4000 Conners Each Day

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by OldRegular, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    What? Still no evidence other than Larry Flynt, who was going to publish his book exposing this at the height of the campaign?

    I didn't vote for Bush, but would still love to see your proof for this claim.
  2. liebeskind Guest


    I here ya. But the point I made, and was deleted, is that because I responded unfavorably to a post by Oldregular, C4 thought it would be good to pacify him with a shot at race, as to say that what I posted on oldregulars post held no water. Just read how C4 started his post and then tell me did Oldregular say anything about race fot C4 to start with "unfortunately this is where race does apply". What was he talking about. This issue should be about numbers black or white. If anyone on this site cared about Genocide we would have a post about Sudan. Correct me if I am wrong pastor, but has there been one?

  3. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    My point was, as every other poster recognises, that abortion is a tragedy which affects minorities in a much higher percentage than whites. I hate abortion and I hate that fact that our society has devised a tool to achieve ethnic cleansing and genocide. All unbiased readers know that I was lamenting the tragic death of such a hugh percentage of black children, who will never have a chance to be a part of society and have an impact for good.

    It was sad Ronald that your bias was so strong that you could not see what I was really saying.
  4. liebeskind Guest

    I understood what you were saying but how you said it was the issue! You validated yourself and unvalidated my facts about this nation from it's conception! That was the issue and I know you see it the way you want, but that was not fair!

  5. liebeskind Guest


    That again is not the Issue and I can't wait to see your post on the Genocide in Sudan. When will you post it?

    That fact of this matter is that he started his response to your post, indirectly stating that my case for discussing race on your "AMERICA Founded on Christian values post" was not valid. I think because it was all true and the majority of White America, (especially those whom call themselves christians) don't like to here about it or for any blacks to remind then that they cannot lie about the facts of this NATION!

    If he would have posted his information without his "unfortunaelty this is where race does apply" then it would have been fine. But I guess you want to ignor those facts as well, just like you ignored my undisputed facts on your "America founded on Christians Values" post!

    It's okay, you know the truth and one day it will surely set you free!

  6. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Ron, since you are new to the board with under 100 posts, you have no real idea about topics that have been posted here. So, here are a few threads just to answer your question - and you are wrong.

    These are a few of the threads that have been posted. I, for one, have posted about the bloody diamond trade, as well as other atrocities happening in Africa. Many threads have been deleted over time, however, to free up space on the board. These are still available to peruse.




    Also, I would like to point out that human slavery is still going on today - people from Africa are being abducted by fellow black Africans and being sold into slavery, just as blacks sold blacks into slavery for the American colonists. The black community must take responsibility for its own actions, as well.

    Another thing I would like to point out is that Liberia was founded as a colony for Africans who had been sold into slavery and returned to Africa. Liberians were so grateful at the time that they patterned their national flag and government after ours and through the years (until recent times), Liberians and Americans have enjoyed a wonderful relationship and bond of kinship.

    The real issue of current day slavery in Africa, unrest, and funding of terrorism through sales of diamonds and human blood and death - is due to the spreading threat of global terrorism, with the majority of genocide being done by Muslim extremists. Hence, the ongoing battles in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sudan, and many other African countries.

    I will be happy to research and find other posts that have covered some of these issues so as to put your mind at ease and your unfounded accusations at rest.
  7. liebeskind Guest

    Ron, since you are new to the board with under 100 posts, you have no real idea about topics that have been posted here. So, here are a few threads just to answer your question - and you are wrong.

    These are a few of the threads that have been posted. I, for one, have posted about the bloody diamond trade, as well as other atrocities happening in Africa. Many threads have been deleted over time, however, to free up space on the board. These are still available to peruse.



    </font>[/QUOTE]Sorry Ms. America, but I'm not wrong. What I post was a question and NEVER said that there was no post on Sudan, but WAS there one! Thanks for the post but for the rest of it please keep comments on the facts of what I posted and not add to them. Thanks!


  8. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Well it looks to me like you made a statement.


    And....maybe we will be fortunate and one of the moderators will close this thread since the subject has strayed away from the original post.
  9. liebeskind Guest

    Ms. eagle below is what I said.

    I said we "would have" and not we "would have had"! Then my next question (because I'm a newbe) was has there "been" one.

    You answered it!

  10. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    I saw the post you made and it was inappropriate. It should never have been made.

    There are two issues here: One is about raw numbers. There are more whites than blacks aborted in terms of raw numbers. But that wasn't the point being made. The point made was that percentage wise, the rate of black abortions is much higher.

    I think Sudan has been talked about before, but I don't recall. I don't think the lack of a post on Sudan says anything about what people think about genocidel. I think it actually says what people are thinking about period. Sudan jsut didn't happen to be it. Sudan does not even make the news these days.

    Your accusations of racism are misfounded. I have not found any racism in here. The closest I have seen have been your comments which have come across as hateful towards whites. It was unfortunate that it came across that way.
  11. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Any real bigotry having to do with the Sudan came from the Clinton administration. They acted quickly to end Christian mistreatment of Muslims in the Balkans but did nothing to defend the Sudanese Christians from Muslims. Actually, it probably wasn't bigotry since it was likely a pragmatic, amoral decision. The political benefits of helping persecuted Muslims but not persecuted Christians made the calculation obvious. No worries. The press was in no hurry to expose Clinton hypocrisy.

    Ron, you never answered the question. Why didn't Clinton, our first black President, do anything about Sudan for his whole term? Why did Sudan only become a problem during the Bush years?

    Bush and Powell have done far more to resolve that problem than Clinton or the UN independent from US pressure.
  12. liebeskind Guest

    I saw the post you made and it was inappropriate. It should never have been made.

    There are two issues here: One is about raw numbers. There are more whites than blacks aborted in terms of raw numbers. But that wasn't the point being made. The point made was that percentage wise, the rate of black abortions is much higher.

    I think Sudan has been talked about before, but I don't recall. I don't think the lack of a post on Sudan says anything about what people think about genocidel. I think it actually says what people are thinking about period. Sudan jsut didn't happen to be it. Sudan does not even make the news these days.

    Your accusations of racism are misfounded. I have not found any racism in here. The closest I have seen have been your comments which have come across as hateful towards whites. It was unfortunate that it came across that way.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Miss the point again, I agree with about the numbers, but race was the issue not because scott care about balck genocide, but because he wanted to pacify Oldregular. AGAIN READ HIS POST AND THEN ASK YOURSELF WHY HE SAID "UNFORTUNATELY"! IT HAD TO DO WITH ANOTHER POST! That's FINAL!

  13. Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    Ron, Why do you say "That's FINAL" as if you are the final authority on someone else's intent?
  14. liebeskind Guest

    It's not based on "CONJECTURE", BUT FACT! Like I said THAT'S FINAL!

  15. Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    You know the intent of someone's heart? Based on what fact?
  16. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    Ron, I know why he edited your post because he told us why. You made an attack on someone. The point of hte thread was about percentages. OldRegular said unfortunately becuase it was unfortunate that neither major party makes a big enough issue of it.

    The issue is not race. YOu tried to make it that. C4K pointed out that abortion disproportionately affects the black community. So let's get on with life and get past this one.

    I would encourage you to dial back the rhetoric. You come across very abrasively and it is not warranted in this discussion.
  17. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I'm tired of all the race talk. Let's talk about how men of all races sit by and let women go kill their unborn babies because they don't want to take financial responsibility for their own lust.
  18. corinne New Member

    Oct 27, 2004
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  19. corinne New Member

    Oct 27, 2004
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    Barbara Bush is quoted as having said to Betty Bowers, a friend, that the girl who aborted GWB's baby looked "almost legal," Mrs. Bush further assuaged concern by pointing out: "Yes, George made his underage lover kill their baby, but you have to understand, he was out of his mind on cocaine at the time. There is a really good chance that he would never make a fifteen year old do that now." Barb said it, folks.

    Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer officially responded to the Flynt attack by saying "Governor Bush has not changed his position on abortion. He is no hypocrite. It was illegal when he had it done and he wants it to be illegal for everyone else, too. Fair is fair."

    So Bush and his cronies recognize the fact that an illegal abortion was performed on George's girlfriend. Because Roe v Wade did not yet exist at the time, this makes the abortion a crime, and George Bush a criminal.

    I fail to understand why people don't seem to be bothered by that and keep voting for him.

    On the campaign trail, George Bush and his wife both admitted that they don’t think Roe v. Wade should be overturned: “I don’t think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions,” President Bush professed. His wife reiterated her husband’s sentiments on a prime-time television interview on January 18, 2001.

    During the Presidential debates, President Bush was asked what he would say to a raped and pregnant family member. He said that he would tell her that the decision whether or not to kill the child was up to her. That is not pro-life. That’s classic pro-abortion rhetoric.

    This means that voting for Bush if you are a true pro-lifer is a deception. you are deceiving yourself if you think he is going to deal with abortion the way you want. Bush has stolen many christian votes that way, by deception.

    Do not be surprised if President Bush were to appoint pro-abortion judges to the Supreme Court. Don't come crying either. You are probably one of those who voted him back in.

    Those among you who are abortion abolitionists need to look beyond the Republican Party to find friends for the preborn.

    Regarding homosexuality, it is even worse but I reserve that for another thread.

  20. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    While I have long pointed out that one of the reasons I did not vote for Bush was his "soft" view on abortion - I still would like more evidence than a little known book by a porn king as evidence that he participated in his girlfriend having one.

    Remember, all of this was LONG before his professed salvation experience.

    If he did do so, who better to know the guilt that goes with taking part in an abortion.

    I would still like more proof than Mr Porn's words.