What is Your Favorite Gospel Tract

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Dr. Bob, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I will take that as a compliment coming from you.

    Joseph Botwinick
  2. Jim Ward New Member

    Aug 30, 2001
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    Very well put Granny.

    Going back to using tracts for a moment, I ahve had far more people take a treact then will take a Bible and who have gotten saved through the use of the tract. Why? Because the tract contained Scripture and for those who have a Bible gave them the locations of Scriptures so they could look them up in their own Bible.

    But I guess that they are not saved according to Joseph since a tract was used. Good thing I trust God and not a mere mortal man.

  3. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    You're probably right about that, Jim. You know: 1,2,3, say a prayer with me...

    But, then again, God did speak through a donkey, so I guess he could have possibly spoken through a man-made tract as well. Who knows? This, I do know: God has promised to speak through his Word: The Bible. He makes no such claims about your tracts. But, I will ask you the question once again:

    If your tract uses as much scripture as you say, then why not just use the Bible? Is there something wrong with your Bible?

    Is it because you don't think the Bible is practical enough as av1611jim claims?

    Joseph Botwinick
  4. Jim Ward New Member

    Aug 30, 2001
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    ***Personal attack toward Joseph removed***

    If he would comprehend what he is reading instead of looking to just antagonize and pick fights it would make for more enjoyable discussions with him.

    I'll chip in the first hundred.


    [ September 19, 2004, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: blackbird ]
  5. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    ***Personal attack removed***

    If only I would just agree with him that the Bible isn't sufficient for witnessing to lost people, it would make for more enjoyable discussions with him. But, alas, it would seem that I have a higher view of scripture than you and am not willing to do so. Therefore, either defend your view, or admit you are wrong.

    Joseph Botwinick

    [ September 19, 2004, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: blackbird ]
  6. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Actually, in Greece, the GOC is very strong, and though it isn't "illegal"--we were able to do it--I think the evangelical church paved the way for us--we got a lot of noses up. But we would get that in America, too.
  7. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Moderator note:

    Some of you guys need to "cool your jets" before continueing---consider this a warning---next time this thread will be shut down!

    Brother David
  8. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Thank you for your judicious leadership. I am sorry for losing my temper and will cool my jets. Now, back to the major burning question that I have asked three times now and have been evaded three times with personal attacks:

    If your tract uses as much scripture as you say, then why not just use the Bible? Is there something wrong with your Bible?

    Is it because you don't think the Bible is practical enough as av1611jim claims?

    Joseph Botwinick
  9. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Joseph, I don't know what I said that offended you. I was simply responding to what was asked in the opening post concerning what tract I use.

    If you do not want to use tracts, so be it.

    Let me know what I did wrong, and I will apologize for it, if necessary.
  10. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Can't remember now. You will have to e-mail the moderator who edited your post and asks him if he still has a copy of what you wrote or remembers what you said that was so offensive. As far as I am concerned, that is over. Right now, I really would like to hear from Jim Ward some answers to these questions:

    If your tract uses as much scripture as you say, then why not just use the Bible? Is there something wrong with your Bible?

    Is it because you don't think the Bible is practical enough as av1611jim claims?

    Joseph Botwinick
  11. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Very rarely will I use a tract---except maybe to leave one in some restaurant washroom or on the table where I'm seated---per chance someone will come along and pick it up for a "unseen" encounter---"Which by the way, probably is a rare commodity!

    The last time I led a lady to salvation----I didn't even have a Bible----I had just finished preaching and given the invitation----and after the close of the service that Sunday morning she met me in the church foyer and said, "Preacher! I want to get saved, and I want to get saved----RIGHT NOW!!!" So I led her through the "Roman Road" plan stored up in my mind for such occasion---I recited to her Romans 3:23; 6:23 and then John 1:12

    So--in my encounters---tracts are rare---I'd rather carry a little Gideon Pocket Size in my pants pocket or in my coat pocket---witness encounter pops up---I'm "Loaded for Bear!"
  12. Jim Ward New Member

    Aug 30, 2001
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    Terry, you can still get "What Must I Do To Be Saved" from Sword of the Lord I beleive.
  13. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    That is exactly what I think tracts are good for. Evidently, Joseph thought I was recommending using a tract instead of a Bible when doing personal witnessing, which is not what I am saying at all. Use the Word of God whenever it is possible, every time!
  14. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Terry, you can still get "What Must I Do To Be Saved" from Sword of the Lord I beleive. </font>[/QUOTE]Thank you Brother, I was not sure if these wonderful tracts were still available.
  15. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Actually, your exact words were:

    You seem to be implying that using a Bible while doing personal witnessing was too expensive, to which I replied:

    I don't believe I misunderstood you at all.

    Joseph Botwinick
  16. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Yes, Joseph you did misunderstand me. I never meant that a tract should be used instead of a Bible. I meant that Bibles are too expensive to pass out in bulk. I was talking about going to, let's say, a shopping mall and passing out tracts by the hundreds. However, if the opportunity was to present itself to talk to someone one on one, I would certainly use a Bible over any other thing, including a tract.
  17. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I disagree that a Bible is too expensive. At my house alone, we problably have a dozen or more old Bibles we don't use anymore. At my Church, well, we won't even go into how many Bibles we have at our Church. We also support a ministry that makes handing out Bibles in bulk possible. It is called the Gideons.

    Joseph Botwinick
  18. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    And now,

    Back to my question for Jim Ward:

    If your tract uses as much scripture as you say, then why not just use the Bible? Is there something wrong with your Bible?

    Is it because you don't think the Bible is practical enough as av1611jim claims?

    Joseph Botwinick
  19. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I really do not know why I am writing. Perhaps it is to point out the errors of 'someone's' conclusions.
    When was the last time you went to the mall and handed out, say, 300, Bibles?
    Or you went to a local parade and handed out, say, 10,000 Bibles?
    Perhaps now you can see the point. EVERY tract we hand out is the words of God. Or better said, are the EXACT words of God. So your charge that God did not make a promise concerning these tracts to which I am referring is patently false.
    You, sir, are twisting the intent and context of my words to fit your agenda. In politics it is called a smear campaign and it is unbecoming.
    By just the 2 above examples you can see that not many churches can afford to hand out 300-10,000 Bibles each time they go to an event to CANVASS the area with Scripture. You KNOW this. Otherwise you are being INTENTIONALLY ignorant of the missions and programs of what other churches do to fulfill the Great Commission.
    You posts SEEM to indicate that you are calvinist. Oh well.
    To directly answer your misinformed questions;
    1) The tracts we use are pure Scripture.
    2)We DO use the Bible when anyone wishes to stop and DISCUSS the contents of the tract we just gave them.
    3)Nothing is wrong with my Bible. It is the very pure words of My Saviour. How dare you insinuate otherwise.
    4)In some cases, (as outlined above) yes, handing out several hundreds to thousands of Bibles is impractical and beyond our church's resources. If you would like to donate sufficient funds for us to do so I will gladly give you an address via PM in which you may do so.
    Have a nice day.
    In His service;
  20. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I already do donate sufficient funds to the Gideons Bible Ministry. Perhaps if you need more Bibles, you should contact them. I am sure they would be more than willing to give you the Bibles you need. BTW, how many old Bibles do you have at your house that you don't use anymore? How many people are at your Church? How many combined old Bibles that are no longer in use do you think your combined Church membership has? How many pew Bibles do you have?

    Please don't tell me that the Bible is impractical until you explore every option.

    Joseph Botwinick