.
  14. Lori New Member

    May 18, 2004
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  15. williemakeit New Member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    It feels like it did when I first saw my new born son and later when I saw my new born daughter and later when I saw my five new born grandsons! Wow! Zeepers! Keepers! </font>[/QUOTE]Agree. Although I am not a grandfather,yet, to see those that you have led to Christ through your personal witness leading others to Christ, attending Bible College, working in the ministry, etc., has to be pretty close to that feeling.

    God bless....
  16. Bro.Bill New Member

    May 6, 2004
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    Dear Jodo Kast,
    You can read the Bible cover to cover in just one year by reading 5 chapters a day.
  17. sukie72962 New Member
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    Sep 21, 2004
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    When I "introduced" a friend of mine to Jesus recently, I felt so many different emotions at once that I started to cry. Let me try to put it into words, which will be hard to do. Extreme love from God, from her, for her. Happiness and joy that her name was being written in the book of life at that moment, estactic that she will be in heaven with God and Jesus. Abundant pride in her for asking Jesus to live in her and watching her grow in Christ daily. She has been thru so much pain in her life and I watched her searching for peace for years and the look on her face when she accepted Jesus is hard to explain. It was something very precious to witness. I talk to her several times a day, she is getting to know her Lord and saviour and she asks questions about scripture when she does'nt understand it. I am seeing a dramtic change in her from the woman she used to be to the one she is becoming. I no longer she the haunted, painful look in her eyes. I see peace and love in her eyes now. There is a bounce in her step where before it was like she had to drag herself everywhere. Praise be to God and the glory of it all to him. He breathed new life into a lost soul. Ain't he wonderful!!
  18. dcorbett Active Member
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    Jun 3, 2003
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    and this is so scriptural!!! a wife leads by example....Praise God!