women deacons

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by chipsgirl, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I am with you on that. So what is this feeling? I wish I could figure it out.
  2. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    I don't know. But, keep in mind that our feelings can have root in both good and bad, us being the imperfect people that we are. Sometimes you will find, a short or long time later, that a "good" feeling had sources that were not apparent at the time.

    I don't want to be dogmatic, because I realize that I could be standing in the way of God working in your life, and I surely don't want to do that. But one thing for sure is...if it is of God, it will not in any way contradict the teaching of the Bible.
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Didn't you tell us, on another thread, that you were already in charge of the youth at your church?

    Also, the Bible tells us not to rely on feelings because they can change. You might try testing the spirits (as we are also told in the Bible).

    Sometimes we want something bad enough that we convince ourselves that God is calling us to do it, when in reality, it is just our own desires.

  4. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Baptist distinctive #1 = "The Bible is the sole authority for our faith and practice."

    What I "feel" or what I think God is "leading me" to do MUST BE SUBSERVIENT to the Bible.

    Every pastor in the Bible is male
    Every reference to pastor in the Bible is male
    Pastors were to be husbands (male)
    Pastors are apt to teach, while women cannot teach men

    Now THAT is pretty clear about the gender qualifications God laid out.
  5. don 3426 New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    "Don, I disagree with your remark about women teaching boys of any age. My husband and I are co-teachers of the 4 year olds in S/S. Last week we had 18. On Wednesday night, all of our Cubbie AWANA leaders are women.

    I have no problem with this." - diane

    Diane the reason you dissagree is that you have not been a male child tought in church. All my posts have revolved around my experiences and the experiences of my friends, through out my childhood my chirch was filled with predominently woman teachers. The women there were unable to understand a boy and the physical and emotional needs they have. young boys cannot sit for verry long points of time and need if there are activities most books used to teach them aim them tward the things young girls would do. If a man were to be the teacher (with a woman if girls are present) so that they can understand and best fit the lesson to keep the boys attention. I am not saying anything angrily im just stating that it is hard for a woman to understand how the boy is feeling within a class with a woman teacher.
  6. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I am the teacher for middle and high school boys and girls at my church. If they need someone to talk to then I refer them to the college teacher who is male although most just go directly to him anyways.
  7. Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Folks...I have been following this thread fairly closely and I have noticed a few things.
    1) It has gotten side-tracked a bit by all the talk about "teaching".That has nothing to do with women "deacons" and maybe should be discussed in another thread.I may start one later because I have some personal issues with that.

    2)There is one very significant(maybe the MOST significant) passage of scripture regarding deacons that I have yet to see referred to in this discussion.
    It is as follows:
    Acts 6:1-7 (the establishment..or so I believe...of the original office of DEACON for the New Testament Church)They were clearly ordained to serve the less fortunate in the church and free up the apostles to minister the Word.Everyone here should read the entire passage but the most significant one is verse 3 which says,"Wherefore,brethren,look ye out among you SEVEN MEN(caps mine) of honest report,full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom,whom we may appoint over this business."
    Ladies...this was the New Testament model...MEN....and as a side note to all you Baptist pastors...I don't see where this was brought before the church for a VOTE.The leaders(apostles at that time)APPOINTED them.That kinda removed the possibility of deacons being ordained as a result of any "popularity" contest.Some people should never be in that office and a popular "vote" is not a good way to determine the issue.As history proves...we've DEFINITELY elected some pretty rotten politicians (and deacons too)in our day...by popular vote.The church needs to operate by a far higher standard.Nuff said....for now!

    Greg Sr.
  8. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    Yeah it has got a little sidetracked. Let's focus here folks. I'm to blame as well!
  9. dianetavegia Guest

    Ah, Don! Sounds like you've read Dr. Dobson's book. I disagree again!

    I'm the mother of 3 boys and 1 girl. You say a boy cannot sit still and that I, as a woman, cannot comprehend this. Well, Dr. Dobson's book seems to claim that boys will be boys and we've just got to let them be boys. I, on the other hand, prefer the book that says 'The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF CONTROL'. As parents, we must teach our boys and our girls self control.

    My remark remains. We women do just fine with the younger children and maybe better! In our S/S class, we have coloring time as the children arrive, we have a lesson time where I have MORE trouble keeping the girls from talking than I do keeping the boys seated in front of me. After our lesson, I ask questions. Tough questions. If a child knows the answer, they can get candy out of my candy dish. All the kids will eventually be given a piece of candy but those who have to be prodded with the answers are quietly told to listen next week so they can answer and get their candy right away. After that, free play inside or out. A four year old can pay attention for 10 mins. out of an hour!

    By the age of 12, a boy needs a male teacher and a male role model. In the home, it SHOULD be the father. If the father isn't the spiritual leader in the home then the mother will have to step in and teach her children.
  10. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I have to agree with Diane here. I teach third grade SS with another lady. The boys in my class have never complained about having to sit still or listen. It's the girls that do the complaining. At the end of the lesson it is the boys who answer without hesitation while the girls.....oh my. I'm lucky if they can tell me who the main character in the story was.

    IMO, no women deacons, but women can teach the younger children and girls of any age.
  11. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    If the bible says women are not to teach men, and you use the age of 12, or puberty, then you are declaring your child a man at 12, and therefore you no longer can rule over him as a parent.

    So apparently you do not teach anything christian, that includes scripture.
    12 is not a teen boy, nor is 13 a man. Otherwise when your son is 13 he can make his own choices.
    There is nothing in scripture that says at what age a woman can not teach boys, no instruction given on this. And notice I say instruction.
  12. dianetavegia Guest

    Our Bob Jones home school material is school work. Nick's reading may have a missionary story every few months with a moral or a Bible Verse included but it's NOT BIBLE THEOLOGY. Also, Nick is only 10.

    My husband is quite capable of leading our family as our spiritual head.

    [ January 22, 2005, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: DHK ]
  13. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    In Diane's defense, I think she means that a boy's around the age of 12 start responding to males better and are more comfortbale with them. Usually at 12 boys are starting their journey into manhood and need a male to guide them in every aspect. I teach middle and high school boys and girls and while I try very hard to relate to the boys, sometimes it's hard. They DO need a male presence when it comes to guiding them spiritually.
  14. dianetavegia Guest

    Well said, Chipsgirl.

    You know, we tell a girl, when she begins having cycles that she's become a woman. I know several 9 year old girls who are 'women' in this sense. Why do we think a boy only becomes a man at 21? Is this an effort to excuse his uncontrolled behavior? He can't help it that he took a car for a joy ride because he's still a child. He can't help that he was using pot because he's still a boy. He can't help he got her pregnant because he's only 13. WHAT?
  15. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Seems like common sense that a boy needs male leadership, especially as he starts into his teens.

    Seems like Biblical teaching that at some point (we could argue the exact age, but I won't) he becomes a man and should not be ruled over in the church by women.
  16. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    [ January 22, 2005, 03:12 AM: Message edited by: DHK ]
  17. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    In Diane's defense, I think she means that a boy's around the age of 12 start responding to males better and are more comfortbale with them. Usually at 12 boys are starting their journey into manhood and need a male to guide them in every aspect. I teach middle and high school boys and girls and while I try very hard to relate to the boys, sometimes it's hard. They DO need a male presence when it comes to guiding them spiritually. </font>[/QUOTE]Need male presence is different then a mother not teaching her son anything biblical.
  18. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    yes Jim, but what age? Someone is tring to say there is an age given in scripture for this when there isn't.
    I agree boys(of all ages not just starting at age 12) need a man to help them grow and influence them. But that does not mean they non longer need a mother to help them learn and grow.
  19. dianetavegia Guest

    Honor your father and your mother does not include an age disclaimer.
  20. dianetavegia Guest

    Donna, teaching school work is NOT covered scripturally. Biblical instruction IS.