Alcohol, Acts 29 and the SBC

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by gb93433, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. dan e. New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    Toes that need to be stepped on. I agree Jack.
  2. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Nothing like a little "guilt by (the) association", whether or not any association actually exists, right? :rolleyes:

    And FTR, I have not and do not claim to have read the articles.

    "Round up the usual suspects!" - Captain Renault, "Casablanca"

  3. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Is anyone seeing a pattern here? The op is constantly posting negatives about anything concerning the sbc, even to the point of stretching the truth when necessary.
    As I said in a previous thread of the op's, bitter and vindictive.
  4. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    That model is a program or pastor centered model. A Christ centered model of making disciples is the one Christ instituted in His way.
  5. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Who wrote the article?
  6. dan e. New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    huh??? I don't get what you mean.
  7. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Have you seen that home? I have built homes for some very wealthy people and seldom one that big. All of the previous presidents who lived in that home found it sufficient.

    I do not happen to agree with Patterson's stance on alcohol.

    Jesus spoke about being good. He set the standard. Extravagance is not one of them when out of the other side of the mouth you tell the public that the seminary needs more money and now it needs a chapel when the enrollment is down from where it once was.

    Do you have any idea how much a starting professor makes at SWBTS? If you did you would be shocked and ashamed to tell anyone in the public.
  8. Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    I don't intend to speak for gb, but I think what he is saying is that the biblical way to grow a church is to make disciples (that is, Christians who learn to do the things that Jesus commanded and have their characters transformed in the process). Disciples are made through the practice of spiritual disciplines (doing the same things Jesus did) in servanthood, prayer, fasting, service, study, solitude, etc. The disciplines are practiced not to become "holy," but to appropriate the life of Christ in our daily lives. The result of the consistent exercise of the disciplines is the transformation of the disciple into practical holiness and the fruit of the Spirit dominating their lifestyle. The natural result of the transformed life is evangelism as the lost world recognizes the work of God in the disciples life and the disciple is empowered to minister by the Spirit.

    Seeker-sensitive churches (while not evil) are a poor substitute for the clear call to discipleship in the gospels. However, our current Western church (especially Evangelicals and Baptists) have ignored the clear call to discipleship of Jesus and have relied on revivalism and church programs to create a spiritual community. As a result, our churches have fragmented, our membership is largely unregenerate, and a version of the gospel is preached that reduces Jesus to Someone who was crucified for us, but doesn't have that much that is relevant to say to us today. For example, when was the last time you had training from your church on the spiritual disciplines, how to literally follow the commands of Jesus regarding loving your neighbor, or practical training on how to serve each other in humility and secrecy?
  9. SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    My friend, if you have a problem with Dr. Patterson, IMO, you need to take it up with him privately. I don't believe that a public forum is the place for this.

    Call him. Ask him to explain.

    BTW, no, I have not seen his home. No, I don't know what a starting professor at SWBTS makes.
  10. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    A lot of churches today think that if they have a certain pastor or program they will be "successful". That puts a lot of undue pressure on the staff. Jesus demonstrated true success by making disciples. It was about one person reaching anbother and helping them mature into strong followers of Jesus Christ who teach others (2 Timothy 2:2).

    For example if one person in a church started making disciples on the average of one every two years and those people made on the average of one every two years then at the end of 30 years they would affect 32,768 people. Most anyone who is trained can easily reach one person every two years. Reaching one person gives a lot of contact with that person. That is an impossible task for any staff member.

    The pastor and staff are there to help equip the people but not do the work for them.
  11. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    The issues I have raised are in article form for every person in the public to read. He has made public statements about those issues. I am not making news out of something that is not made public. I read them just like you could have.

    You should be more informed about where you give your money and ask a few questions about what starting professors make. I am sure you would be shocked as I was when I did. It is a disgrace what professors have to put up with and what they are expected to live on.
  12. SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    I take it that you don't intend to take it up with him privately. Oh well...

    Edited to add: Are you a Southern Baptist? I just want to know if the rocks you are throwing are coming from the outside or the inside.
  13. dan e. New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    That is quite an assumption to make about this church. Just by looking at this article you think they believe they'll be "successful" in the way you are talking about? Didn't Jesus demonstrate investing in the lives of people? Didn't he demonstrate becoming friends and reaching those that "church" people wouldn't? I think you're wrong by assuming that this church is program driven. If it were program driven they would stay hidden in their church building, putting pressure on everyone to bring friends. This is the opposite. Peparing their members to spend time in the culture, reaching those who would never come to cheesy church programs.
  14. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    that would be the biblical way wouldn't it.......
  15. SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    The pastor and staff are like player-coaches. Yes, we equip, but we're also supposed to be out there ourselves.
  16. dan e. New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    How is this interfering with making disciples? The entire idea behind this church's motivation is to meet people that are unconnected with any going to where they are. I've heard incredible examples of this specific church by friends who are a part of it. They are connecting with people who would likely not be confronted by a church. This isn't a "program". They aren't trying to pull it off as one. It actually began kind of gradually. They had some people who started going to this new pub....and they soon came up with the idea of having kind of a community discussion group once a month. Now they are intentionally going with the mission of giving Biblical points of view, offering advice from Scripture. People are hearing God's word because of this. My buddy told me that you'd be surprised how the conversations are. It is at a pub...but nobody is getting drunk or even drinking a lot during these discussions. People are listening to what the Bible says, and attending this church based on the people they meet from the pub and are becoming interested in learning more about Jesus. Isn't this what Jesus demonstrated?? This church is connecting with the community by not expecting them to come to our "holy" church buildings, but by going where they are! Now I'm repeating myself...I'll stop.
  17. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    You absolutely hit the nail on the head.

    Every time I am asked a question about what I believe I thank God for the person who led me to Christ. He taught me to be disciplined and try to apply what scripture teaches. For the first two years of my Christian life we prayed weekly, shared our faith weekly and met to study the Bible we prepared beforehand. That man taught me more than just the intellectual aspects of the Christian life. He taught me to believe God. He taught me to pray for my family members. He watched me to grow and helped to keep me out of Satan ways. Since that time I have done the same things with many others. Since that time most of my family are Christians today and involved in some kind of ministry reaching people.

    John said, "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth."
  18. SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Isn't part of discipleship (maybe step #1) leading the lost to Christ? How can you disciple lost folks??

    If you're fishin' for lost folks, sometimes you have to get out of the aquarium and get to where the lost folks are. I know that in the 50's, all you havd to do is open the church doors and the lost folks would flock in, but this ain't the 50's. If you want to reach the lost, you have to go where they are.
  19. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I see nothing wrong with the motivation. One thing I regularly think about is how the church grew under communism and when Jesus was alive. It did not grow with huge parties but one by one reaching another. Most everyone knows a few others they work with and live next door to. If every person in each church reached one person in two years the church would double in two years

    Everyday I am surrounded my Muslims, Hindus and many other non-Christians. They will never come to my church. In fact a practicing Muslim would find alcohol very offensive. Quite often I have a dialog with one of those people.
  20. dan e. New Member

    Sep 26, 2006
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    I agree it would be wrong to approach a Muslim in a setting where alcohol were present. But you have to see that this is no attempt at a glamorous program, or a huge party. It is as laid back as what you are talking about. It is some people from the church that hang out at a community discussion once a month at this pub. They are there getting to know other people in the community who do not know Christ, and they are telling them about the truths of Scripture. The results are clear....a lot of people are now coming to this church, and some have been saved, as a result of this. It is the parable of the Sower.