Your Appointment With Death

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Martin, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    That is certainly a funny story. However underneath the humor there is a serious message. It is the same message found in God's Word where we are told that,"it is appointed for men to die" (Heb 9:27). Each of us has an appointment with death, an appointed time of departure from this life, an appointment that cannot be altered. The Bible tells us that God has the exact number of our days, yes even the exact number of our months, in His knowledge (see Ps 139:15-16, Job 14:5). No matter how hard we try we cannot live longer than our appointed months and years. No amount of medical technology will add one minute to our appointed time. You could literally have the best doctors in the world doing all they can but if you have come to your God appointed time nothing can delay your appointment with death. God may bring you to that appointment through various means. He may use a stroke, a heart attack, cancer, a bullet, knife, drowning, a car accident, a plane crash, a terrorists bomb, the bird flu, or any other fatal thing we could name. How God brings you to that moment is important but not as important as the condition you will find yourself in seconds after your appointment.

    I heard one preacher say that yes there is life after death in fact, he said, it is worse than that! There is judgment after death (Heb 9:27). Death is not the end of a man. Death's door does not bring us to a non-judgmental light that accepts all, nor does it allow us to haunt the poor sap who moves into our house when we are gone! Rather death brings us to judgment. However the results of this judgment are not to be a mystery. In fact if the results are a mystery to you that is a fairly good sign that you are not ready for that judgment.

    How can you be ready for your departure from this life? The Bible says that you must repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 10:9, Jn 3:14-18). You must believe that you are a sinner, that Jesus died for your sins, and bodily rose from the dead on the third day. You must turn to follow Christ (ie...turn away from sin and self) trusting in Him alone for salvation. If you do this you can know that you have eternal life (1Jn 5:13) and you can know for certain that when the time of your departure comes you will be ready. You can say, with the apostle Paul,

    You can say that for you to live is Christ and "to die is gain" (Phil 2:21) and that, when your appointed time of departure arrives, you will depart to be with Christ (2Cor 5:8).

    That is how we can be ready for our appointment with death.

    Are you ready?

  2. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Well, I can't say this is the most cheerful thread to run into. :(

    Maybe you should post it in the Other Christian Denominations Forum where there might be non-Christians lurking (although they are supposed to be a Christian to get on the BB). I realize some here might not be believers, but the message above seems to be aimed at a non-Christian board.

    Yes, I'm ready, but I think the story you posted above (which I've heard so many times I know it by heart -- there was an a novel written based on it called _Appointment in Samaria_) supports the mideastern belief in kismet , or destiny. Destiny/ kismet is very arbitrary (like Allah) and does not include the mercy and forgiveness we have in Christ. While it is true there is nothing we can do to change our time of death, it is determined by God and not by "fate" or destiny, which is what the story above is about.
  3. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==I don't think that is really the issue here. Sometimes the truth is anything but cheerful.


    ==I am sure there are plenty of non-Christians "lurking" here as well. You never know there maybe some posting as well. Indeed that is why posts like this are needed from time to time.


    ==I think my post, as well as Dr Lutzer's book, makes it clear that the number of our days (months, years) are determined by God. In fact I believe an entire section of my post was dedicated to pointing that out. The story is a good example of how people have an appointment with death that they can't run from or delay (no matter how much they try). Of course one could take several meanings from the story but that is clearly the meaning I, and Dr Lutzer, were drawing out of it. This should be clear to most people who read my post.

  4. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Martin, I was not offended by the post. I was just pointing out how the story, in not mentioning God, is more about fate than about God, and has nothing about mercy in it. I was not disagreeing with you using it - just making some comments, that's all.

    Also, I wonder why you posted it here. Normally, people in this forum don't post messages as though they are speaking to non-Christians.
  5. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==For the same reason that a pastor of a church of 25 members will, on occasion, preach an evangelistic sermon.

  6. JamieinNH New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I appreiated the post Martin. Although I am a Christian, it is good to hear this type of story to make one think, to make one remember the right path, to make one thankful that I am saved, and that God has mercy, and Jesus is our path.

    Thanks for the story!

  7. Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    I took no offence at the story.
  8. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I am spiritually ready, and have been for quite some time. Emotionally and physically, I'm not, nor will I be for quite a while. I still have too much to do, and at the tender age of late-thirty-something, there is much I look forward to doing over the next several decades.

    But if the Lord cuts it short tomorrow, that's okay.